Chapter 190: State of Oblivion 2 (Mang-Gag-Ui-Sangtae)

"Let me see all of you Seon-Ho, if you refuse to leave me alone and persist in this…relationship between us." She asked me earnestly as she touched my face in bed, her fingers sliding down my jaw line to the pulse of my neck. "What haven't I shown you already, woman?" "The deep dark parts of you that you hide from me to protect me. If you really want to marry me, then you have to show me all of you, especially if you will be the father of my children." "Do I take this request as you thinking about my offer, already?" "You will not let me go otherwise, right? Isn't the decision already made?" "I…do not want to scare you away." I tried to go back to sleep but she turned me around and climbed on top of me instead, leaving herself in her most vulnerable position that always turned me on without fail. "Let me be the judge of that, come on, what are you hiding from me?" She begged and begged over and over again until my lips and face become sore with the kisses she laid upon me to sweeten me up, which was working.

"I am not a good person, I can admit to that. I do not deserve to bask in your light, so drop this topic already." "You don't see what I see." "My hands are to dirty and not clean enough to…." "To what? Touch me? I think we are already past that point, aren't we?" She laid on top of my back for a while and rested her cheek against mine, waiting for me to open up. "I have killed to become the man that I am today, and you know that." I told her with what little vulnerability I had left, but she didn't even flinch at all. "You're father made you do all of those things to protect yourself, those sins shall fall onto him." "I would still do it, if it meant keeping you with me." "I shall never give you a reason to harm anyone. We will nurture those around us to the best of our abilities so nobody comes running to you and leeches off of your wealth."

"Did you murder women or children?" "Fuck no, but that doesn't absolve me of my sins. I took the power that I needed and I…" "You shall rerun it to the people that you wish to help, as per your mother's wish. When you achieve your wishes, you will be able to help the people that you hurt and compensate them for their losses, that is all you can do now. And I already know that you will do this, so what else do you have to hide from me?" Her lips find my jaw again and trails it over my throat, and then the hallows of my neck. "What a scary monster you are indeed." She teases me, completely unaware of what she was doing to me and my fists that keep fighting the urge to just take her right there and then, like her brother wasn't in the room next to us. She was making my body spasm and I just wanted her right there and then, that's how fucking good she made me feel. I inhaled deeply before letting my body unwind and giving her ridiculously soft hands the freedom to wonder around and giving her my soul at the same time.

"What a tease you are, Young Master." "Young Master my foot, come here already and give yourself to me." "Do you want me, Young Master?" "Yes I do." I growled at her, unable to control my growing arousal anymore. "Well then." She whispered slowly before pulling my bedsheet back with her hair wild and loose and trailing down my navel area and…

"Young Master? Young Master! Please, the door and let me serve you once again! I need to serve you breakfast and…" "Damn you servant! For woking me up from a sweet dream! Get lost!" Damned it! Just as I was about to…as I haven't in months and it was beginning to kill me. I could not focus or function without getting my 'fix of affection' that I craved every day and night of my stay here. I had just woken up now and I forced myself to get dressed and get some work done, when I was greeted by anther servant that I instantly recognised from the Prince's yangban. "Young Master Nam? I hope that I am not disturbing you?" "Of course not, please come in. Does the Prince have some words for me?" "This happens to be a private visit, if you do not mind."

I recognised him as soon as I saw him, but I did not want to give this game away. The so-called maid that I had taken in was in control of my fate her, so I had to see where this was going before I left to take down Sung-Rok's murderer. "Is there anything I can help you with?" "I hear that you have come back from the war, and I was just wondering if you knew of a particular soldier that I am looking for that was in your battalion…" this man was the brother of my 'friend' in the army, but how much of a coincidence was that? His brother happened to be a close servant of a Prince that I helped during the banquet that he held? Was he scouting me to work for him just like Seo Hwi and the Third Prince? But the Third Prince was the enemy of all of his brothers collectively so…would that mean that I would have to go up Seo Hwi instead of the Third Prince directly as I had always planned? No, no, I was never going to let anyone put us up against each other again, unless…if there was one single thing I was going to be grateful to my father about in his rigorous training, it was my quick thinking-abilities and nothing else.

