Chapter 41 The Engagement Day

"And happiness is always louder than sadness."

-Deborah Harkness-


It was the day of her engagement party. Julia was beyond excited. She woke up early that day and had her breakfast, which consisted of more fruits than usual because she didn’t want to get too full as she will be eating a lot later on.

“I know this is just my engagement party but for some strange reason, I feel as if it’s my wedding.” She conveyed excitedly to James.

“It’s perfectly normal, my dear. If I recall correctly, you told me that in the past, you have never had any engagement party before, am I correct?” He asked.

“Yes, in my past engagement with Tom, he just proposed to me and that was it.”

“Well, you should get yourself used now to this custom, in the future, when you have children, they will also go through an engagement party. I wish you keep this tradition well and alive in the family.” He replied back.