Chapter 31 The Brothers\' Conflict

"Conflict cannot survive without your participation."

-Wayne Dyer-


“I have been receiving news that the two of you have been giving lessons to Julia lately and I also heard both of you have been going on dates with her. So tell me, sons, how have it been with her?” Marcus asked both of his sons as they were having dinner together. Zain didn’t really want to be there, but his mother Erica was the one who invited him for their weekly family dinner at the restaurant so he went there and the first thing his father asked was about Julia.

Tristan smiled shyly as he heard the question and was the first to response.

“I think she is a wonderful woman. I personally really like her. She is smart and funny, very kind and sweet. I really like her.” He replied.

“What about you, Zain? Do you like her?” He asked.