"Yes, I am familiar with him, but I am not sure that you want to hear what I have to say to you…" "please, just put an end to my misery already, I will even owe you a favour or 2." Owe me a favour of 2, this man really had no idea what sort of a situation that he put himself into, he had to be new to his job or something, he was really making this too easy for me right now. "Why don' the have breakfast first? Although my place doesn't seem fully equipped to serve a man of your stature…" "The Prince is out on business for a few days and his own residence is free to use. We can at least have a meal there." "Are you sure? I do not wish to get into trouble…" "I am His Majesty's servant, who can deny me anything?" "Very well then, let us have breakfast in his yangban." Luck must have been on my side, or something else that Yeon left with me in her absence. I didn't know where she or her brother was, and I wouldn't even know where to begin to look since my entire world had changed and was still mourning Sung-Rok. We were on our way when I couldn't help but to notice a heavily guarded quarters in the distance that gave me a bad feeling as soon as I saw it. There were as many servants and guards around the place that I planned to give my wife if she…became the hostess of my home. The servants were not from here as they were dressed differently than anyone else and the situation almost reminded me of the time that I made her read the household book and take control of my father's household. I couldn't see too much, but my nostrils were almost immediately filled with the scent of sweet and sour food, which was her favourite.

"May I ask who is that person who is located in those quarters?" "A very special guest of the Prince and the Royal Family in general. I believe that she is soon to be engaged to her childhood sweetheart in upcoming days and he also is a talent that is spotted by the Prince himself." So this man was my competition and somebody that I needed to look into as soon as I had returned from my first investigation. But not even I could have prepared myself for what fate had in store for me from the moment that I entered the Prince's residence and how everyone I cared about would be affected by this…


"My Lady! Please wait! I have strict orders that no-one is allowed to approach these quarters…" "what are you saying? Do you have any idea who I am? And since you do, you should be taking my Master's status in account and I can enter any residence that I choose…" "I never thought that such a powerful person such as yourself could be kept out of my humble residence." I could hear a familiar voice coming out of his quavers, but I refused to believe that my worst fears had come true. Seo Yeon was the only woman that I knew t have a distinct high pitched tone in her voice, but she couldn't be the only girl in the world to have this, there was just no way. "You have misunderstood me madame, I am not here to search for anything…" "Then please state your purpose for trespassing into my quarters." "I simply wish to invite you to the banquet that the Prince is holding this week. It will give us neighbours a chance to know each other and I can present you with some gifts from my Young Master as a small token of…." "I shall never attend another banquet again. And I thank you for the gifts, but I have more than enough jewellery and clothes here thanks to my husband…." Husband? So this was a married woman? Yeon had become a kisaeng and not worthy of marriage at all, so it couldn't possibly be Yeon who was here in this moment.

"…I believe that I also have some pieces sent over by your Young Master, even more than I need, so please send him my thanks." "How dare you talk to me like that! I hope that you will mind your manners here and…" "Going by your arrogant demeanour, I can see that you will not leave me alone so easily. You came to seek me out, already aware of the fact that I am in mu quarters and you have heard me speak. What more do you want from me?"

"Look! There is the maid who started the fire in the servants quarters?" "How has she been made to stay here with her life still intact?" "What a small place for enemies indeed." "Has she finally sauced her Master into staying with him?" "Whose fault is it that she belongs to a declining family." "She doesn't even have any gifts to give way, what on earth is she bothering her neighbours for?" "What a slut! Doesn't she sing those siren songs for her Master?" "How can she seduce her Master with that stroppy face of her's." The insults that came my way were far too much for me to handle, especially in he absence of my Master, who would surely defend me if he was here. I was 60% sure this wasn't Seo Yeon that we were living with, but I had to wait until the banquet to see who this person was, and I wasn't the most patient girl in the world. No, I needed to figure out a way to put my fears to rest so I could live in opulent luxury as I deserved and make a name for my family so they couldn't embarrass me any longer. If I was going to become Nam Seon-Ho's wife, then I needed to have a strong family background to marry the rising star of the palace, and come are powerful than Seo Yeon ever could be.