Transformers In Marvel Chapter 116: The new Gotham ruler: Downey

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


To live without Hope is to Cease to live— Fyodor Dostoevsky


If the old town not long ago was nothing more than an ignited flame on a firewood pile, then now the entire old town has ignited soaring to the sky, there is no possibility of extinguishing it unless it burns out by itself.

The wave of revolution completely exploded in the old city, sweeping the entire city with thunder.

An unprecedented armed revolution broke out in Gotham City, where weak civilians formed an army and targeted the numerous gangsters in the old city. This has never happened before. One after another, the vicious gangs were dragged out of the house by the old lamb-like civilians and brutally killed.

This situation is getting worse, and some bad signs have also emerged, such as mobs.


Anderson shot the man in front of him coldly, and even though the other party knelt on the ground and begged, but Anderson still hurt the killer. During this period, many companions who were originally from their camp have been killed by Anderson and his men.

Unrestricted power will inevitably lead to darkness. This is true because power cannot be benefited by only one person. There will be a team benefiting. If one person has bad thoughts and puts them into practice, huge profits will be obtained. Distorted the hearts of the entire team.

The initial promise of justice will be weakened for an infinite period, and eventually lead people in another direction.

Anderson's approach is to use the cruelest means to deal with, without any persuasion and guidance, directly kill and kill, kill all the people with wrong intentions, naturally, there will be no so-called mobs.

Since he was caught by Batman and talked a lot, he was thrown into jail. Although his entry into jail was an extension of Downey's plan and was used by the situation, he escaped secretly at the critical moment and saved him. The Batman woman.

But the visit to Arkham Prison changed a lot for Anderson, and he came into contact with too many vicious villains in it. Anderson is no longer so cautious, he will kill if he should, and he will not show mercy. If he has the skills of Batman, he can also decide the life and death of many people. If he doesn't, he will kill him directly.

"I'm afraid you want me to do this too... Use the coolest means to solve the problems in the old city and keep the situation under control..." Anderson thought to himself, and Downey threw him into the old city. Given his channels and power, he has to make some achievements anyway.

Otherwise, Downey might really abandon him, kick him aside and look for other people, or even go to battle himself.

Fortunately, what he did was barely good.

"Boss, new news, Maroni's body was found, and most of the whole person was charred." A subordinate hurried over and showed him a photo.

"Even Maroni died, and the entire Falcon criminal family disappeared. Our chance is here!" Anderson's eyes suddenly brightened, and his heart was excited. "Don't be patient, take out all the weapons and distribute them. This is the timing for Boss Downey to tell us, it would be stupid if we can't even catch this!"

In the room, everyone's eyes lit up, and their expressions were invigorated.

They obeyed Anderson, but everyone knew that the mysterious Downey was the boss behind the scenes. After returning to the old town, Anderson told them bluntly.

Mechanic Downey is the leader of all this, and he kicked the revolution with one hand. Only a murderous man like a mechanic sits behind the scenes to suppress these unruly people.

At this time, Downey sat steadily in the luxurious room of the Wayne Building, lying on the chair, shaking, the wine glass in his hand tilted with his movements, and the red wine inside was gently shaking.

He squinted at the bustling urban scenery outside the window, slowly put down the phone with the other hand, and turned off the report call from Anderson.

Everything went smoothly, and the final result was as perfect as he had imagined. The overall situation of the old town was set. With Maroni's death as a node, a large number of gangs can no longer stand up, although many people died in the process.

The Owl Court is the source of crime in Gotham City. After being severely wounded and drawn by him, they were licking their wounds silently, and they did not dare to easily engage with Downey.

Because Downey dared to kill people, he was still the kind of killer.

"Leave Anderson as the leader of the various resistance organizations in the old city...As long as he is not mentally ill, he will not really think of himself as much, and save the trouble of conflicts with various forces." Downey drank. He took a sip of red wine and squinted comfortably.

Amanda understood, opened the door, and walked out.

This is a very smart woman, she is very clear about her position.

On the other side, Klein wears glasses, and he usually reads with a book in his hand, looking at Downey from the side of his eye, all kinds of thoughts popped up in his mind.

"The new ruler of Gotham City..." Klein buried his head deeply in the book as if the book in his hand had magical power.

No one is really stupid to think that the militants in the old city will lay down their weapons obediently after success, and their ferocity and bloodlines have been inspired. After enjoying the scenery at a high place, they will not be willing to go back to the low place again, not to mention that they have nothing, barefoot, and are not afraid of wearing shoes.

Downey is peculiarly controlling them, hiding himself but can guarantee his influence, especially Downey's strength and influence are amazing, and he has the right to lift the table at any time. If you consider Owl and Batman, they are unable to compete with him.

Unless there is someone who can kill Downey in the old city, it is possible to unite the various armed forces, but this is almost impossible. Many people want to kill Downey, but no one has succeeded so far.

Downey is one of the few people who have been to the Brotherhood and the X-Men. This will make many people wonder how strong the support behind him is, plus he is now a major shareholder of the Stark Group and the Wayne Group. one.

That's right, Downey unceremoniously asked Bruce for shares, behaved rudely and directly, and bluntly asked Bruce to repay him with money.

Downey also holds 0.5 of the Wayne Group shares in his hands. This is the best protective shield. He has also established a foothold in the business world. UU Reading is no longer a lone ranger who only knows how to fight and kill.

Downey has become the unshakable underground king of Gotham City, and he will sell his face in two political and business terms.

"Klein!" Downey suddenly shouted.

Klein shivered subconsciously, swallowed, and recovered from his thoughts, raising his head to look at Downey.

"Has Bruce contacted me?" Downey said, in a playful tone, "Except for sending you and Anderson to save people that night, I asked you to stay in this room, and don't tell me you ran out secretly."

"No, I've never been out." Klein shook his head hurriedly, "I never thought about the fixed phone in this room. I can confirm. Why don't you leave Bruce with your mobile number? Just contact Bruce if you have any questions. It's okay."

"That won't work, Mr. Wayne is a famous playboy. No one knows which celebrity he is having a private meeting with. Mr. Wayne never accepts a man's cell phone number." Downey said meaningfully.

Bruce should still be with Rachel at this time. Reading Net