Transformers In Marvel Chapter 121: I'm fucking

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


"Snap out of it!" -Moonstruck, 1987


A group of soldiers swallowed and foamed, sweating coldly, and subconsciously looked at the wall.

It's too miserable, it's too miserable. The power and speed of this lizardfolk are much faster than that of ordinary people. Even if a lizardfolk is unarmed, their claws and tail are also extremely lethal. Therefore, full-service armed soldiers have always acted in small groups.

But for such a powerful genetically modified man, the young man in front of him smashed his head and smashed a wall with his hand. The sturdy body was smashed into the mud, and occasionally pieces of meat splashed on the soldiers. On the body, some young soldiers almost vomited out.

The sixth sense instinctive alarm bell of human beings seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is a masterpiece. This guy in front of him is a huge threat. The most terrible thing is that he seems to have an unpleasant experience with General Ross...

"What are you talking about, General Rose's order? Isn't that guy in jail?" Downey dug his ears and walked over to the soldiers.

After repeatedly warning to no avail, the sergeant gritted his teeth and ordered an attack!

Some soldiers took out anesthesia guns and fired at Downey, their mouths sneered. As a legal organ of violence, their military has always been guided by force, and those who do not cooperate have the right to be killed on the spot!

No matter how arrogant you are, can you still resist bullets? Captured you alive, some time is concocted! They have already imagined how to torture this arrogant boy in prison. This boy will not be the first one, and more people will be killed or captured alive before and after him.

The crisp voice sounded again and again, and these soldiers were stupid in an instant and froze there like a demon.

With just one hand, Downey slapped numerous anesthesia shells aside. The astonishing speed left a shocking afterimage in the air, and he continuously waved his arms to deflect the bullet that hit him.

Although I didn't shoot directly on the fly-it was very difficult to do so, the direction of the shot also achieved the same effect. At this time, Downey's strength index has officially exceeded one ton, and his nerve reflex is even more powerful and outrageous.

"I x, is it a mutant? Or some other superhuman?" A soldier stopped shooting and couldn't help but explode.

The sergeant looked aggrieved, full of helplessness. The military is awesome, but no matter how powerful it is, it will be intimidating when encountering superhumans that are strong enough to a certain degree, especially in urban areas, it is difficult to use heavy firepower weapons.

"Report to me, soldier, shouldn't the beloved General Rose be in jail?" Downey smiled, but his whole body exuded the chill of an ice cave. These soldiers trembled all over, looking at the demon-like figure.

The streets here are full of rubble. Every time Downey takes a step forward, the stones he stepped on are crushed into powder, but there is no sound. It seemed that Downey was an indescribable killer, crushing everything in front of him.

Downey walked slowly to the pale-faced sergeant, gently tidied the clothes for the loyal sergeant, and patted the dust on his clothes. The scene was like a prehistoric behemoth petting the ants affectionately. , Every breath brings a devastating breath.

"General Rose was just released not long ago. Because the lizard incident broke out suddenly, General Rose, who had just been released from prison, made a guilty service and was appointed as a commander..." The sergeant decided to compromise and spoke very fast. And quietly turned on the intercom.

This little action can't hide from Downey, but he doesn't care, anyway, these people will be interrogated afterward.

"General Ross was imprisoned because of the Super Soldier Project, and this time he was released because of the Super Soldier Project? He has become the new plan leader again?" Downey slowly reduced his smile, his entire face Becomes dull, and the breath on his body is even more dangerous

This is terrible news, terrible for Downey, he and Rose are very at odds. He wanted to be honest for some time, develop insignificantly, and first produce a batch of recycled metals in batches. But General Rose was released, which was very embarrassing, and it would make things very troublesome.

Because Downey was really worried that he could not help but slaughter Rose first, and then desperately.

This is a very troublesome thing, really troublesome, what if he can't help it?

Downey lowered his head and thought about it seriously. If Rose stood in front of him, he felt that the probability of a killer recklessly...99.9%.

The remaining 0.1% may be that he suddenly became stupid. It's that simple.

The hatred between the two parties is too great—perhaps in the eyes of General Rose, he doesn't think he has any sins, at most he regrets the destruction of Downey's family—you are not the only family destroyed. What are you complaining about?? It's Hulk and Detest, it's my shit?

This is already very impressive, a great figure above all expressing regret. What a vast and majestic heart!

"It's troublesome news..." Downey said faintly, with chill and murder in his eyes, but soon disappeared, and he lowered his head deeply. Rose may only be jealous and worried about him, but he has a killer heart toward Rose.

These conversations were quickly picked up by the special department, and then the cameras were mobilized, and they immediately recognized Downey, a completely dangerous person. They quickly called Operation Commander Rose and reported the matter to him.

"Donny, there is nothing to do with you here, go home immediately, and don't interfere with the military's actions! Of course, if you insist on intervening, I can promise you a place as a military special operations team member." Ross came from the intercom. The majestic words of the general.

The prison life did not have any effect on him. He is one of the most proficient in the super soldier program in the military, and the military is reluctant to abolish such a talent. In prison, it gave him more time to reflect.

So General Rose realized that the reason why he failed was that he lacked the extraordinary power to be loyal to him. Especially in the Hulk incident, it is reasonable to say that hatred is the most successful result. Although the appearance is hideous, the hatred of reason and strength is online! He has not become a monster who only knows to destroy and kill like Hulk!

It's a pity that hating the character before being transformed is rebellious and unconvinced with him as an officer! Conversely think, if you have the power to fight against hatred, do you dare not listen to hatred?

To some extent, hatred is the most qualified super soldier besides Captain America!

So wooing his own manpower to build a super team loyal to him was listed as a priority by General Ross. At this point, the competitor named Stryker did a good job. Then Downey, who had awakened that night, came into his sight.

Resentment to Hulk, thirst for power, stay in the city honestly, not blackened or Long Aotian because of the sudden power...just need to smoothly guide the direction of this young man's hatred, that is perfect Extraordinary subordinates...

General Rose is used to the wind and rain, but when he thinks of bringing Downey under his command and charging for his great cause, there is still a wave in his heart. The excitement that has not appeared for many years appears in his heart, and the pores all over his body are relieved. It made him feel that he was many years younger all of a sudden, and he was full of enthusiasm.

Donny, come on, identity, status, power, connections, resources, as many as I want here, as long as you are willing to join me! General Ross sat in front of the screen, shivering with excitement.

Downey snatched the walkie-talkie from the sergeant, although the tone of General Rose was strange. He pondered for a while and slowly said something he wanted to say a long time ago into the walkie-talkie.

"Rose, I **** your mother's leg." Reading Net