Chapter 8 CH 8: The Return of Laura

(Author’s POV)


The Knight Mansion was built on a large land surrounded by high walls, built to last for centuries. It was said to have been built to protect those who came to dwell in it during the war that had occurred in Bloom City about two hundred years ago. Nestled on the hill overlooking Bloom City, it signalled status and wealth.

It had gone through many renovation and refurbishment to keep it looking splendour and magnificent. A touch of modern art sculptures were seen decorating the lawn, which was known to be the choice of Laura Julianne Knight. The only daughter of the late Lucas Knight, former president of Knight Corporation.

No one had expected the throne of Knight Corporation to be handed over to Lionel Knight immediately after the death of his brother. No one had expected he would take control of the mansion just days after Lucas, his brother’s death.

But, a day has come when Lionel’s family who was staying at the large mansion had to bid farewell to their ancestral home. It was not a choice. It was their last resort to save themselves from their financial distress situation.

“If you had not be so blinded with that deceiving Theo, the prick’s words, we would not be in this situation, Carla” Lionel glared at his only daughter Carla with anger as he commanded his assistants to pack his belongings in a box. He was ashamed at their situation where all hope was lost to pay the huge debt they had owed the banks for their unprofitable investments.

Selling the mansion was his last hope to settle them.

“You blame me? Why don’t you blame Henry? He could have help us if you agreed to sell this house to him. But, you sold it to a man you met once at a casino” Carla hissed at her father and pointed her middle finger, “Who went to spend our money on parties, women and gambling? Who went to venture into deals that had required huge investments with low profits? You sick old man, you should blame yourself!”

“CARLA!” Lionel shouted so loud that had caused his assistant to drop a box of his belongings, “You watch your mouth, you ungrateful daughter! It will be wise not to mess with Henry. He is getting closer with the new investor. I will get back this house from Calvin Dubois. It is just a temporary situation while we wait for our casino to open”

“I’m not afraid of Henry, father. He will go down. I’ll make sure of that. He is not even a Knight. Uncle Lucas was wrong to give those shares of his to his stepson. I will take those shares from Henry”, Carla scoffed and shook her head, “You think that new investor, an old woman who is sitting behind Rise Corporation, could break me? I have not even started planning to bring her down. I will start by torturing her slowly, ruining her reputation! I’ll take the company back from her”

“We may not be in control but we still hold some shares in the company. I have plans and it will work. I’ll be nice to her. Get her to trust us. Then, behind her back, we need to team up with other shareholders to vote the new investor out as the future president”, Lionel smile to himself and rubbed his chin with one hand, “The other shareholders will be on our side. I’ll make sure of that”

Hearing her father’s words, Carla laughed hysterically, “Be nice to her? What do you plan to do? F*ck her? You are allergic to cats, father. She has dozens of them. And she is from Australia. Do you plan to move there with her to work on your plans? That is really far from Bloom City. You won’t survive there alone without me taking care of you and cleaning up your mess”

Before Lionel could respond to her daughter’s mocking remarks, the door to his room burst open where Lionel’s younger brother, Leroy Knight was in sight. “Brother!”

Leroy was out of breath showing signs he ran all the way up the stairs to meet Lionel. He took few deep breaths and looked from Carla to Lionel before he shared the shocking news that almost gave him a heart attack, “She is alive!”


(Laura’s POV)


I sat at the back of a moving heavily tinted limousine. My hands were a little sweaty and my fingers were shaking. After so long in hiding, today was going to be the day that I return to be the lost daughter of Lucas Knight and heiress of Knight Corporation.

“Are you nervous, baby sister?” Henry whispered and held my hand to comfort me. “Remember what you were trained for. Be what you are meant to be. No more hiding”

I nodded and gave him a weak smile. A smile that then turned into a small laugh.

