Chapter 34 The Next Karma

"Every moment of your life and everything happening around you is the result of some past karma."

-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar-


That morning, Tom woke up feeling absolutely dreaded. After his sudden breakup with Julia, he was feeling mentally devastated. It wasn’t even his fault yet he had to severely paid for it. Who on earth would have the heart to frame him like that?

He turned around and saw his phone, he grabbed it to check the time. It was half past six. He had work at eight and needed to get ready for work. He also needed to find a new place because he couldn’t stay at hotels forever. Work came first, so he got himself ready even though he felt like crying and burying his head on the pillow all day, he had responsibilities.

After getting ready, he walked out and grabbed his car to head to work. But as soon as he arrived, something strange happened. The moment he stepped into the room, his colleagues and other employees stared at him with a rather strange gaze.