Chapter 107 CH 107: Not Losing Her

(Vincent’s POV)


I got up from a short nap that I took without even realising it. Pieces of papers were scattered on the chair I was seated on. A large map of Rivera was spread on the table where I had marked on the potential places that Laura could be at.

Something was not right. I felt a pain inside my chest. Was it Laura? Was she in trouble?

I got up from my chair and walked to the drinking cabinet in my room to get a drink. A strong one I hoped to find.

I hoped I could find Laura soon. Calvin and Cherry had already arrived in Rivera and I knew it would not be long until they move Laura again. I needed to be fast.

My men were following Cherry and two hours ago I was informed that they had lost track of Cherry who went into the dark woods of Rivera. One thing for sure, both Cherry and Calvin were still in town. I would make sure they will never leave Rivera until I found my Laura.