Chapter 47 CH 47: It was Just a Game

(Vincent’s POV)


I saw her. She was wearing a cream coloured dress showing the perfect curves of her body which I never knew she had. All the while we were married, my eyes saw her as a plain looking skinny girl. Weak and naïve. She had a pretty face. Average among the girls I had dated in the past.

But now, that plain looking woman I had divorced had turned into a beautiful woman. Perfect in every angle. And I only have one thing in mind at that moment of time.

I wanted her back.

As I walked towards her, my eyes never left her sight.

She saw me with her eyes were trying to avoid mine. I knew she was nervous. I could sense it even from far.

As I reached standing infront of her, I bowed slightly like a gentleman. “Good evening, Miss President Knight. And where is that imbecile friend of mine who was supposed to accompany you?” I stood infront of her with my eyes staring deep into her blue dazzling looking eyes.