Chapter 6 CH 6: I\'m Ready

(Julia’s POV)


Seated on the white sand beach while sipping my alcoholic juice, was blissful. It had been too long since I have this sort of vacation. Luxurious. Private. No disturbance. In the middle of nowhere.

It was just me and my favourite brother, Henry. Of course, he had several hot looking women serving his needs. My brother, could not keep his dick in his pants. I guess he may be right. Love is dead.

The sparsely populated island was a vacation I did not expect Henry wold bring me to. Under the shaded palm-fringed shorelines surrounded by crystal blue waters, made me feel that there was so much in life that I had not finish exploring. If only I had that much time and freedom, I would leave everything behind me and travel around the world with no expectation set in mind.

But, the reality was not that simple.

It was time for Laura Julianne Knight to come back to the world and take back what belonged to her. “Good bye, Julia Raine” I have been hiding for far too long and it was time to clean the mess my uncles had made to the companies that were supposed to be mine.

I am going to fight back.

“Did he call again?” the voice of my handsome looking brother, Henry who was wearing only his beach shorts was a delightful sight. Woman would fall for him easily but my brother was not an easy man to please.

“Who?” I knew who he meant. I just do not want to think about him anymore. He had left me being humiliated in public and I was sure there would be news about my famous husband choosing his mistress over me. Jerk!

“Oh, baby sister. I love this side of you. We are making progress. The old Jules I once knew is back” he clink our glasses and winked at me before he took a seat next to me under the shaded large umbrella.

I smiled and rested my head on his broad shoulders, “He called many times. Several messages sent. Annoying prick. So, I threw my phone into the sea”

My words got Henry laughing, “That’s my girl” he caressed my head gently and gave me a light kiss on my head. “I will not let anyone hurt you like what he did to you, ever again. I promised your father that I would take care of you since the first day I met you. I plan to keep that promise, Jules. Your father may not be my biological father but he was the best father I ever had. He saved me and our mother from my abusive biological father. I thank him for that”

“I miss him, Henry. I could never replace him at Knight Group. I have so much to learn” I sighed and sat back on my chair while sipping the rest of my juice.

“You are not alone, dummy. You have us” the voice of my best friend, Marie Lee was heard. I jumped off my chair and gave her a tight hug. “Alright, enough. We have work to do, Laura”

Laura, it was a name that most people would call me. But, Marie would only call me that when she was dead serious about doing something. I nodded my head and guided her to sit next to me on the chair.

All the time, I saw how my brother was looking at my best friend who was probably the only woman who rejected his request to sleep with her. Henry, had a lot to prove to Marie.

“That jerk husband of yours, is now officially your ex-husband. That scum had filed for divorce with a trust fund set for you with my partner. Don’t worry. He has no f*cking clue I’m with you right now. No one does. The world still thinks my best friend Laura is missing or dead. And no one knows that I’m friends with the fake Julia Raine. So, are you ready to shock the shit out from your uncles and that b*tch Carla, cousin of yours?” she took Henry’s drink from his hand and emptied the content of the glass in her mouth, while her eyes were on him.

Marie was definitely tormenting Henry’s soul with her flirtatious ways on him. She knew the way around my brother and could make him do anything for her. And Henry, loved the challenge to make her his. He never stopped chasing after Marie.

I smiled and thought they would make a cute couple. “I’m ready. What’s new about my scheming uncles and Carla?”

“Apart from them spending the money the company has like it was all theirs, I don’t think they are a threat to you, sister. Not yet, maybe” Henry said and winked at Marie making her rolled her eyes.

“Their plan to get the licence for the casino might be something of a concern. Especially when it involved Theodore Monroe. The man who was going to marry Carla. Rumours has it that he is a fraud” Marie was then seen smiling, “Maybe, it would work in your favour”

“What do you mean?” I had no clue what Marie was talking about. Marie was always the smart one among us. I admire her intelligence.

“There are in debt and perhaps, it is time for you to step in” Marie’s words made some sense and I smiled to her.

“By the way, have you contacted Liam yet?” I asked while sipping my drink.

“Your younger brother Liam is a ghost. You would see him in one second and the moment you blinked, he was gone. He sent his regards by the way. And yes, he is with us with the plan. All is good. Just need you to play your part, darling” Marie let her hair down making her look sexy with the wind blowing through her hair.

I could see Henry watching her again and swallowed his saliva few times. I chuckled to myself and waved my hand in front of his face, “Are you alright, brother? Earth to Henry”

He shook his head with a smile and sat facing me, “Before you step out there with the plan, you need to toughen up, sister. I almost lost you when Carla sent those assassins to hunt you down. I can’t risk that. You need to know how to survive alone if the worst case scenario comes to play. You got me?”

“You are sounding more like Dad, Henry. Always with a plan. Always protecting me” I held his hand and my other hand was holding Marie’s hand, “I’m ready. We will win this war, together. So, tell me. What’s next?”