Chapter 106 Dark Night

(Laura’s POV)


Dark. Cold. Lost.

I did not know where I was going. Everything looked pretty the same in the dark woods of Rivera. I might have even gone in circles without realising it.

Perhaps, I should have stayed back at the cabin being protected by Calvin. But, I wondered if he had to choose between me and his sister, Cherry, would Calvin choose me? He seemed to care so much about his sister.

I did not want to take that chance. Cherry was a lunatic.

I walked slowly as my feet were getting sore. I was only able to grab a pair of boots which were too big for me. But, beggars can’t be choosers. The boots were a better option than me walking barefooted with only my worn out dress and Calvin’s jacket that was warming me up.

I kept walking as I knew if I had stopped, they would take me back and kept me hidden for long. I needed to get free. I needed to find help.