Chapter 4 CH 4: Ending Us

(Julia’s POV)

Few hours later at Vincent’ penthouse, I wiped the tears flooding in my eyes. The memory of how Vincent pushed me to the ground was playing in my mind. It had hurt me much. The pain in my heart was still there even after hours since I left the Hospital.

Seated on the bed with my packed suitcase, I felt like a fool believing that I could make him fall in love with me within one year. “What was I thinking?”

“Stop crying. What happened to that tough sister of mine? Earth to Jules” the sound of my half-brother, Henry Moore, made me smile. I knew he would come despite him having a tight schedule as a surgeon at Emerald Hospital.

“Henry, you came” I got up and wrapped my arms around his waist and cried on his shoulders like a baby.

“Oh my god, Jules. What did Vincent do to you to make you weak like this? Don’t tell me you fell in love with him. You said this was just a way for you to get the truth about how our parents died” Henry whispered in my ears with one hand stroking my back gently.

“I don’t know. I thought I was making progress with getting the truth from him” I moved back a little and looked up to see Henry smiling at me. He was going to laugh and I knew he thought it was funny that I could make an arrogant and cold hearted man like Vincent Verdi to fall in love with me.

“Don’t you dare laugh at me, Henry. You knew how he was like when we were much younger. The man I had married was not the Vincent I once knew. He had changed and I failed to realise it until today” I sat back on the bed while watching my brother chuckled. He was mocking me.

“My baby sister. You met him a long time ago. I bet he did not even remember the sacrifice you went through to save his life that night. It is a waste of time. His heart belongs to Rachel. You need to move on and I have lots of good men I could introduce you to marry in the future” Henry then helped to carry two of my large suitcases out from the room.

“I’m not interested, Doctor Henry. If you plan to match me up with one of your doctor friends, I politely decline them” I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs. I knew what I had to do next. “Henry, could you wait for me in the car? I need to do one last thing before I leave this place I called home for the last six months”

“Stop being dramatic. I’ll get you back in your good moods once we get out from here. I’ll take you for a vacation and then I’ll get you prep up for what is coming next. It is time for you to face your fears, sister. It is time for you to fight your real enemies. Not that pathetic man, Vincent Verdi or Rachel Brown. You can do better than him. You deserve better” Henry gave a light kiss on my forehead and walked out from the penthouse with my suitcases.

I sighed heavily as I walked towards Vincent’s home office. It was luxurious looking with wood furnishing. He was always so tidy and clean. His office was perfectly designed with lots of natural lights coming from the floor to ceiling window.

I sat on his executive chair and swivel it from left to right for a moment. His scent was still present in the air of his room. I loved it. I would surely miss this moment.

But, Henry was right. I had to move on and face my real enemies. I can’t hide forever.

The first in my list was my cousin Carla Knight. The one that had hired an assassin to kill me after the death of my parents. I had to get her to tell me the truth on who killed my parents.

I had a hunch that she could be involved in their horrific death too but she was not that smart to plan them all by herself. A memory of that accident was what I wish I could forget but I need to know the truth. Part of the truth was supposed to come out from Vincent.

He was there at the accident scene. “Why Vincent? Why were you there?”

But, I failed to get his side of the story. Fate had brought him back to me. Taking care of him while he was in a coma for months was not a choice I liked in the past. When he woke up, all hell broke loose. He was not an easy patient to care for.

When he came back to look for me and offered me a contract marriage, I was shocked. He was definitely not in love with me or even liked me back then. I could have guessed that planned of his was to get his ex-girlfriend back to him. “Why was he that stupid to fall for a woman who was not there by his side when he met with that freak accident? Was his love for her that strong? Vincent, you are an idiot”

I did not realised fresh tears fell on my cheeks.

My eyes were staring at the pages of agreement on his desk. It has been there since the first day I set foot in his room. It was our divorce agreement. He had prepared it since the first day we registered our marriage.

With a heavy heart, I flipped to the last page to sign my fake name, Julia Raine. My hands were shaking as I signed the divorce paper without even reading its content.

I placed his pen next to the agreement and sat back on the chair. There was one more thing to do.

I needed to return back everything he had given to me since when we were married. “He called me a gold digger” I laughed to that memory and placed every single object he had given to me during our marriage. “If only he knew who I really am”

Before I left the room, I smiled looking at the surprise I had placed on his table. Deep inside my heart, I hope he liked it. “Goodbye, Vincent Verdi”