“Julia Raine called. As expected, my ex-husband, Vincent went to see her” remembering our conversation, I laughed louder to that memory, “She played her part well. Answering all his questions with ease. The plan is working. Vincent will soon go mad. She told him I was dead and donated all my divorce money to her charitable foundation. Can you imagine what he’ll do when he finds out that I tricked him? That look on his face would be priceless”

I gave out another laugh with a short snort, with Henry too gave a wide smile. I wished I was there to see Vincent’s confused face being tricked by old Julia Raine. He would never have guessed that Julia Raine was my late mother’s distant cousin. Someone who preferred to be out from the spotlight. No one in my Knight family knew who she was, except for Henry.

I could not believe the real Julia Raine had convinced Vincent that I borrowed her identity to run away from the abuse I went through by my own family member. Well, it was not all a lie. Vincent was just too blind for not noticing who I really was. He was so engrossed in getting Rachel back in his life.

His loss. We could have been a great power couple if he had given himself a chance to love me. I sighed for a moment thinking about our time together being married.

It was not all bad. There were some memories I like to keep in my head. Like, seeing him topless in real life. Alright, Laura. Stop fantasising of a man who had no interest in you. Move on.

I was sceptical at first but when I heard Henry’s plans with Julia’s help, I was on-board for a little game we have set up to bring down my uncles. “Oh, Henry. I can’t wait to see the look of Lionel and Leroy’s face when they see me.. alive. It will definitely make Carla pee in her pants. That b*tch will pay for what she did to me”

I owed so much to Julia for letting me borrow her identity while I was in hiding. Now, I am back. I am ready to fight my enemies. They will suffer as how much they made my family suffer. I knew they were behind my parent’s accident. I just need some evidence to bring them down for murder.

“Are you sure he will stop looking for you?” Henry asked and looked at me from the side. It was also something I did not expect to happen that fast. I did not expect Vincent put on all his efforts to find me. I thought he did not want me in his life. Maybe, it was guilt. Or did he missed me? Did he.. want me?

For a moment, I fantasize seeing him again where he embraced me with love.

“Jules?” and my brother had to ruin my moment. I cleared my throat and smiled at my handsome looking half-brother.

“I’ll make sure he will be occupied with his business soon. A plan is set in motion. He will be busy trying to save his company” saying those words made me feel powerful. “I’m going to make him kneel to my demands”

Being at the same level with Vincent Verdi was something I never thought I could do. But soon, he will know who I truly am. I’m Laura Julianne Knight. The future President of Knight Corporation.

“Vincent Verdi will weep like a baby. I’ll make sure of that” I said to Henry with confidence, followed by my laugh that sounded a little evil.

“Oh, that’s my sister. I love this part of you. If we were going to win this war, I need you to be this confident. You got that?” Henry kissed my hand after I nodded in agreement.

The car then came to a stop.

So much for my fearless attitude I had a moment ago. Seeing reporters and camera flashlight coming toward me from the outside, I started to feel a little nervous.

“Don’t worry. Things are going to be fine. Trust me. Just follow the plan” Henry assured me making me feel at ease again.

“I’m ready. Open the door. Let’s settle this shit” I said before he opened the door and helped me out from the car.

There I was standing at the lobby of Knight Corporation. A tall modern looking building that showed wealth and power.

Wearing my corporate white tailor-made suit, I stood tall facing the reporters asking many questions which I ignored as I walked towards the lobby. Just keep walking Laura.

“Miss Knight, where have you been?”

“Miss Knight, will you be heading the company as the new President?”

“Miss Knight, is it true you were hiding to recover from the trauma caused by your parent’s accident?”

“Miss Knight, what are your plans for the company?”

So many questions by so many reporters. I was not planning to answer them all.

But, there was something I wanted to say all these years after returning from my months of hiding.

I turned around to face the reporters and slide down my sunglasses for them to see my electric blue eyes. With a serious face, I said my words in confidence with a firm tone in my voice, “I am back. And I will take back what is mine”

Oh, that felt f*cking good to say.