Transformers In Marvel Chapter 238: Hell frontier

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. It's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere. -Barack Obama


The border of **** is a very peculiar space.

   This space is closely connected with the real world of the Earth. In theory, as long as you find the right entrance, you can enter this place smoothly.

   Professor X's task is to find this place called the border of hell. There is no need to find the exact entrance, just to find some space that is not right, it is enough.

   This is why Downey sent Wang to Professor X.

   "On this side, the space in this area is wrong..."

   Wang's chubby round face, coupled with a serious expression, gave people a sense of joy, at least Wanda stared at him when he was fine, and then secretly smiled.

   Wang looked inexplicable, but he just ignored it and put all his energy on the matter of finding the border of hell.

   This is a crazy plan that Downey secretly put forward. The prerequisite for this plan is to find the border of hell.

"Oh, I said you guys, if you're full, go to the border of hell. It's a very dangerous place. Not to mention the harsh environment, there's not much oil and water to fish..." A scruffy young man looked decadent. The road was noisy and yelling.

   Everyone is suffering silently.

   "Shut up, Constantine!" Wang Ren couldn't bear it, and cursed in a low voice, "Your bloodline spells are not effective at all times, and I haven't asked you to settle the account! Then you will leave directly, no one will stop you!"

Constantine looked like a dead pig and was not afraid of boiling water. He staggered his hands like a hob: "Then I can't help it. I didn't want to come. You have to pull me up under the guise of Kama Taj. I have already I'm telling you, the bloodline search for relatives is easily disturbed by space and time, and I don't guarantee it will be well-versed."

  The king looked angry, his chubby body walked over, wanting to kick the rogue, and cursed: "The **** detective, you are like the legend, you are a scum and scum in the magic world!"

   Before he lifted this foot, Constantine's eyes lit up, and he fell in response to the electric light and flint, covering his face with both hands in pain, and wailing constantly.

"Asshole, **** king, don't think that you are Kama Taj's mage so you can bully people like this! You attacked me in front of so many people! Don't pay me a Kama Taj secret technique, I will never get up!" Constantine rolled all over, his eyebrows and glasses wrinkled in pain.

   Everyone's eyebrows are wrinkled tightly.

   Hell Detective Constantine, just as rumored, rascal and shameless! This **** will never let go of any opportunity to reap the benefits. For this guy, his reputation and face are just sold out casually.

   "Do you want a face?" Logan, the bearded Wolverine, impatiently threw the new cigar in his hand to the ground and stepped on it fiercely.

   "What's the face, a few cents a catty?" Constantine saw that there was no effect and everyone looked bad, so he stood up sadly.

"Listen, bastard, if it wasn't for your usefulness, I would have stabbed you to death! Now, shut up! Say one more word and I will poke a hole in you!" The grumpy Logan was fierce and vicious. Lifting Constantine, like a chicken, he grinned his lips, showing the sharp teeth behind him. Six Edman alloy claws emerged from the palms of both hands.

   Constantine shut up decisively.

   On the side, Gang Lux, who was still a student at Xavier School, looked depressed.

   Downey didn't know where the news came from. It wasn't that his long-missing sister was in this place called the border of hell, and he was the ruler of this alien space.

   They found Constantine, hoping to draw a little bit of the blood of Gunsmith through his bloodline spells, and then use this to sense the location of Gunsmith's sister, and then find the border of hell.

   It's a pity that Constantine is a half-hearted man. When he heard that Kama Taj's mage was looking for him, he immediately patted his chest, vowing that there was no problem, and the reward was to ask for Kama Taj's 100 internal spells.

   After the king taught him a lesson, he opened his mouth.

   As a result, they can only locate an area with a radius of 100 kilometers, and they have to find the rest by themselves.

  Professor X, who was silent for a while, asked Wang, "Can you find that place?"

   "I am working hard. Although the space in this area is very unstable, the scope is still very large. You must know that an area the size of a small stone may cover several or even dozens of dimensions..."

   The king used a subtle space spell, trying to perceive it.

  Wanda has big bright eyes, flickering and flickering, very attractive, Constantine's eyes can't move anymore.

   "Beautiful lady, I, the great mage, the well-known **** detective, once again ask your name."

   Constantine squeezed the piano and Ororo, stuck out his tongue, licked both palms like a rascal, and then started from his forehead upwards, squeezing his sloppy and greasy hair.

   This move made his image even worse.

  Wanda almost vomited, and chaotic magic blasted past, knocking Constantine more than ten meters away.

   "Well, Wanda, don't be so irritable, but use your abilities." Professor X sat in the wheelchair and looked at the old friend's daughter with a fondling expression.

   "I see, professor." Wanda immediately became well-behaved.

   She loves the atmosphere here and prefers Xavier School. Mutant kids are everywhere, it's paradise.

   Although she was still anxious when she decided to find Professor X, she was afraid that she would be hostile to Professor X. But the bald old man welcomed her very kindly, without mentioning her sensitive identity.

   "But I don't even think about it now, what does Downey guy want to do? Why is he so obsessed with this **** border, hesitate to use himself as bait?" Wanda asked puzzled.

   "I think I guessed it, I don't know if it's right." Constantine ran back cheeky and slapped the dust on his body at random, choking everyone around him to hit someone, suppressing anger and disgust.

   "If I'm not mistaken, Donnie wants to find the border of hell, and then use the border of **** as a springboard to enter the dark dimension."

   Constantine slapped the dust, his eyes flashed with wisdom, as well as the cunning and treacherousness that was deeply hidden by him.

   "What is the dark dimension?"

   "It is a terrible place that swallows everything. There is an evil monster living there. He wants to swallow the earth all the time as a nourishment for his growth. If he succeeds, all of us will die." Professor X looked solemn.

   Other people are also serious, although they still have some doubts about authenticity in their hearts, they have never had this kind of life form, the master of a dimension in their life perception. Can it even swallow the planet?

   But since the professor did not hesitate to commit the danger, and Donnie made a vow, they could only be half-believing.

   "I just want to know what that monster is. Is it stronger than Magneto?" Qin Ye was suspicious and couldn't help asking.

"That monster, called Domam, is the main source of dark power and the source of evil on the earth. In the past few hundred years, Domam has invaded the earth several times, but they were all taken by Kama Taj's strongest mage. repel."

   "And Downey's purpose is to unite everyone he can reach... Actively attack the dark dimension and kill Domam!"