Transformers In Marvel Chapter 239: My stupid father...

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. -Thomas Jefferson


"Don't kill him, he needs to be alive, otherwise the Brotherhood will riot, and directly slaughter ordinary people at all costs. The gain is not worth the loss." Downey reminded.

As the daughter of Zeus, Diana was born as a demigod. She inherited a lot of artifacts from the Olympus **** system, and contained the blessings of the twelve gods of Olympus. It can almost be said that there is nothing short from the inside to the outside. The board was born with a golden key.

   Actually, Diana is no weaker than Superman Clark.

   With just one punch, even if he is stronger than Clark, he will be vomited blood.

   Not to mention Diana has no obvious shortcomings and weaknesses.

   Then, Magneto was a tragedy.

   A ruthless character who has been riding the earth for decades, in front of Diana, was crushed all the way.

   "You shouldn't involve innocent ordinary people, too many people have died because of you!"

   Diana drew out the Excalibur, jumped, and jumped across the distance in an instant. When she was in the air, she seemed to have peculiar gravity on her body and landed forward in a very unscientific way. It seems that in a very short period, her gravity soared, causing her descent to accelerate.

   This is also a simple use of divine power.

   "You are a too arrogant, ignorant child." Magneto was so angry that he stretched out his hand to directly control Diana's equipment.

  Unfortunately, the reaction was very small, and the majestic magnetic field power only caused small ripples. Magneto was horrified to discover that his ability to control magnetism was greatly weakened by some force.

   He was a little unwilling, and immediately wanted to control all the metal elements in Diana's body, but... it was still not very useful.

   In Diana's body, Olympus's supernatural power is sheltering her, against the fourth-level Magneto, with ease.

Diana opened the metal wall blocking him with a sword, and with a light click, the whole person rushed forward lightly, like a heavy monster, crashed to the ground, swept horizontally with a sword, amazing arm strength combined with terrifying supernatural power, Which directly caused the sonic boom, and the air was visibly torn apart by the naked eye in front of this rapid speed.

   At the place where the Divine Sword splits, the changes in the microcosm are all seen by Downey, who is closely watching.

   The terrifying sharpness that radiated from the Excalibur Sword had a sense of indestructible sharpness. The fine particles floating in the air were stirred by the powerful force and began to riot at the same time.

   Like a big shark suddenly thrown into a small pond, making a huge wave.

   Even the moisture in the air was evaporated instantly, and then the vaporized molecules were easily shattered by the power of Olympus, destroying everything in the original structure structurally.

   God-killing weapons, the terrifying level can make Downey feel jealous.


   Downey looked solemn and reminded of his birth.

   Magneto can't die yet!

Even if you die, you can't easily die in Diana's hands. After all, this is Downey's plan. If Magneto is killed by Diana and loses their power of Magneto, he will not be able to deal with the mutant group. To explain, there is no way to explain this to the professor, let alone to Kuaiyin and the Scarlet Witch.


Magneto also tried desperately, his eyes were torn apart, his eyes were scarlet, his palms opened suddenly, and he grabbed them fiercely. A magnetic field force began to emanate from his old body, and it caused the Divine Sword to be killed. Some obstacles.

   He can't control the metal elements in Diana's body, and because of such fine control, it is also a huge burden for Magneto, not to mention that the latter has divine protection.

   However, it is okay to cause a little interference and obstruction to Diana's artifact.

Diana did not stay for a moment, even if her sword was temporarily controlled, she did not try to use brute force to break through Magneto's magnetic field control, but in a moment, the fighting instinct took the upper hand, tightly holding the right hand of the Excalibur Sword. Slightly relaxed, then he held the shield with his left hand and smashed the ground fiercely with one foot, and slammed into Magneto.

   The shield with amazing hardness, coupled with the strange power of Diana driven by divine power, has broken the threshold of 100 tons and knocked Magneto out.

   A mouthful of blood came out of Magneto's mouth in embarrassment, and the whole person was knocked into the flight, and the internal organs seemed to have moved away.

   Diana has experienced many battles. She has trained martial arts since she was a child and hunted all kinds of alien creatures. She has high fighting instincts and is scary, not to mention that the elderly Magneto has been close to Diana.

   "The Magneto can't die yet," Downey said in a deep voice. Just now, he almost couldn't help but stop it.

   The demigod Amazon warrior is terrifying.

   The Magneto King suffered this blow, and the injury must be very serious. Even if he could control his magnetism to strengthen his body, it would not be possible to hit Diana hard. That would be ridiculous.

   Even if Downey, with a strong body, wants to take Diana's attack, he must be well prepared, let alone Magneto being knocked into the air.

  Like Superman and Wonder Woman, they are especially melee-type. The ones who play long-range are the brains who use melee to fight with them.

   This blow directly broke a few of Magneto's ribs, and a painful cough sounded, accompanied by the vomiting of meat foam and blood, and after the initial discomfort, he gradually felt better.

"It's amazing..." Magneto gasped quickly, controlling his body, splicing the broken ribs little by little, "I have never heard of someone like you, the daughter of Zeus? I always thought that was a myth. It is a children's story made up by mortals after deifying mutants."

   Downey smiled bitterly and shook his head.

   Zeus of Olympus, Odin of Asgard, and Jade Emperor of the Eastern Heavenly Court, these three are the leaders of the indigenous gods born from the World Tree, each of which is of level 7 strength.

   As far as the situation is concerned, no mutant can reach the seventh level. A fifth-level black phoenix is ​​terrific, dismantling a life planet every minute.

   A big battle is coming to an end in this way.

   When Diana appeared, the battle was over, because no one could stop the daughter of Zeus, let alone equipped with a divine weapon, just like opening up...

   The atmosphere begins, and the curtain ends with lightning.

  The heroes stared wide-eyed, especially focusing on Diana. This woman who appeared suddenly had crushed Magneto.

   Magneto himself is indeed a deadly enemy, but this can't conceal Diana's horror.

   A hurricane-like figure suddenly ran over, and a silver-haired Pitro suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

   He looked left and right, especially his gaze. If You Ruowu glanced at the dad who made him terrified, he took a deep breath.

   It was all of a sudden. In the ruins, Kuaiyin, who was spotless and coquettish, appeared, as if waiting for him for a long time.

   "What are you doing here?" Magneto frowned.

   Kuaiyin took a few heavy breaths, took deep breaths, looked at Downey's encouraging expression, and felt calm, with a deep, careful, serious, and meaningful emotion, and said the words that made him regret for a lifetime.

   "My stupid father..."

   "If you can't understand me, hate me, hate me. Then live ugly, keep evading, and steal your life until you have the same speed as me, come find me again..."

   A gust of wind blew.

   Magneto was silent, and he lowered his head deeply, without speaking for a long time.

   Finally, he slowly raised his head, and said in a cold voice: "Are you tired of life..."