Chapter 48 CH 48: I Was That Girl

(Laura’s POV)


I had to get out from the hall to take some fresh air. It was suffocating in there with Vincent’s presence. “A bet? Was it true?” I asked myself and felt my chest tightened out of air.

I looked around and saw some couples were kissing at the balcony under the moonlight. I wondered who they are. Must be Clara’s friends who I never met before.

My head felt a little dizzy and felt my body swaying as I took the steps down to the garden. My Uncle Leroy’s house was big. The lush garden was beautifully kept by his young wife who I thought had a brain of a pea size. She had no clue what kind of a man she married.

All she wanted was money and Uncle Leroy only wanted her body.

I had hoped my cousin, Sara was in presence that night. But, I knew Uncle Leroy’s wife did not like Sara who was born from Uncle Leroy’s affair with a woman he did not want to marry.