Chapter 36 CH: Trapped by Her

(Laura’s POV)


I could not stop thinking about the deal I had made with Vincent in return to get hold of my favourite and precious Roselle painting. Was it worth it? I don’t know but I surely could not wait to see that painting hung up on the wall of my office.

That thought made me smile. A smile with excitement.

The flight back home from Amberose City was a long one. I tried to sleep but I could not do so. My mind was thinking about many things, including Carla still locked in my basement, watching over my uncles who I knew were trying to kill me, finding the mole in my company and of course, working with both Vincent and Calvin.

The latter was the worst to think about.

Vincent was showing his sweet side of things that made me wished he meant it. I was not sure. It could be all a lie. He hurt me once and I’m sure he could do it again.