Chapter 42 The Investigation

"There are no problems, only solution."

-John Lennon-


“I want you to gather everyone that was involved in the preparing of the wine.” James ordered the hotel’s manager who was beyond terrified. None of the employees that were on duty that evening, especially the ones handling the food and drink were allowed to go home. The whole guests had returned by then so they could conduct the investigation at peace. There were at least twenty-five people lining up. They were the staff unlucky enough to be on duty when the incident happened. James looked at each one of them and gave them one chance to speak up.

“If any of you know who poisoned my grand-daughter, I suggest you speak up now before you regret it all.” He spoke up. Usually, he wouldn’t prefer a method of threat, intimidating, yes, but definitely not threatening. However, this time, everything had gotten way out of hand and James was losing his patience.