Transformers In Marvel Chapter 240: Gu 1 and Shazam

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well. -John D. Rockefeller Jr.


How Magneto beat Kuaiyin in his rage, Downey didn't look at it anymore. When he decided to pit Kuaiyin out of his wicked taste, the end of the middle two guy was actually doomed.

In the ear, Kuaiyin's screams seemed to be lingering all the time, even if Downey returned directly to Kama Taj, he seemed to be able to hear it.

He walked in a hurry all the way, hurriedly looking for the Supreme Mage.

Now the main energy of the world has been attracted to New York, attracted to Magneto and Diana. The messy forces such as Hydra have gone crazy looking for Diana's information, and hurriedly mobilized special forces to resist the coming brothers. meeting.

A government official rushed to question the X-Men in anger, but was told by the left-behind laser eye that Professor X was conspired by Magneto to cause brain injury and was training in the school.

"Magne Magneto sent a devilish girl to maliciously modify the professor's brainwave machine. The professor needs training, not to fight Magneto. Didn't it have Downey and the others?"

"Then do you know who the female soldier who appeared on the battlefield is?"

"I don't know, Downey must know that you should go to him." Laser eye was serious and perfunctory.

He was also very hard pressed. Since finding the **** Wolverine Logan with all his energy, he felt that his luck was extremely bad.

Logan's **** hooked up with his girlfriend Qin every day, which gave him a great sense of crisis. In this big operation, because he was the most suitable X-Men successor in the professor's mind, he simply stayed to guard the school...

He actually wanted to be with his girlfriend even more, for fear that Logan would hook him away.

However, at least the plan was very successful. According to the plan of Downey who hadn't met, even if Magneto didn't jump out himself, Downey would make some big news to attract the attention of the whole world.

Downey has a lot of enemies. If some guys are moved, seeing that Downey draws so many people together, they feel curious for a while, and then do something, then many things will become very troublesome.

It is hard to imagine how difficult it is to break out of the earth, enter the dark dimension, which is full of dangers, and fight against the dark lord Domam.

There are many aspects involved. At least, the dark wizards and people who know a little about dark magic on the earth must not know, maybe Domam will get the news in advance, and then kill them at home in one fell swoop.

Downey hurriedly walked on Kama Taj and walked straight to the place where the Supreme Mage was.

Along the way, you can clearly see the changes in Kama Taj's atmosphere. In the past, many old wizards took rookie wizards to learn magic. And now, except for a few novices who don't understand magic at all, those old and spicy mages are making their own preparations.

Only from their dignified and perplexed looks can the careful people notice a little bit of puzzlement.

They don't know why the Supreme Master gave such an order, but out of worship for the Supreme Master, they completely followed it.

Just as Downey was walking, a mage blocked his way, with a strange and resentful expression on his face.

"Tanny, Kama Taj is not a place for outsiders like you to enter and exit casually, get out!" This person looked disgusted. It was the same day that Downey came to Nepal for the first time and made things difficult for Downey. Mage.

"Go away, Leeson, if you dare to stop me, I'll strangle you." Downey didn't even blink, and slapped the wizard named Leeson flying out with a force of fifteen tons. Only a small amount of it was used to smash Lisen's face in an instant, and even a little crack appeared in the bones behind the flesh and blood.

Lisson bumped into a magic wall, sat slumped, and looked at Downey with a bitter look.

But Downey ignored him.

Had it not been for the Leeson mage to be useful, he would have provided some convenience for him to seize the inheritance of Shazam's faction, he would have strangled this idiot alive.

A guy who ran into Kama Taj to be an undercover guy with all his energy, was still so high-profile—or, he was only very high-profile for Downey. He was usually very gentle and attracted a bunch of wizards by his side.

"What are you doing?! Downey, even if you are the person that the Supreme Mage values, you can't be so arrogant in Kama Taj!" A little mage was angrily and jumped out loudly and accused, "The Supreme Mage will not let you go."

A large group of mages gathered and pointed.

Downey looked at it, and the little mage got along well with Li Sen on weekdays, so he no longer hesitated, and slapped the little mage alive at that time.

Leeson's friends shut up decisively, trembling, deliberately avoiding Downey's cold eyes.

Facts have proved that for an enemy who wants to reason with you, speaking directly with your fist is the truth.

Downey shook his face all the way, smashed away from the crowd of different looks, and came to the deepest place, the residence of the Supreme Mage.

The door creaked open.

Mordu was also here. He stood with Gu Yi, quietly waiting for Downey.

"Fighting with someone again? This is Taj Kama!" Mordo was dissatisfied with the noise outside

He understands Downey's temperament, and in his heart, he has expectations for Downey's future, but because of this, he feels obligated to strictly demand Downey, and even in many places he must use the standard requirements of the Supreme Master. Downey do it.

To put it bluntly, Mordor is Kama Taj's biggest antique, and he always spurs those things that are not motivated.

And Downey, in his eyes, was the least motivated. He was valued by the ancient master, and he left Kama Taj in a few short intervals to go out and do all kinds of things.

For example, this time, I actually wanted to kill the master of darkness Domam in the dark dimension...

"It's Lisson's idiot, I really don't know what the man looking for Black Adam thinks, sending such a high-profile idiot to Kama Taj." Downey didn't care, just found a place to sit down. He unceremoniously poured himself a cup of tea.

Mordu's eyelids jumped wildly, this unruly move is simply to provoke the authority of the Supreme Mage face to face.

"The people behind the scenes arranged a lot of people, witty, stupid, and slick, but I only chose one guy who thought he was witty, and was actually very stupid." Master Gu Yi had a gentle expression and casually recounted what happened back then.

"How about Shazam, is his body still able to hold it?" Downey asked.

Shazam, the wizard, has not walked out of the "Fortress of Eternity" for hundreds of years. Anyone who knows about Shazam today, such as the ancient master, knows that the old master of Shazam does not have much time and wants to find a qualified heir. crazy.

Shazan, the wizard, is also a seventh-level combat power. His Eternal Fortress inheritance is in the magical inheritance on earth, no less powerful than Kama Taj.