Chapter 7 CH 7: Thinking Of You

(Vincent’s POV)


“Aahh.. Vince. Baby, slow down” I heard Rachel’s voice moaning with pleasure while calling my name several time, as I thrust deep inside her core with increased speed. My body wanted to be with her but my mind was thinking about where the f*ck did Julia go.

It has been three weeks since I last heard about her. She was ignoring my calls and messages. Then, it was dead silence. I could not even call her. Her phone went dead, I supposed. She was gone with me having a dozen of unanswered questions about her.

I need to know the truth. I wanted to know who I was married to.

“Vince.. please” Rachel was begging for me to slow down as I was slamming hard on her beautiful bottom. I had squeezed her butt cheeks not realising it had hurt her. I was losing my mind with my thoughts flowing back to Julia.

“I’m sorry, I can’t do this” I pulled out from her and fell back on the bed with my eyes staring at the ceiling. The problem with Julia had definitely affected my sex life with Rachel. At times, I could not even get it up.

“What’s the matter, Vince?” she snuggled her body next to me and placed kissed on my arm. “I love you. You know that right, Vince? You can share your problems with me”

I gave her a half smile and stroke her cheeks. I finally got Rachel back in my arms but I do not understand why it was not enough. Love? I was doubting my feelings for her recently.

The call I had with my stepmother a few days ago, made me wonder if what I did to Julia for Rachel was the right thing to do. Hearing the news about my divorce with Julia, had upset both my stepmother and my father. My stepmother loved Julia.

Unfortunately, the news I broke to her to marry Rachel made her hung up on my call after she said I was making the biggest mistake in my life. She hated Rachel and believed that Rachel was faking her love for me and wanted my money.

Those words made me wonder if what my stepmother said to me was true.

I moved to kiss Rachel but I was surprised that the memory of me kissing Julia at our wedding day, was playing in my head. What’s going on with me?

Hours later, I got up, took a shower and dressed for work.

I needed to get away from Rachel. She was becoming too clingy lately.

My mind was in a mess. I was staring at my laptop without doing any work.

The memory of having Julia as my wife was playing in my head. I knew at that point of time that I needed to find her. I needed to know the truth about her.

I then called my private investigator to come to my office for any updates.

But, it was all a failure.

“Why is it so f*cking hard to find my ex-wife? She is just a poor nurse with no known family or have many friends. Maybe no friends. How far can she go without money and connection?” I shouted at my private investigator who was standing infront of me looking like a fool.

“You are fired!” I threw a stack of cash to pay for the remaining of his service to his face and push him out from my office. When he stumbled, I continued to kick him out. It had made my petite and fragile looking assistant Flora frightened.

“Flora! Get me another private investigator. If you fail to find me a good one, you are fired too” I slammed the door to my office shut and punched a wall with my fist.

It has been few months since I last saw my ex-wife, Julia. “Is that even her real name? How can I not find that naïve and stupid ex-wife of mine? Is she dead? I’m Vincent Verdi. I will find you, Julia!”

I can’t belief that fragile looking ex-wife of mine faked her identity. The previous private investigator that I hired revealed that the identity of Julia Raine was supposed to be a fifty year rich and old single woman living in Australia with a dozen of cats. She was the owner of a large company called Rise Corporation.

It seemed my ex-wife had stolen an identity for whatever reason I did not understand.

“You lied to me, Julia? I’m going to make you pay for lying to me for all those months we were together” I smiled while drinking my Whisky and imagining the things I would do to her fragile looking body.

“Damn those beautiful eyes of yours! Why can’t I stop thinking of you? I had many more beautiful women than you in my life. What kind of spell did you put on me, Julia?” I kept talking to myself like a lunatic.

The imagination of me pushing her to the wall to f*ck her hard had made me hard in my pants for reasons I did not understand. It was as if the vision of my ex-wife’s pretty face was turning me on sexually. I had even imagine having sex with Julia while f*cking Rachel.

I slammed the glass on the table and closed my eyes to get rid of Julia’s face in my mind. “This can’t go on. I need to get you out from my head Julia. I will find you and you will tell me everything!”