Transformers In Marvel Chapter 160: trial

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


"If you keep on hiding your true feelings, who is going to be happy? If you are sad, you should say it out loud!"

– Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club)


"Lieutenant Downey, where were you when you were attacked on the headquarters?"

An internal military interrogation meeting is being held. All the surviving middle and low-level officers are to be interrogated. The high-level military requires detailed information on the battlefield at that time.

Downey, as the temporary commander after Ross and others were attacked by the spacecraft, and the biggest hero and hero who covered the successful retreat of the large forces, of course, received the most stringent questioning.

Many questions actually contain logical traps. As long as Downey answers one wrong, he will expose more flaws under the interrogation officer's questioning, and he will be caught in the wrong place.

Humans have created a lie, and they have to use more lies to cover it up.

"I'm leading my army on the front line to fight." Downey looked at everyone present, "Most of the enemy soldiers were killed by me."

"Lieutenant, a soldier told us that you disappeared on the battlefield for a while." the interrogator asked.

"It sounds like you can use two hands and two feet to play four accounts at the same time in a game, so you can study black hole theory at the same time." Downey sneered, "You can control more than one hundred war machines at the same time. ?"

Many people watched Downey's every move with sharp eyes. In the hidden corner, there are a lot of lie detectors installed-this thing is useless, the most useful is the machine that captures micro-expressions.

The liar will reveal micro-expressions that he can't notice at the moment he speaks.

Many people were staring, and many soldiers waited to be on their guard, beware of the outbreak of trouble after Downey was exposed.

But Downey was very calm. He acted very naturally. He just seemed to be uncomfortable with the occasion. He exposed nervousness, disgust, and unhappiness at being interrogated as a hero. He was even occasionally irritated by the interrogator's gaze. Look of anger.

All this is captured by high-tech instruments.

"Does he have a problem?" someone asked behind the scenes.

"No, everything is normal."

"All he behaves like an ordinary person?"

"No, sir, sometimes, he was angry and dissatisfied. Although he concealed well, he was photographed by us, and our equipment showed no signs of activation."

The man nodded in satisfaction and breathed a sigh of relief.

Dissatisfaction waits for negative emotions to be normal. Anyone who sets foot on this occasion, even if he is open-minded, and every word he says is truthful, will be psychologically plunged into a momentary self-doubt: Have I done this? bad thing?

More emotional reactions can really prove that Downey is a man who is not at fault.

If Downey kept everything calm, the hundreds of micro-expressions would not change at all, but the biggest problem.

The interrogator continued to be aggressive.

"Lieutenant, why don't you follow Rose? While exchanging money with the Wakanda, Rose did not give you the order to get you on the front line. It was you who made your own claims."

"Because I am a military adviser and I have my independent army. No one can use my Transformers except me! I must protect our soldiers!" Downey greeted the opponent's gaze, his expression getting more and more It's getting worse and worse.

"You should know, Your Excellency Interrogator, as a large unit, I am the closest to the small unit that is fighting in front of me, and my mobility is far superior to other legions." Downey sarcastically said, "Interrogator, you still Are you wearing open crotch pants? You have to have an adult to help you when you pee?"

Everyone roared with laughter, especially those middle and low-level officers who were also interrogated, with sarcasm and ridicule loudly.

Many executives yelled at Downey, but they nodded secretly in their hearts, and the stretched string relaxed slightly.

Downey's performance is in line with the mentality of a victim and a hard-pressed person. He has merit and strength, and of course, he dares to face a small interrogator.

"So, why did you encourage the military to plunge into such a tragic war? We paid forty thousand casualties."

"Please pay attention to your wording!" Downey patted the table angrily. "It was General Rose who proposed to the military to occupy Wakanda, and the one who asked the military to be the commander was General Rose. I didn't want to go and forced me to It was also General Ross who pulled it over! Now that he is dead, you are putting the blame on me?! Because too many soldiers died in the battle, it affected your political career as a politician, right?"

Many military officers who participated in the war were provoked by Downey's words and began to clamor in the solemn place, swearing at unscrupulous politicians, sending innocent soldiers to the battlefield, and politicians sitting behind to earn military merit.

The entire interrogation hall was in chaos, and the interrogator's continuous percussions could not stop this feeling of dissatisfaction.

"I have one more question..." the interrogator asked loudly.

"It's a coincidence, I also have a problem. Can I **** your whole family?" Downey suddenly turned around and yelled at the soldiers with his super loud voice: "Do you want to take the lead, do you want to go together?" Everyone has a share, and we have to count the share of the 40,000 people who died!"

Many unruly and angered officers responded loudly to the interrogation, laughing and saying that they would go to the interrogator's house as a guest.

"Remember to line up." Downey sneered again and again, his suppressed anger seemed unstoppable. "I tried to have a good conversation with the group of idiots sitting on it, but they just want to shift the responsibility of death to the officers who participated in the war. They are afraid, fearing that their career will end!"

Many people rushed to stop Downey. Downey smashed them roughly with one punch. These soldiers hit the wall with blood spraying in their mouths.

The interrogation was in chaos.

The interrogator's face was soil-colored, with cold sweat, and his eyes looked at others for help, and the person he saw hurriedly avoided like a snake or scorpion.

Those high levels behind the scenes also remained silent.

Seeing the rage of these arrogant soldiers, UU read www.uukanshu. The com interrogator wanted to cry without tears.

The solemn and solemn occasion was completely mixed by Downey into a place where all kinds of swear words, ****, and greetings came out of many people's mouths, and laughter and curses were intertwined.

During the interrogation, Downey slapped the opponent with one hand.

In the noisy situation, Downey sneered and ignored the nervous soldiers. Surrounded by the officers, he smashed the door with a punch and walked away.

The arrogant behavior and rampant behavior are outrageous.

The interrogator hurriedly found the senior and sued Downey.

The high-level man laughed instead and said, "It's not plausible? Donnie is not provoked once or twice. How often has he been plausible? Which time is not a headshot? I want to say hate him, the downfall of the vampire kingdom. And chaos, this guy takes half the credit."

He stood up and waved casually.

"Let's do this first, first remove the research file on Downey's behavior on the battlefield. He has no problem for the time being." (https://)