Transformers In Marvel Chapter 120: Whose soldier are you?

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


. "Well, nobody's perfect." -Some Like it Hot, 1959


Downey took the lead and deliberately avoided the SHIELD Bureau who had come to him. Without him, too annoying.

Institutions such as S.H.I.E.L.D. are a mixture of fish and dragons, and are the worst cooperation partners. Would Downey transfer the manufacturing technology of the Bacchus factor to them, or master the technology himself to help them create undead soldiers?

What a joke, let alone the transfer of technology, he is not even willing to make soldiers for S.H.I.E.L.D., and if he has that energy, it is better to build a metal body for himself and build the Transformers Group.

Moreover, if S.H.I.E.L.D. has mastered the undead soldiers, it is very likely that they will make trouble for extraordinary people like Downey, digging holes and jumping in by themselves.

The technique of the Bacchus factor is still the best in his own hands. As for the Owl Court...

Downey had a new plan in his mind, but he was not too anxious. Even if it was to resurrect the spring, he would have to attack the Owl Court sooner or later. Uprooting is unrealistic, maybe some slippery fish has leaked the news, but it is more appropriate to have complete control in your hands.

In Queens, New York City, it is time to lick wounds after suffering from chaos.

People came and went on the streets, and a large number of buildings were damaged. Not to mention vehicles, but on the solid walls, bullet holes and amazing paw prints can be seen from time to time. Many citizens still have the rest of their lives with horror, messy clothes and chicken coop-like hair, telling others clearly that something troublesome has happened here.

Many corpses can even be seen lying on the ground.

Donnela opened the door, and the chaotic scene at this time seemed familiar. It was also that day, when Hulk and Abomination were at war in New York, it was also this scene, a chaos. However, the chaos this time has a wider coverage and is far worse than that in terms of pure destructive power.

Downey knew the details when he first left Gotham City. The media that went around would never think it was a big deal, and blatantly preached the second huge disaster in the near future.

What's cheating is that this time it was man-made again, and the military organization was once again pulled out of the back, and it was an ironclad evidence that it was incompetent and wasted money.

"Dr. Lizard...Tsk tusk, the Osborne Group is considered to be planted this time, don't even want to kill them." Downey looked at the chaotic situation cheerfully, and kicked a drop by the way. Billboard coming down.

This time in the crisis, Spider-Man, the New Yorker's good neighbor, drew his sword to help him, and brought down the source of evil, Dr. Lizard, in an upright manner. At this time, the Queens District of New York has stepped out of the initial chaos. The spray potion covering the whole city has restored most of the lizardmen to humans, leaving only the scattered lizardmen hiding in the dark and enclosed corners. .

The omnipotent media successfully picked up relevant matters and threw them on various channels for hype.

A doctor with Broken Arm from a prestigious university wanted to cut a small piece of gene fragment from a lizard and transplant it into humans, so as to obtain the lizard's regenerative ability. The famous and talented student Peter Parker also participated in this experiment and provided the most critical chemical equations.

The Osborne Group was so lustful and forced the doctor to conduct human experiments. The doctor was a good man. He couldn't bear the disabled soldiers becoming guinea pigs, so he simply injected himself with a tube of medicine.

Then he was tragic. Although his broken arm regenerated, the violent potion gave birth to a chaotic personality, and at the same time turned him into a humanoid lizard monster. This genius monster manufactures potions in batches, intending to turn people in New York into an "evolution" like him.

The story Pig's Foot Spider-Man has gone through untold hardships and finally defeated the evil enemy and saved the city...the protagonist template of the counterattack by hanging properly.

Even the Horn Daily, which has been black for 30 years, has faltered this time, and rarely sprays Spider-Man.

"What a great little spider, it's hot again...Hey, why should I do it again?"

In the shadows, the lizard soldiers transformed by genetic medicine watch the strangers on the road. When Downey approached them, accompanied by a roar, these genetically distorted things rushed out like crazy.

"People? People? Kill you, eat you!" Several confused monsters said vaguely, and rushed towards the food in their eyes.

Only Dr. Lizard can retain a better mind, and can exaggerately use the body of a lizard to make medicine. The other lizardmen are violent and low-energy fools, with instinctive consciousness greater than rational consciousness, and they have almost become lowly beasts.

Downey squeezed a lizardman's neck, clicked it, and easily twisted it off. His expression was relaxed and he had no plans to capture them alive. Even if they were still intact humans not long ago, Downey had no psychological pressure to kill them.

There were four lizardmen in all. These confused thinking groups were extremely irritable, one was killed, and the other three rushed towards Downey without any fear.

Downey didn't use the armor, but directly used two hands, one hand, and easily cut into their chests. With a strong shake, both hands brought out a large amount of their internal organs, and the blood was scattered on the ground.

The remaining one planned to escape, but Downey grabbed the tail and dragged it away. He is very curious about these failed genetically modified species, and plans to drag it back to study it, even as a specimen collection.

A team of soldiers, fully armed, patrolled the streets cautiously. They were armed with brand new electric shock weapons. With a single blow, they could stun these lizardmen, then catch them alive and send them back.

The leading sergeant happened to see Downey slaughtering the lizardmen and was very shocked.

It was not because of how strong Downey was, but because he felt a burst of dissatisfaction-these remaining lizardmen can be transformed back into human beings. As long as the antidote is used, genes can be reversed and foreign lizard genes can be expelled.

"You, raise your hand!" The sergeant shouted sharply, "They are all humans, you shouldn't kill them, you should catch them alive! They also have family members waiting for them to go back!"

A dozen soldiers raised their weapons one after another and looked at Downey in surprise. There are two civil justice people, hehe, they have also encountered this kind of people. This kind of crisis covering the whole city has blown up many diving guys.

According to a colleague, the hell's kitchen is the busiest. There is a blind man who is very powerful and can actually fight the lizard people head-on.

But so what, this is the order of the military! The military has officially intervened in this incident! Who dares to oppose the military?

"People from the military?" Downey turned to look at them, and pulled the only lizard to his side, placing his other hand on the lizard's head, as if petting the pet.

"Yes, put down the people in your hands. The military has issued a notice. These people have a chance to change back and should be captured alive!" The sergeant said righteously, watching Donny's behavior a little strangely. Jumping non-stop.

He knew a little bit of inside information, and knew that the lizardmen who were captured did not immediately inject the healing antidote.

The soldiers behind him were moved and felt that they were doing a just and great all clamored, and yelled at Downey to immediately let go of the hostages in his hands.

Who dares to oppose the military?

"Whose soldiers are you?" Downey asked. The lizardman in his hand kept struggling, and Downey went up and kicked his leg, all of a sudden.

The soldiers were so angry that they could almost not help firing. The sergeant was frightened, feeling that he had provoke something extraordinary. He slowly said: "It is General Ross's order. We are ordered to rescue these poor lizardmen who have been affected. I advise you to be honest and don't go against our military..."

Puff! Downey squeezed the lizardman's head, and the red and white brains burst out like pieces of red tofu, and the unknown brain fluid flowed little by little from the lizardman's strong body to the ground.

"Whose soldier do you say you are? Did I hear it wrong?" Downey looked a little surprised, and threw the corpse aside. The increasing strength made the corpse almost a human-shaped boulder, smashing a wall.

The corpse was pasted on the wall, and it had become muddy flesh.

The sergeant shook his heart. Reading Net