CHAPTER 54 Spells and Sense

It can accumulate huge damage over time causing internal bleeding and organ failure.  

Note: the skill does not affect its user nor anyone he considers an ally. ]


Shredding Cyclone 

Level: 1

Rank: SSS

Skill Type: Active  

Mana Cost: 4000

AOE: 500 to 700 meters 

Cool Down: None

Damage: 3000/(+2000/S) +Bleeding +Rip

Effect: Cyclone that rip apart anything it touches, inflicting 3000 damage with 2000 damage per second. It inflicts "Bleeding" status effect, which causes a target to lose 1% of their health for every second this effect is active.  

If the enemy remains more than 100 seconds inside the Shredding Cyclone it applies the "Rip" status effect, which causes a target to lose 1% of their health for up to the next 12 seconds.  The effect can't be canceled and could not be avoided if the enemy is not twice as strong as the player.  

If the enemy is stronger then the "Rip" effect will consume extra mana from the player.  


0.5% chance that it can cause fatalities and devastate.  Which also consumes extra mana. 

Note: the skill does not affect its user nor anyone he considers an ally. ]

I had wide eyes reading the description, so much so I was out of words to see what was in front of is a mass killing weapon that could devastate lands.   

"Holy fuck that's a lot of damage with so many extra perks."

Now I understand why my mana was consumed so fast the spell is just OP just rank alone told the story that once it was maxed it can truly kill dragons. 

Plus it does not only comes with Bleeding but an effect I have never seen or heard before "Rip" an effect that is unavoidable and can't be canceled if the enemy is not twice as strong as me.  

Plus I am sure with level up the 1% will also go up which means even if it's goes up by 0.5 percent which met enemy could lose 5.5% of their health which a lot as it will continue for the next 12 seconds and this meant the event could lose 66% of their health in just 12 fucking seconds.  

Plus it clearly says there is a chance that it can cause instant death.  

Again it's a lot of damage if it accumulates slowly.  

Looking at the skill I really wanted to celebrate but I control myself as I still have much to do.  

But once I am done with all this and out of the place I am going to celebrate this by a good fucking and a good spending.  


Now looking at the skill I already was very much happy but couldn't leave the last skill that level up so I clicked on the skill. 



Wind Manipulation  

Level: 2

Rank: SS+++

Skill Type: Passive/Active  

Mana Cost: Varying

AOE: None 

Cool Down: None

Damage: None

Effect: The player can create, shape and manipulate wind.  With it, player can create wind-type skills faster and easier while consuming less mana.  

.Create wind type skills 10% faster 

.Create wind type skills while consulting less time

.Any wind type skill/attack will cause 2% less damage 

.Any wind type skill/attack will consume 2% less mana/health/stamina.  

.Any wind type skill/attack will receive a 2% boost in power.]

Mmm so it's got one percent more and if this continues it should stop at a 10% power boost (Extra damage) 10% less mana consumption,  and creating wind spells should be 50% faster which is a lot considering spells like this could consume ten of thousands of mana per minute.  

'Wow. These are some awesome sweet skills. It increases my adaptability. On the wider area of effect spells and it's a legendary++ rank (SS+++) and this was my first own creation.  

I was very much proud of myself,  why shouldn't I be? It's a spell that could cause chaos on a scale humans can't even imagine. 



Now I never thought this would take so long, especially when I was in the desert, which meant everything I needed was already there. As mana doesn't not need to materialize anything the air and the sand, It's not like I was complaining no hell nah it's an inconvenience as I plan to create one more spell here.  

One of the coolest spells at least I think it's cool that Aniz had at his disposal.  It's none other than "Shark Cyclone".

It's one of my personal favorite shark cyclones,  it's not for its effect what it does and yes it's

exactly what it sounds like a spell that a 100 meter tall tornado that is the home to several 8 to 10 meter long sharks that will devour anyone that gets caught up in it. 

Can you imagine just playing something like World of Warcraft and then you die because some magic caster just decided to spawn Sharknado onto the battlefield? I wouldn't even be mad. 

Now I do know how to create cyclones with just a thought,  but when it comes to creating sharks I am completely clueless.  And even science can't help me in this unlike it was doing all the time. 

Now magic is a thing of the mind and believe in what you are doing and if you have enough mana you can create miracles shaping reality and its laws as to your will.  

I again glanced at the quest screen

The penalty quest was almost over.


Penalty Quest: Survive

Goal: Survive for the required time.


Required time: 4 Hours


Remaining time: 0 Hours 33 Min 12 Sec

So now on the topic of creating the spell, I don't think I had enough time to do it. So let's do some small skills.  

As I set down on the glass that was formally sand, 

I was thinking about how to raise my 'sense' stat. Without spending any more stat points on a superhuman level.

And I had some ideas on how to do this and create special skills related to it. I hypothesized that the key to unlocking all of them lies in their names. Right now my focus is on the 'sense' stat.

'Sense. A faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus. The 5 main faculties of a living body are sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. There are a lot more but they were inside.  

This would be the case if this was a normal world but I have to take mana into account.'

I took out a huge variety of food from my inventory.  I ignore the fact that I'm carrying the dead bodies of thousands of creatures around with me in the same place as my food and water.  

I slowly ate the food thinking about this. Suddenly a thought came to my mind. I stopped eating and looked at my food.

'Sense of taste.' I paused eating for a moment. I recalled the pieces of information I read in the human anatomy books I read a few days ago.

