Chapter 32 The Proposal

"Rejection and the fear of rejection is the biggest impediment we face to choosing ourselves."

-James Altucher-


It was early morning on a beautiful Saturday. James was up early in the morning like he normally would and had his coffee in the backyard when he suddenly heard the bell from the front door. He groaned, thinking who could possibly be disturbing the peace of his home so early in the morning like that.

Since no one was going to open the door that early, James decided to do it himself. Of course, like any cautious man, he made sure to check it first to make sure it wasn’t some sort of assassin sent to murder him.

James was an honest businessman but nobody knows the depth of a human's heart and who would have guessed if one of his rivals had ill intent toward him? The good news, it was no stranger. It was Tristan Lee.