Transformers In Marvel Chapter 159: hero

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


"If nobody cares to accept you and wants you in this world, accept yourself and you will see that you don't need them and their selfish ideas."

– Alibaba Saluja (Universal Warriors)


Numerous missiles are covered farther away, and the major general commander on the battleship intends to isolate and track the enemy most brutally, even if it is good to block some people with continuous firepower.

A black figure braved the flames of war and charged toward Downey's legion. If you look closely, you can see gunfire spreading to him from time to time, but the black figure only shook his body slightly, still maintaining a high-speed advance.

Like an unkillable warrior.

"That figure is..." Under the heavy protection of many Transformers, Downey slowly narrowed his eyes.

The black panther, or rather, is Techara who has not inherited the name of the black panther. The current Black Panther of the Wakanda Kingdom should be the incumbent King Tichaka.

The Black Panther has always been the king and guardian of the Wakanda Kingdom. In ancient times, Wakanda did not have such high-end technology. When facing the offensive of the tribes outside, the King Panthers went to protect the country.

After the development of science and technology, Wakanda developed a set of thin armor made of vibrating gold all over the body. The hood was made in the style of a leopard, and the whole body was pitch black.

The black panther wearing the vibrating armor is enough to ignore most attacks.

"Black Panther! Black Panther! Black Panther!" Countless Wakanda people looked at this picture, all boiling. What a shocking scene, a lonely warrior pursued and killed their powerless enemy, and resolutely launched a charge in the flames of war.

Panther Techara panted heavily and roared forward. With many spacecraft deliberately escorting and opening the way in the air, he leaped for more than ten meters with a super physique no less than Captain America and dashed toward the sea. Downey.

"It's a hero, and it fits people's definition of a superhero. For a tribal country like Wakanda, where the primitive belligerent wind prevails, standing up at this time is undoubtedly the most correct decision politically." Downey sat in Optimus Prime's cab, looking at each other coldly.

"Unfortunately, I won't give you a chance to be this hero, so what have I become, the villain background who helped you get political chips?"

Diaphragm-Downey's latest build and a large man inlaid with the core module, raised the round hammer in his left hand and crashed into the black panther on the ground, but was flexibly avoided by the opponent.

The tattered Hercules, who was about to fall apart, was once again urgently repaired by Downey. He opened his big mouth and screamed at the black panther, starting a suction.

The panther tried to grab the ground but was eventually sucked into the air feebly. Many spaceships went crazy, some fired their guns frantically, and some rushed over in advance, trying to block the Panthers.

Another part of the spacecraft was destroyed.

Hercules was overwhelmed, his head almost exploded in half, and finally disintegrated, and re-formed into six members of the Earth-Digger Legion, divided into six.

"Lieutenant, don't fight, retreat immediately! Our worship has begun to sail!!" On the aircraft carrier, the major general shouted to the communicator.

Downey glanced regretfully at the fallen Techara, and finally led his army to roll and jump onto the deck of the aircraft carrier.

Wakanda's spacecraft did not continue pursuing, it because they knew it was meaningless. They didn't stop them on the grassland. There was an aircraft carrier battleship for Downey to activate. Could they be able to stop it? It made Downey anxious, maybe he will lose more.

This time, the military felt that they were defeated, losing more than half of the army and more than 80% of carrier-based aircraft. Wakanda also felt that they were defeated. They did not slay the enemy, and the hidden kingdom was exposed to the world.

The scene of this scene was transmitted to the military headquarters. The countless high-ranking officials who were sweating profusely finally breathed a sigh of relief, and some people cried with joy, cheered loudly, and embraced joyfully.

Although the loss was great and the operation failed completely, it was at least better than the entire army being wiped out. Sixty thousand people and four aircraft carrier battle groups were buried in backward East Africa. It is conceivable that this news must be concealed. All of them will go to a military court.

Even some extreme politicians will give them a crime: crimes against humanity.

If you come back alive, there will be more controllable ranges. For example, reduce the number of casualties and give the public an explanation.

Downey stood on the edge of the deck. Around him, scarred war weapons surrounded him, and occasionally broken metal pieces fell, and were picked up quietly by the soldiers who had surrounded him.

There are bold soldiers who want to reinstall them, but unfortunately, the broken things can no longer be installed, but this does not affect their worship of Downey.

Soldiers stared at the figure in front of them with fanatical gazes. They might seem a little small in front of Transformers, but in their eyes, Downey's radiance at this moment is far more dazzling than the setting sun that is about to fall, illuminating their hearts Despair brings hopeful light.

Gradually, I don't know who started, some soldiers shouted Downey's name and more and more people joined the ranks. Downey's name was thrown high into the sky in this incomplete army.

Everyone who saw the picture or even experienced the war knows who is the real hero, and who saved them first. Who raised the banner when the commanders all died? Who is covering the retreat of the large forces in the crisis?

"Downey! Downey! Downey!" the soldiers shouted, they shouted to the stalwart figure, with sincerity and gratitude from the bottom of their hearts, many people could not cry, and shed tears in their shouts.

Downey did not respond but looked at the distant coast quietly without saying a word.

"When I come next I will completely conquer Wakanda...When I come back next time, I will bring a huge army and completely overwhelm this country..."

After this incident, Wakanda will inevitably break out of the nation's strength and armaments. Next time, the war will definitely not be as simple as this time, and it will be more tragic, especially since breaking the invincible protective shield is a big trouble.

Downey originally thought that when he was Level 4, it would be enough to directly mobilize one million Transformers to the siege, but at this time he felt that one million was still not enough.

He wants to completely conquer a high-tech country, and at the same time completely occupy the Zhenjin mine. One step and one crisis are almost normal in the future Wakanda Kingdom. Downey even foresees that the other party will plant a large number of high-tech traps in his homeland.

Especially the other party has weak artificial intelligence, and low-level traps can be left to artificial intelligence. And they can also use artificial intelligence to mass-produce spacecraft with ultra-high intensity. After all, people have inexhaustible gold mines, and they don't worry about resource problems.

"One million is not enough, then I will mobilize more Transformers...When I come next time, the number of Transformers I will use is...100 million!" (https://)