Chapter 37 CH 37: Apologise to Her

(Laura’s POV)


I had arrived home but sat in the car before exiting it. A call came in from Calvin. Despite I had rejected two of his calls, he kept calling me.

I did not have to guess why he had called me. It must be the same reason on why my brother Henry, had called me earlier.

He was not going to stop calling so I decided to answer it and get it over with.

“Laura, where are you? Why are you not answering my calls?” he asked like a worried boyfriend but we were not together at all. Just business partners.

“I’m busy. What is it that you wanted to say or ask? Please make it quick” I wanted the day to end. My body was tired and my mind needed to calm down with perhaps a bottle of champagne.

“Is it true you accepted Vincent to be our consultant for the resort project? Why sudden change of heart?” He sounded worried and I could hear him taking few deep breaths. Perhaps, he was angry too.

I don’t know. Both Vincent and Calvin confused me at times with their expressions.