Chapter 35 The Heartbreak

"Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime."

-Bette Davis-


It was raining heavily that evening accompanied by sound of thunderstorm. Zain was watching movies at his home with a bowl of popcorn in his hand, something he rarely did thanks to his busy schedule when he heard the sound of bell on his door.

“Who could be visiting me this late at night?” He asked himself. He placed his popcorn on the table and rose to fetch the door. When he opened it, he saw none other than Tristan standing there, all drenched from the rain. He was shivering. His car was there and Zain knew there was an umbrella inside. So why did he come out of the car without an umbrella. What was Tristan planning.

“What are you doing here at this hour? Come in.” He invited him inside and asked Tristan to stand there first as he fetched a towel. The housekeeper wouldn’t come until the next morning and he would hate cleaning up the puddle on the floor.