Transformers In Marvel Chapter 241: I want the dark dimension

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. -Thomas Jefferson


The Supreme Mage and Shazam are the strongest existence that Downey can directly or indirectly contact. Two seventh-level archmages, even if they are as strong as Domam, have to drink a pot.

If Domam doesn't come out in the dark dimension, he can still fight one or two. If he dares to step out of the dark dimension and fight with these two at the same time, he will be blown up every minute.

Kama Taj and Fortress of Eternity, these two places are the two places with the strongest and longest heritage of magic on the earth, but today's wizard Shazam has chosen to avoid the world, staying inside the Fortress of Eternity all day long, looking for his favorites. The heir in the middle, became the new generation of Shazan.

And Kama Taj, there is an ancient wizard who draws dark power and has an infinite lifespan. Coupled with a relatively open style of work, he is getting stronger and stronger. In the war against foreign enemies, countless corpses are used. Laid the peace of the earth.

Of course, it was definitely not Downey who came to contact Shazan the shaman, but Gu Yi himself, because nowadays, apart from Gu Yi and the vaguely known Downey, no one knows where the Eternal Fortress is.

With two seventh-level archmages standing in the battlefield, Downey had the confidence to use his sword against the dark dimension, and even planned to kill Domam directly.

What's more, this time it was shot, not only the forces of the earth, but also the powerful magic group in the universe, ready to move, planning to join forces with the ancient master to severely damage the dark dimension.

"This is a very risky move, and it will definitely kill a large number of people, but as long as it is done well, I will be able to buy more time for the earth." Downey poured himself a cup of tea and drank it in one go.

It can be said that this is a gamble.

If they lost, except for Gu Yi and Shazan who could retreat, the others, including Downey himself, suffered minor casualties, and if they were serious, the entire army could be wiped out.

Dommam controls the dark dimension, devouring too many worlds and planets over the long years. The terrifying legion he raised in captivity, and the countless unintentional monsters that depend on the dark dimension to survive, the limitless number is enough to bring people below level seven Life is swallowed up.

A single universe-level life form, even if it is a pure melee type, can directly shake the space itself. When it is truly desperate, it gritted its teeth and stomped, tearing open a space to escape. No matter where it will drift, it is at least a possible way out.

If it is below the seventh level, even the sixth level of the quasi-cosmic level, sooner or later, it will be consumed by endless demons in the dark dimension.

"Buying time..." Gu Yi smiled non-committal, no one could guess what this venerable thought was.

"Kill Domam, the threat of the earth will be gone." Mordo's eyes were bright, obviously moved by the prospect that Downey described.

The earth without the enemy of Domam...

No matter how bad it is, it does not matter if Domamu is hit hard, it can bring peace to the earth for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Listening to Mordor's words, Downey shook his head silently in his heart.

Domam, a seven-level existence, controls the entire dark dimension, sounds awesome, but is this... really strong? Relatively strong, Gu Yi had been fighting with him for so long, and he could only passively defend himself aggrievedly, and had to rely on the huge magical array all over the earth.

But to get to the multiverse, or even to the outside of the wall of superpower, although it cannot be said to be a weak chicken, it is not far away.

Because Domam's biggest barrier is the Dark Dimension, if he doesn't use the power of the Dark Dimension, Downey even suspects that the power of this product itself is Level 6.

"Modo, can you go out for a while? I have something I want to tell Gu Yi." Downey suddenly said.

"I want to be called the Ancient One or the Supreme Master!" Mordo stubbornly corrected, "You are not allowed to be disrespectful to the Supreme Master!"

"I see..." Downey laughed blankly.

Gu Yi also smiled lightly.

Only Mordu walked out angrily.

"Don't mind, he has always been like this, putting some unimportant rules more important than anything else." Gu Yi said gently.

"Of course I don't mind such trivial things. I know him not a day or two. In the past few months, most of my magic has been taught to me by Mordor." Downey smiled faintly, "but he This kind of character will make him fall into a terrible abyss when certain vital standards are broken and irreparable."

After Mordor becomes black, Baron Mordor, who is determined to eliminate all the mages on the earth and has an infinite and extreme personality, is simply a copy of the sleeping black Adam.

"I'm here this time, there is a very important thing I want to talk to you, of course, based on your time magic skills, you may already know it. If you can really kill Domam..." Downey considered his vocabulary. There are some worries and doubts in my heart.

"I want the dark dimension." Donny suddenly raised his head and looked directly into the plain and quiet eyes of the Supreme Mage.

If you lie in front of Gu Yi, even if you are a small person, Gu Yi may be deceived, but if it is Downey, someone who Gu Yi pays attention to, some actions in the past and the future are probably the gem of time. Gu Yi has seen it through.

Lies are meaningless.

Time gems are not comparable to the magic of prophecy.

Prophecy magic is like a thief. It analyzes some events in the current time and uses it as a traction to peep into the corner of the future, and see a tiny little event that happened on a very small timeline on countless timelines.

But what about time gems? This thing is an extremely overbearing robber, the robber can control and rob time, but any picture that can be remembered by time will be invisible in front of it.

No matter how chaotic the timeline is, it is nothing more than a large number. There is no such ridiculous saying that "because you are special, the future is uncertain".

A kind of future is a timeline, and a timeline is an independent universe. In the multiverse, there is no "impossibility" in the multiverse itself.

Not to mention that the master of the time gem is the supreme mage, who is unable to control the time gem perfectly, Donnie believes, but if the ancient master cannot control it, he will not believe it.

"To be honest, I was a little surprised." Gu Yi's smile slowly faded. This is a rare phenomenon. "Your ambition and desire are far greater than I thought."

Downey was silent.

What is this, refused?

The calm Gu Yi gave him unprecedented pressure. It doesn't even need Gu Yi to show any aura, every inadvertent movement and subtle expression of her are enough to produce a feeling of crushing against Downey's mere four-level life form.

"I want to seize the dark dimension, become the new master of the dark dimension, and become a new single universe class." Downey said slowly.

Gu Yi tapped the teacup in his hand lightly, and made a crisp sound, causing Downey's heart to shrink suddenly.

Thinking, this kind of face-to-face behavior is too rare for Gu Yi, who is in control of everything, to have this kind of behavior in front of outsiders.

This is not an easy choice for Gu Yi. Not necessarily thinking or disagreeing, but perhaps also thinking about whether to kill the dangerous Downey first.


Unexpectedly, Gu Yi agreed.

Downey suddenly raised his head, and said in a deep voice, "Equivalent exchange, please state your terms."

"Stay on earth and take over as the next supreme mage."