Transformers In Marvel Chapter 155: Hercules: I suck! Suck! Suck!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


"Life and death are like light and shadow. They're both always there. But people don't like thinking about death, so subconsciously, they always look away from it."

– Yato (Noragami)


The first time Downey was dispatched, he dropped the Wakanda warrior who was monitoring him and tracking him and slammed into the battlefield with the momentum of thunder, attacking from the back of the Wakanda warrior from the direction of the original road slightly obliquely.

   When the Wakanda spacecraft under his control crashed into Rose, Downey knew he had succeeded.

   At the moment of the impact, Downey controlled the spaceship Transformers and quietly opened a gap, swallowing Rose and the others in one breath, and then the small Transformers lurking inside knocked Rose and the others out for the first time.

   Everything happened between the electric light and flint, and it was completed.

   Downey used his cruel means to take the command out of the nest.

  Wakanda's soldiers slaughtered military soldiers in the front. Downey attacked from behind. Hundreds of people were instantly killed by Downey's army, and more and more soldiers went to death.

Hercules has been fighting all the way, and now every Transformer component of Hercules has been inlaid with core modules by Downey. The combat power has leapfrogged. Although it will greatly increase the difficulty of Downey's control, it is only a layer of paper away from the fourth level. Don't care about this consumption.

   Optimus Prime was at a later position, and a large number of energy cannons sprayed fire particles.

   On the earth at this time, the Zetarians have not yet sent equipment and technology to the Earth people, and energy weapons have not yet been widely popularized. It is indeed very difficult for Downey to get some energy weapons.

   The weapons of the Wakanda warriors have been learned when Downey analyzed the spacecraft. But embarrassingly, there is no vibrating in Downey's hands, and all of Wakanda's weapons are related to vibrating.

   "We must meet the soldiers who are showing signs of defeat as quickly as possible..."

   Downey frowned slightly. The energy weapons were too troublesome. Except for the twenty Transformers with core modules, all other individuals would suffer considerable damage.

   More than forty Transformers Corps formed a fierce firepower net with each other, and there were no dead ends under Downey's control.

   The command post was dropped, giving Downey a chance to seize control.

"I am Lieutenant Downey. Everyone immediately moved in my direction. The enemy could not give us time to disperse and escape to the beach! All aircraft carrier battle groups immediately used their fighters to carry out carpet bombing on the following locations! The coordinates are... "

   Downey took the earphones whose frequency had been tampered with, gave orders to the remaining troops, and at the same time asked the aircraft carriers to bomb some places.

   After a while, the major general on the aircraft carrier contacted him.

   "Lieutenant, I need a reason."

   "My legion will cause effective damage to the enemy. It will not hurt the enemy. No one will want to leave alive. Wakanda's aircraft can't let go of many warships!"

   The commander of the aircraft carrier was silent for a moment and issued an order: "Bombing the following coordinates..."

   This is a very risky move. Some people even think that the major general is crazy. Why should he listen to an untrusted mutant?

   But the major general knows that this is the smartest move. It's not that the frontline has a higher rank than Downey, but everyone fights on their own, and the command is killed in one go.

   In this kind of situation, even the worst order is 10,000 times stronger than hesitation. Hesitating is waiting for death, there is no way to survive, it is better to let Downey, who is on the front line, express his thoughts.

   The specific details of the command task, those battalion commanders are not stupid, knowing how to do it would be better.

   More than 30,000 soldiers screamed hoarsely from the remaining officers and moved closer to Downey.

   This is an opportunity. If it succeeds, Downey will become the "superhero" in people's hearts. If it fails, it is just right for Downey to carry this cauldron on the back of the commanders.

   Downey looked indifferent, and slowly opened his arms on this chaotic battlefield.

   Following Downey's movements, the 42-meter Hercules opened his gruesome metal mouth, and let out a heavy to extreme roar, a terrifying suction from small to large.

   This absorbing power is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a deafening noise!

   This is a killer trick Donnie prepared!

   The unmatched suction force sucked everything into the big mouth composed of countless metal meat grinders and smashed them thoroughly.

   "What did he do?!"

  Wakanda's pilot yelled in horror!

  Lian Wakanda aircraft is teetering in front of this suction! The most recent spaceship was eaten by Hercules altogether, with layers of huge crushing gears in his mouth that numbed the scalp, enough to make people with weak nerves crash on the spot.

   Desperate sense of desperation that I tried my best, but watched myself pull towards the meat grinder, was bitten, and made many people go crazy on the spot.

   What kind of monster is this, what kind of ability is this, I have never heard of it!

   The Wakanda warriors on the ground were even more unbearable. The rhinos and people were pulled by the huge suction and flew into the mouth of Hercules and became blood-red paste.

   The forty-two-meter Hercules, at this moment, has become a behemoth in mythology that devours heaven and earth, swallowing everything in his eyes!

   Downey took his legion and stood closely behind Hercules, forming a group, watching the incredible massacre with indifference.

Thousands of materials were swallowed and shattered fiercely by Hercules. The grass and deeper sands on the ground were completely overturned by the huge suction, and the roots were uprooted, as if to swallow the entire ~From time to time, you can see the shattered material leaking out of Hercules's mouth.

   However, Hercules is also suffering more and more serious damage, whether it is the enemy's desperately struggling energy cannon attack, or the vibrating spacecraft weapon, it will increase the difficulty of breaking.

   If it weren't for Downey, regardless of the cost, with a fierce face of taking everything in his eyes at once, constant frenzied repairs, and mobilization of parts to supplement, Hercules' head might be worn out at this time.

   Over time, some of the semi-vibratory synthetic materials activated by Downey have also been replaced with Hercules.

   This is a feast, a crazy feast.

   Countless expressions of horror, and countless screams, did not move Downey's face too much. All he had on his face was deep and cruel.

   Downey is no stranger to the despair that covers the sky and the sun. That day, that nightmare day, he lost everything and gained everything in despair.

   This crazy slaughter continued until the large troops approached. This crazy scene was filmed by the internal recorders of the military, especially the soldiers who were rescued by Downey at first and followed him with shock and enthusiasm.

   On this battlefield full of sin and madness, Downey at this moment is brilliant. The body couldn't be more ordinary, even if it looked extremely small in front of Hercules, it also exudes an indelible brilliance.

   Many years later, the soldiers who survived the battlefield, even if they were old and weak, still fanatically pulled others to tell this godlike scene.

   "Back then, on the battlefield of Wakanda, the master of Cybertron saved my life..."