'The tongue is a muscular organ in our mouth. With thousands of taste buds covering the surface. And taste buds contain taste receptor cells… let's see if I can stimulate these cells and make them more efficient.'

I placed my metal chopsticks down and concentrated. 

I concentrated and moved a very small portion of mana to my mouth. Contrary to popular belief different parts of the tongue are not assigned different tastes. The tongue, upper oesophagus, and cheeks all have taste receptors. I moved the small portion of my mana to cover the whole inside of his mouth.

Slowly infusing them into the tissues and then the cells. Now I could do this even if my tongue blows up and it regenerate faster than eyes could follow.  

That's the solo reason I didn't try this before as I didn't want to die from internal bleeding.  

Even then I was very careful and only slowly completed the process. as I didn't want to make any mistakes.

After a few minutes with mana still coating my mouth, I took a bite of the food. The taste and texture I could feel certainly increased from before but not by much. Then I slowly increased the mana a bit more and tried again. This time when I took the food I could feel an explosion of taste.

I felt my eyes open wide. I had never tasted anything like this. It was as if a whole new world was opened to me.

It felt like the food I ate before was masking its true flavors. I could feel every component inside the single bite. The various flavors that went into making it. All of it.

As I took a few more bites. 

A new notification came alerting me to the new skill I acquired.

[A new skill is created with a specific action.]

[By successfully controlling and concentrating mana to coat the inside of your mouth and improving your sense of taste, the skill 'Superior Tasting' has been created.]

[Superior Tasting - Passive/Active(LV. 1): A skill obtained through concentrating mana through the taste receptor cells of your mouth. At a higher level this skill can detect hidden 'tasteless' poisons as well as rare delicate flavors.]

[Effects: Increase in Taste

[Mana Cost: 1/sec in the active state]

"Yes, just the thing I wanted" 'I was a bit of a foodie in my previous life after all who isn't? Now with this skill, I'll be able to enjoy the delicious flavors of worlds on a much greater scale than I thought.'

Improving the senses requires a delicate use of mana and needs a good amount of control... So I should proceed carefully. A ruptured eardrum is not a pretty feeling. Nor your eye going pop"

Second reason why I didn't do this sooner.  

I nodded with a serious face. Then I breathed. Letting out a deep breath I closed my eyes and concentrated.

'Hearing. The ability to perceive sounds through the ear by detecting the vibrations through the air or other medium.'

'These vibrations detected by the ear are then transduced to nerve impulses that are then perceived by the brain. The three main parts of the human ear are the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear.'

I recalled all the information I found in the books. Since the ear is an even more of delicate organ than the tongue, I used even less mana to start. My goal was to slowly increase and decrease the frequency of sounds I could perceive.

So I could take one of the normal powers of sonic screams head on without getting my eardrums bleeding.  While I can also hear movement made between fights.  

I concentrated and delicately moved my mana throughout the ear. Stimulating his auditory canal and auditory receptors. I slightly increased the mana amount little by little.

Of course, this wasn't something anyone could do. People are stuck with the powers they got on the other hand I was ever improving and adapting without any limitations.  At least I don't know them.  

I started to pick up the sounds of my clothes moving in the wind. Even though I was still, the wind moved tiny parts of my clothes and they made small sounds that otherwise wouldn't have been picked up.

I concentrated and slightly increased the mana output again. This time I picked up new sounds while the ones I could hear became loud. I was stilled and slightly decreased the level of mana and stayed like that for some time to get used to it.

I then started increasing the output and finally, I succeeded. I heard the falling sand several meters away. The sounds of water that I spill moving with the wind. The biggest sounds were winds filled with sand.

It was a bit difficult to control and get the perfect amount of mana necessary to hear beyond normal but also not become too loud. But after several tries over a dozen minutes, I  accomplished it. And when it happened I got the usual blue box notifying me of another successful new skill.

[A new skill is created with a specific action.]

[By successfully controlling and concentrating mana to the inside of your ear and improving your sense of hearing, the skill 'Enhanced Hearing' has been created.]

[Enhanced Hearing - Passive/Active(LV. 1): A skill obtained through concentrating mana through the auditory receptors of your ear. At a much higher level, this skill can hear heartbeats, muscle contractions, and even sounds of blood coursing through the body.

Allowing player to discern layers of overlapping sounds and even hear a person's thoughts to some instinctive and instantly understand their personality from the subtle sounds they produce.

While also making the player's ears stronger due to continuous exposure to mana making it even the loudest sounds won't hurt the player's ears]


So I need a few names that easy pronounce like Dusk, Tank, or Greed,

So I need a name for the golden werewolf I was thinking of Gold, yes. But if you could give something better and simple then welcome

So I need a name for a golden werewolf and 2 silver werewolves

A name for a Naga Snake Lady.

A name for a Hulk-like a zombie with four tentacles

Keeper of the Gates of hell 3 headed dog

A name for the Minotaur

A name for something similar to mega beedrill

A hybrid between a crocodile and a Lizard

A huge trigger-like animal that can dispel light.

A Manticore, a hybrid between a man, a scorpion and a wolf.

A Goblin Champion

Kang Taeshik the Assassin

C-rank Mage who used Light Magic

The brother is enhanced S-Rank. Greed.

And a few more,

And I will only take it for today as I currently writing it.



"His control on any spell can me modified to the extent that he can make a fireball a nuke =)" -Remark

Come on guys, where are the stones and comments at?