Chapter 3 CH 3: Hospital Drama

(Laura’s POV)


“You know. I thank you for letting Vince take care of me. He was so kind to me. Spending all these weeks by my side.. on my bed. I hope you don’t mind me returning that favour to him by giving him some good sex at night. He clearly was in need of that. Perhaps, his wife was lousy in bed” Rachel laughed loudly with a hand placed on her mouth.

‘Sex? They had sex while I only kissed my husband passionately once on our very brief wedding day?’ I clenched my fist and was ready to hit that pretty face of hers.

‘How could Vincent be by her side while she was obviously faking her illness? I was sick few months ago and he did not even care to ask if I got better. All my husband did was asking a doctor to visit me at the penthouse and disappeared from my sight for weeks!’ I exhaled few breaths as my face was turning red like a tomato.

“Oh, the little puppet is angry at me” she pouted and fake a cry to mock me, “You do know that Vince will divorce you soon right? He said he loves me and you are just a reason for him to make me jealous. You are such a fool. Julia Raine, I pity you. If you wanted money in marrying him and hoped he would love you, you must be delusional”

As Rachel smiled wickedly, I took few steps towards her with a plan to smack her face. Suddenly, she threw a fruit knife towards me that made me caught it in reflex.

That was when the door to the suite room opened widely. Perfect.

At that moment, Rachel screamed for help and pointed a finger at me, “Vince, look she was going to hurt me. Look at my finger, it is bleeding. Your crazy wife hurt me with that knife. Baby, it hurts”

Vincent pushed me to the side making me slipped to the ground. My knees hurt as it touched the cold hard floor of the suite room. While still on the ground, I saw Vincent wrapped Rachel’s finger with a small towel.

I tried to explain what happened to my dear husband as I did not want her to lie to him, “I had no idea how she cut her finger. You must believe me, Vincent. She is lying to you. She can’t be trusted. She is crazy –“

“SHUT UP, JULIA! GO HOME!” he shouted at me with his angry face. A face that I had never seen before. I could not believe he would be angry at me for something I did not do.

He never shouted at me that loud. My lips trembled and I was indeed frightened on the way he had looked at me.

“Vince, she is getting up to hurt me again. I’m so scared. Please protect me, Vince” Rachel’s fake damsel in distress sweet voice was making me sick to the stomach. At that point, I did wish I had stab her with the fruit knife that fell on the floor.

“JULIA! Get lost!” his voice was getting louder and it had startled me. Warm tears were falling down on my cheeks.

“Vincent, I’m your wife. Please believe me. She lied to you” I tried to explain to him but he would not listen to me. He believed her lies.

Vincent sighed loudly and turned to walk towards me in anger. He then grabbed my arm and opened the door to the suite room. He then threw me down to the floor outside the room. “Vincent, how could you do this to me? Why are you so cruel to me, for her?”

I could not have imagine he would hurt me in such a way. It was humiliating.

My voice was trembling with tears. I was hurt and ashamed being treated like this, like some piece of garbage that he could toss side when he was done with me. “Why Vincent? Why do you hate me this much?”

“Go home, Julia. Stop making a fool of yourself! We had an agreement. I will let the lawyers prepare our divorce arrangements, Julia. I will keep the end of my side of the contract and pay you as agreed. Money was all that you wanted in this marriage, anyway. A gold digger just like all the women in my life. But, not Rachel who loves me for who I am. Julia Raine, do not cross path with me and Rachel, ever again” he took one look at me while I pleaded for him to not let me go. I needed more time.

But, he did not give me a chance to explain. And I looked really desperate.

Before he closed the door, I said to him while I whimper in pain trying to stand, “I wish I had never met you, Vincent Verdi. I hate you! You will regret what you did to me today. I will never forget this”

He paused for a moment to look at me one more time and slammed the door shut.

That was when I realised, he will never love me.


(Vincent’s POV)

As I turned to look at Rachel, I had this pain in my heart. ‘Was I being too cruel to Julia? Was Rachel lying to me?’ I thought to myself and walked towards Rachel who was in tears. I sat next to her to embrace her body on mine.

The past few weeks I was with her, it was like old times. Rachel was as what I wanted her to be. The sweet old Rachel was back in my arms.

The sex was even better than what we had in the past. I wanted more of her every day on bed with me. At one point, I almost proposed marriage to her. But, I recalled her leaving me alone at the Hospital when I got into a freak accident.

Julia was there to nurse me while Rachel left me that day when I was sick. It made me wonder if Rachel truly loved me as much as I did for her.

A sense of guilt was also forming in my heart deeply. It was for Julia.

I did not know why but few days ago, I felt that I had to go back to Julia to end the marriage contract in a civilised way. Not like how it was at the Hospital.

That was when Rachel started to fall ill. She did not want me to leave her. I obliged to her demands.

And stood by Rachel’s side all these days wondering every night, if my wife Julia was alright at home alone.