Chapter 9

After my shift of serving the party was over, I begin to make my way towards the pack house alone. Once I arrive there I will need to pack a bag for Harvey and I, Alpha Colten told me he wants us to move in as soon as possible. We decided we could move tomorrow morning, that would give me enough time to pack some clothes. I still can’t believe that Alpha Colten has asked us to move in to his personal house, who would have ever imagined him asking us?

The one thing I disliked regarding this pack was now dark it was, back home we installed lights everywhere so people would feel safe walking at night time. This pack hasn’t adapted that same tactic and has virtually no lights, it was only the lights from inside the pack house telling me I was going the correct way.

On my journey I spot two other pack members hanging around, I wasn’t familiar with all the pack members here but I knew these two were also new. As I inch closer to the two men, they look up where I send them a kind smile. I begin to pass them where I felt they also moved from where they stood, which did alarm me slightly. Before I knew what was happening, a cloth is placed over my nose and mouth giving me no choice but to breathe in. Drowsiness starts to kick in before it all goes black.

I wake up to the sound of a car engine running, opening up my eyes I discover I’m laying on the back seats of a random car. Concerned and a little disorientated, I lift my head up frantically looking out at all the windows to see where I was. That is when I spot the same two new pack members stood in the head lights of the car, bickering amongst themselves.

“I’ll dial the number and you can talk to him” one of the guys say holding a phone in his hands, where the other one just throws his hands in the air but does take the phone.

“Why is it that I have to talk to him, you know how much that guy- hey Alpha Bruce, it’s us you know your trusted spies that are posing as loners in that pack” the dude says his demeanour changing almost immediately, but the minor detail of them being spies stuck out to me “oh well you see sir, we of course want nothing more than to have constant links to talk to you sir, but we didn’t want those losers back at The Blood Moon Pack to suspect us, so we had to swear ourselves to that pack which disconnected us from you” the dude rambles on stumbling over his words as he went, the first dude proceeds to rip the phone out of his hand aggressively.

“What he’s trying to say sir is we have the girl” he bluntly says from the phone, where the first dude holds his hand to his heart “we’ll set off now to you” he says which does make sheer panic start to set in, I need to formulate a plan in my mind quickly to get myself out of here.

I look down at myself only to find out my phone was nowhere to be seen. I guess these two are brighter than they seem, due to me not shifting yet I don’t have the luxury of mind linking Harvey for help. My mind begins to race with all the terrifying possibilities of the next few moments, I heard these two talking with Alpha Bruce. The last time I was in his presence he tried to take me by force, it appears to have used his dumb minions this time.

Before I could panic anymore, both men walk back into the car where we soon begin to leave. The car journey was quiet for the first few moments, I need to stay calm and come up with a plan to leave and get in contact with Harvey or even Alpha Colten.

“I was just wondering, when the next stop comes up can we stop, I really need to use the bathroom?” I ask looking between the two men, they both jump at first at my voice, did they not see me sitting up straight this entire time.

“That was a good try sweetheart, but we weren’t born yesterday. We know you’ll just try and flee when you get the chance” the driver smirks shaking his head, I roll my eyes slightly wanting to tell him I wasn’t sure due to how dumb they were.

“But you have to let me use the bathroom, I will quite literally wet myself if you don’t. I’m pretty sure the Alpha wouldn’t appreciate if I were to rock up smelling like pee” I say raising my eyebrow as the two men take a quick look to each other “I mean you’ve known this guy longer than I have, which would mean you know his temper, he wouldn’t blame me but you guys” I smile which does make the guy in the passenger seat gulp, this proving me to me what I was saying was causing them to panic.

“She’s right man, remember what he did to Justin for taking a leak on the job?” He asks the dude driving who does nod slightly.

“Alright fine, we’ll pull up here but you better not try to run” he tells me looking right at me through the mirror, I hold my hands up in surrender shaking my head.

A few minutes pass until we stop at a little petrol station, I wouldn’t dream of using the bathroom here but luckily I wasn’t intending to. They pull up right at the door of the bathroom, telling me I have 5 minutes before they’ll come in and get me. I slide over to the door opening it up, where my mind was just trying to come up with an escape plan. I keep a little smile on my face not to alarm the two, before opening up the bathroom door and getting out of their view.

I lock the door behind me where I begin to pace up and down, my mind was racing with so many possibilities for me to escape, but there was always one thing that would prevent it from happening. For instance, I could walk out the door and try to run without them seeing. But they have parked right outside the bathroom, also they have wolves which meant they’d eventually be able to catch me.

I realise I couldn’t remain in the bathroom forever, with a worried sigh a take ahold of the bathroom door and pull it open. The cold air hits my skin first before I spot the car parked, as I continue out I see the two men weren’t sitting in the car. They weren’t even out the car, they were nowhere to be seen. Could this be that easy?

I take slow steps backwards just in case they pop out from somewhere, maybe they went to get something to eat thinking I wouldn’t run off. Those idiots, a smile forms on my lips as I turn but immediately, bump into a hard chest. I slowly lift my head up to look at the man I had walked into, where Alpha Bruce was smirking down at me.

“Going somewhere” he asks with a smirk.