Chapter 2 CH 2: She Is Back

(Julia’s POV)


It has been almost a month since I last met Vincent. I called his number several times but he had rejected or ignored my calls since then. I had sent him dozens of messages with most asking him when he was coming home.

It was when I started receiving messages from an unknown number that I knew what was going on. “She is back”, the woman who had hurt Vincent to be the cold hearted man he came to be.

I could not understand why he loved her that much. “Was I not good enough for him? If only he knew who I really am” I wondered as I looked at my appearance in the mirror.

I was looking thinner since I got married. It was tiring to manage my fake job at the Hospital and keeping the house clean and tidy. Perhaps, I should have placed more efforts to look prettier and sexy like Rachel Brown.

Some more messages came into my handphone. It was not from Vincent. The messages were from her. I knew it.

One picture made me feel a pain in my chest seeing what an idiot I was thinking my husband would fall in love with me. The picture was a man seated on her bed with his bare top part of his body seen. I knew that was Vincent. He was smiling at the camera looking happy.

It was a look of a man in love. But, his love was not for me. It was for her.

More messages came in with pictures of them together. Rachel has been sending me messages asking me to leave Vincent as he was not in love with me. Rachel wanted me to leave him. At that moment, I realised she was not aware of the contract marriage that I have signed with Vincent.

I could not let her win.

A part of me still thinks she was not good for him. Rachel Brown was toxic for Vincent. She was going to destroy him with her lies.

With the thought of protecting Vincent, I made a decision to do something he hated me doing unless it was for a life and death emergency. I called his assistant, Flora.

“Flora. Hello, it’s me Julia. Vincent’s wife. I called to ask if Vincent is at the office. There is something urgent for me to tell him?” I held my breath and hoped that he was indeed in office.

“Hello, Mrs Verdi” Flora’s cheerful voice was the opposite of Vincent’s cold deep voice. I wondered how he was at office working with the likes of Flora. He must have scared her to death with his anger.

“Mister Verdi is not in office at the moment. He is at Nexus Hospital near the office, with a friend. Rachel Brown” Flora sounded as if nothing was wrong with Vincent at the hospital with his ex-girlfriend. Perhaps, she did not know who Rachel was.

“Oh yes, of course. I forgot about that” I lied. “Would you kindly tell me which room, Rachel Brown is staying?”

“Sure. Mister Verdi made sure Miss Brown stayed in the best suite the hospital has to offer. The deluxe presidential suite. Would you like me to arrange for the driver to send you there, Mrs Verdi?” Flora’s words made me clenched my fist into a ball. My husband sounded he still cared for that lying b*tch with the name Rachel.

“Please arrange for my transport there, Flora. Thank you so much” I ended the call and took a pillow on my bed. I placed it on my face and screamed as loud as I can on it.

I was not going to let her win, “Rachel Brown, I’m coming for you”

A moment later, I put on a blue dress and applied some makeup on my fair and pale looking face. My soft fake blonde curls was let loose with a gold hair clip placed on its side. After being satisfied on how I looked in the mirror, I walked out from the penthouse towards the limousine sent for me.

The car was moving at a safe speed. I stared outside the window of the moving car seeing how busy the street of Emerald City was at that time. It was a city with tall skyscrapers making humans look tiny from above. But, it was also a city I once love when things were easy before the death of my parents.

Their death with Vincent, who I believe, had the answer on what happened to them. I need to know.

I had spent months in getting the truth from him but he was being difficult to talk to. It was tiring. A part of me felt that it was useless. But, I had to try till the end of our one year marriage contract.

I remembered when he approached me for the deal offering me money. I agreed to it immediately. It was not all for money. It was for what I thought to be for love.

The love that was clearly one sided.

If only he knew marrying him was what I wished for since I was just a little girl, perhaps, he would be nicer to me. I did not marry him for his wealth and status. I married him because I wanted to. I had known a different version of Vincent. A younger and kinder version of him. Not the man I married.

When we reached Nexus Hospital, I felt a pain forming on my neck. It was something I would feel when something bad was going to happen. “No. You must be strong. You must not let Vincent fall for Rachel’s lies. She is going to hurt him, again”

The walk towards the luxurious hospital suite was not a pleasant experience. Some people who saw me knew who I was. The look I received from the nurses where not pleasing. They were whispering which I knew they knew why I was there. It looked like me walking to visit my husband’s mistress with a bouquet of flowers on my hand.

How stupid was that? Bringing a bouquet of flowers was something of Flora’s idea. I just played along like a fool. I then threw those flowers in a nearby bin.

As I reach the door to the room, I heard the sound of a woman laughing. I slipped into the room seeing a sexy brunette was talking on the phone. She was definitely not looking sick.

“Excuse me, are you Rachel Brown?” I asked innocently hoping so much that this beauty was not her.

The woman ended her call and smirked at me. Her eyes were scanning me from head to toe like I was someone beneath her. She then raised an eyebrow and smiled wickedly, “You must be Vince’s pathetic wife”

Vince? She called my husband Vince? Who the hell is she calling me pathetic?