Chapter 189: Newlyweds (Sinhonbubu)

I had to be one of the luckiest men in the world to have gone through what I have and end up with a gentle and virtuous wife, despite the conditions she was living in when I met her. And I couldn't be more grateful to my sister for taking her in and looking out for her and now allowing any man to touch the both of them. Kim Hyena was full of wisdom, but she didn't use it like Hui-Jae or my sister did. She was softly spoken, she disliked attention as I did, she was content with a quiet and peaceful life and she knew how to take care of herself and me for that matter. Yeonnie told me that she knew the minute that she saw her, that she would be the perfect bride to carry on the Seo bloodline, my father's line for future generations. As my sister grew up with myself and my friend, she was a little tomboyish and had a mischievous and curious nature under her calm and cool demeanour, whereas Hyeon was on the more feminine side with her interest in plants and flowers that she liked to nurture. Which is exactly what she got when we arrived in a more-than-modest home with a full garden full of exotic plans and flowers that lit up my wife's face more than I had ever seen in recent days. Even I was rather shocked with how well I was being treated by the Prince since my wife had tactfully exposed his wife's sins to him when I had to ask for his permission to marry her in the first place. I could tell that he was disappointed in my choice and the Prince was on the verge of rejecting my request until she kowtowed in front of him and said what she had been coached to say by my baby sister.

"Husband! Look! Did you have any idea about this?" "I…urm…i cannot really say. He just gave us the home of an ex-general in a new village…away from our current one." "The Prince wants your sister for himself so he can have a tighter leash on you. Having the Seo siblings by his side with full ammunition to go against his father and contest for Crown Prince, even though we both know the Emperor will chase his youngest just so he can extended his reign. But he is unsure that he will have your permission, so he will separate you both until he was won her over." "Oh really? So tell me why his plan so similar to yours?" "Because it is and I am not going to deny that. The only difference is that he wants to lockup your sister in the palace with his fiercely jealous and dangerous wife who has reportedly killed more than one of his lovers. But my feelings for your sister are genuine and you know it, I will even relinquish my right to take in concubines for her, because her intelligence is all I need to advance my career in the palace. But I know how much she hates the place, so I will never take her there. I will keep her as far away from that toxic place as possible and raise a family to look after and stay out of harm's way. And you know, no matter how much our friendship has deteriorated lately due to the past, that you cannot trust your sister with anyone besides myself. I am capable of looking after her even in my absence, whilst the Prince will use her as a shield against his father and let her take on all of his schemes and plans herself. So make the right choice and hand her over to me as soon as possible, before others exploit her due to who her father and brother are…"

"Husband! Come one, let us take a look around!" Hyeon practically squealed in front of me in the same way that my sister would whenever I surprised her with a new book on her birthday and grabbed me by the hand and dragged me around the place. But the more luxuries I was met with, the more suspicion began to brew inside of me. Even Hyeon was starting to feel the same way that I did. "Husband, let us go to a local inn for lunch and explore the village. Come, let us take a walk and…." "Wife, I do not trust any of these servants that have been given to us. My sister is right, they are too easily bought over and I do not want them in our home. Find a way to get rid of them and…" "Husband, look at me and calm down. I have the exact same thoughts as you do and I have my solutions for it. Let us walk around and talk for a while before we return here and implement our plans, come." "It is genuine? Your feelings for my sister? What is genuine about it?" "When a woman can read your thoughts, even when you are completely silent and have nothing to say or do. That is what makes our relationship genuine."

She pulled me away again before I even had the time to say anything at all and proudly took her hand in mine as we explored the area without the team of servants we were given, who were already sweating in panic as soon as we distanced ourselves from them.

"Talk to me husband, what worries you so?" "Seon-Ho…you haven't met him yet, but he is pretty paranoid about the Third Prince and…" "Well, can you blame him? He is a fierce member of the Royal Family that at wants to wipe out half-breeds such as himself and nobody asks to be born, never mind choose what birthright they end up with. If you were in his shoes, wouldn't you feel the same way?" "Yes, I understand that but…" "Husband, forgive me for interrupting you, but do not seem to. Your sister has already informed me of this young man's situation, and as…reckless and impulsive as he seems to be, he really isn't at all." "What do you mean, wife?"

