Transformers In Marvel Chapter 154: Rose, death?

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


"It's not always possible to do what we want to do, but it's important to believe in something before you do it."

– Might Guy (Naruto)


General Ross was sitting in a tank, roaring with the walkie-talkie, and constantly issued orders, ordering the soldiers to retreat while fighting.

"Immediately notify the aircraft carrier battle group and directly wash the ground with heavy firepower! Report the coordinates of the rear of the army, let them wash the ground, and don't get entangled directly! Also, immediately contact the **** Downey, I will tell him personally!" Rose roared, his eyes flushed.

   When the connection was made, Rose was immediately questioning.

   "Do you **** want to treason?"

   "General, I have rescued the disabled soldiers and have settled them in the jungle. After the war, we can find a way to rescue them. I have exchanged fire with the enemy now, right behind the enemy, and are washing them with blood."

   On the other end, Downey's calm voice and fierce artillery fire can be heard. The battle is very fierce. Rose also heard a lot of the painful wailing of rhinos before they died.

   Downey did use the Transformers Army to directly attack the enemy, and the sudden guns caught the attention of Wakanda in front of him by surprise.

  In an instant, one or two hundred people were taken away by Downey's fire, and dozens of rhinos died on the spot. These war rhinos only have vibrating armor on the front, and there is no protection at all behind them.

   "General, I activated an enemy aircraft. I am sitting in it. I asked the military not to bombard it!" Downey shouted.

   "Who can figure out which one is your soldier?"

   "I will transform my spacecraft into human form when I get closer to the army!"

   "The request is approved, you come back soon!" Ross snorted coldly, instinctively feeling wrong, but he couldn't find the reason, so he didn't think too much, just pressed the inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart.

   There is a tendency for the entire army to collapse, and it is normal for a sense of crisis and irregularity to appear.

   Downey's Transformers Legion has become a group of crazy killing machines, using the advantages of long-range weapons to brazenly launch a sneak attack on Wakanda's land forces, with a remarkable record.

  The warriors of Wakanda are going crazy, and many tribesmen are dead.

   Some fighters turned their directions, and some spaceships also started to turn, rushing towards Downey's Transformers Corps with a murderous aura.

   Taking advantage of the chaos, an ordinary vibrating spacecraft from far to near, also pumped up Lengzi to open fire at Downey's army and successfully defeated Transformers.

"Nice job, buddy!" The Wakanda pilot praised him without any doubt, but the other party did not respond, nor did he care. He rushed into the core of the battlefield as he had never seen him before. The robots are fighting.

   That amazing spaceship left the battlefield and flew toward the front.

   The speed of the spacecraft was amazing, and the subsonic speed quickly reached the large unit that had collapsed. It took less than ten minutes for the process from Downey's return to the battlefield to the arrival of the large unit area.

   There are more than 30,000 soldiers of more than 50,000 soldiers, and there are corpses everywhere. Many soldiers collapsed and knelt on the ground, holding their guns in madness and making futile attacks.

   The appearance of this spacecraft caught the attention of the military which immediately opened fire without hesitation. Ross simply did not pass on similar words like "Be careful not to accidentally hurt Downey's soldiers".

Downey's resolute withdrawal from the back line just now successfully angered General Ross, who has a strong desire for control. He can attack Downey in this way. It is best to kill him. Not being able to kill can be used as a warning. The big deal is afterward that the soldiers did not execute In place.

   Ross is a man with more political elements than military elements.

   The spacecraft was hit by many missiles and fell to the ground feebly. Unknowingly, it fell and glided toward the command headquarters.

   Many soldiers cheered subconsciously, with no extra thoughts at all. It is too difficult to destroy these spaceships. This is a lesson of blood, and being able to shoot them down is already a great achievement.

   The spacecraft crashed very close to the headquarters, shaking many people.

   "Go, you super soldiers, go and take down the parts of that spaceship, especially the control room. You can take it down as much as you can, and it's better to capture the pilot alive!" Ross gave an order.

   This was the first spaceship closest to the headquarters, and it crashed. The previous spaceships were all driven back by crazy firepower regardless of the cost. The headquarters is the center, and it can't be handled like this by the enemy.

   If you lose in battle, you will lose. As long as you have enough contributions to make a deal, you can greatly alleviate the sins of Rose and others.

   For politicians, political achievement is life, not anything else, otherwise Rose would not have risked catching Hulk because he knew Hulk was a crazy beast, and used his violent blood to make a substitute.

   eventually led to the death of countless innocent citizens of New York.

   led to the death and destruction of Downey's family.

   A group of super soldiers flew up to the spacecraft, and they were finding the door. After they were about to open the door and walk in, the light of the spacecraft that had already been extinguished suddenly lit up!

   A strong sense of crisis stimulated General Rose's nerves, and he almost made him, a man who was born and died, had a lot of hair, and his ominous premonition was magnified to the extreme.

   The light of the spaceship is bright, like a beast that is out of control, roaring frantically, using all its power, and rushing forward fiercely!

   The instantaneous acceleration is to Several super soldiers were crushed to pieces in an instant!

   Ahead is the tank where Ross is! The temporary headquarters is arranged in those tanks!

   A behemoth broke free from the shackles, taking advantage of the excitement and excitement of the people in the command center, even if the distance is far away, it rushed towards the prey in an instant!

   Boom! Bah!

   The bottom of the spaceship is next to the ground, throwing up a large amount of dirt, and the powerful movement can make this big guy more terrifying than any weapon!

   In an instant, in Rose's pupils, the spaceship grew bigger and bigger. In his mind, countless images began to flow, and the details he had overlooked rolled out from the depths of his memory.

   activates a spaceship and asks not to fire...

   Anyone who is a little familiar with Downey knows that the most important thing to him is the car named "Optimus Prime". How could he abandon Optimus Prime and drive the spaceship back alone?

   "It's you! Downey! It's you!"

   Rose's pupils widened, and he opened his mouth to say something, but it was of no use, and he was completely annihilated in front of the swiftly gliding spaceship.

   The anger in his eyes was gradually replaced by despair and finally lost its luster.

   Several tanks serving as temporary headquarters were completely submerged by the spacecraft, and sparks burst out from their debut as if they were the last unwilling struggle of life.

The headquarters    was completely destroyed by the spacecraft that "returned to light". Soldiers not far away were still firing instinctively, and the bullet hit the spacecraft and sent out ridiculous little sparks. They stared blankly at everything that happened suddenly, their minds a little bit overwhelmed.

   In just a few seconds, many high-ranking officials are... gone?