She took me to the meadows as soon as she saw it and made us sit down by a small river that was there, which almost instantly took me memories back to my childhood with my almost brother-in-law as we always escaped t whatever patch of greenery that we could find and started sparring there for money. We were such different people back then and filled with such innocence…well, I was at least. I sat myself in the tall grass, entranced with every single detail of memories I had with the man before I let my head fall into my wife's lap and I asked her to explain herself once again as she began to stroke my hair in the sunlight.

"Your sister told me about his father and how he was treated by everyone else after the unfortunate incident with his brother. He has been a living and breathing target of insults for years and it is no wonder he has developed a little paranoia overnight. And your right, he does have the same intentions as the Prince does when it comes to yourself and your sister, but his reasons are genuine whereas the Prince only wants to use you both simply to make a point to his father at the cost of your own lives. Even when you were both enemies, you still protected each other and even if you do not want to admit it, he has truly fallen for Yeon, just as she has with him. She is lifeless and angry in his absence, even you saw that. Marrying Yeon will save his life against the Prince who wants to kill him and he knows he can't kill the son-in-law of Seo Geom. and they have genuine feelings for each other…" "I cannot read his mind when it comes to her, he will never admit his feelings for her and…" "Of course he won't." She replied with a small smile on her face.

"What do you mean, wife? What do you know that I do not?" "Your friend certainly has a knack of making things as hard as possible for himself, despite living a lavish noble lifestyle. He gives himself the basics, but would rather lavish your sister with that lifestyle to the fullest right? He always has her basic needs met and more for a lowborn herself; servants, a new wardrobe, tutors and chef's and so on, right?" "Well…I suppose so…." "He is still living with the guilt that he has for what he put you both through, even after all of these years, and that is not an easy thing to face. In the circumstance that he and your sister face, he is not able to court her in a normal and acceptable manner, which he owes to you and to her. But he still loves and needs her, so of course it makes sense that he centred his plans around her. He cannot court her, but he cannot let go of either of you. And yes, another reason for his interest in Yeon lies is retaining your friendship. Isn't that better than everyone else using your sister in marriage against you? And the Prince, who can just easily solve that solution by taking your own life." "So…if I give Yeon to anyone else, we are all in danger. But if I give Yeon to my best friend, he is the one who saves us all?" "He will never admit his love for her, but his actions say it all anyway. He will not allow her to be with anyone else, despite your wishes, so what more is there to say about this?" "Well well it looks like my sister has taught you well." "She has set me up for a lifetime of riches…by simply becoming your wife." She replied to me sweetly before bending down and kissing me just as softly as she did the first time when I pushed her into the carriage. She was a sweet girl who tasted even sweeter as she was in nature and I…I was a married man now that could enjoy this privilege to the fullest extent in the privacy of my new home with my new wife.

"Where is she?" "She is safe, don't you worry about that, you know that she can take care of herself pretty well. She had sent us off with her blessings and a list of instructions for us to perform, including holding a banquet for your fiends and new business contacts." "Business contacts? What are you talking about? I do the Prince's work , I keep my head down and I go home." "You will start documenting everything that happens with yourself and the Prince, you will build up independent contacts and invest in businesses to support us, rather than relying on a single source. You will create work around the people that you help so you can keep your distance from the Prince and from this second income, you shall support your father's village and we will both plan it's redevelopment. And I need to meet the wife of the physician, Moon-Bok, right?" "My goodness, are you always going to nag me this way, wife?" "It is not my right and your wife, husband? These are the only instructions she will send us until we are all reunited and then we can live our lives to the fullest."

"Oh really? And wha does that entail, I wonder?" "Well, I may have promised your sister to make her an aunt as soon as possible, she did say it was long overdue…" "That god-damned brat." We were both blushing at this point, still unused to the new freedom that we were rewarded. "What are you thinking about, wife?" "My parents never really cared for my marriage prospects before, simply due to my sex. And now that I am free of them, I cannot believe that I actually have a husband now." "We have taken care of our responsibilities to the best of our abilities, and now it is time for us to live our lives to the fullest." "I will always have a close relationship with my baby sister who will be a frequent guest in our home, I hope that you can accept that." She replied with a smile that I knew all too well before our newlywed stage hit us, and we had each other right there and then, giving ourselves to each other in ways that we could never imagined after looking after everyone else in our lives. I had a wife now, a woman to tended to my needs before everyone else, a woman who genuinely loved me and cared for me and a women that I wasn't going to share with anybody else in the world…no wonder Seon-Ho was this possessive of my sister. I was finally getting a taste of what he was going through and… if anyone took Hyeon away from me…I couldn't survive either.