Transformers In Marvel Chapter 115: I don't allow you to have no weakness

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


"It was like you brought color to my life. You changed my life, all by yourself." — Sawaka Kuronuma (Reaching You)


In the building where Rachel was killed in the bombing, there was a ruin, large tracts of debris covered with broken walls, and occasionally fine glass **** could be seen.

It was a terrible explosion, which almost destroyed this tall building. Even the vehicles a few meters away outside the building were affected and completely scrapped.

The night is sultry, the whole building is quiet, and only the main trunk is barely standing there, telling the world about the grand scene of the past. The breeze was blowing, with a chill, and patted the face, as if ripples.

But that was an illusion, and Gordon understood that there were no poetic ripples, only the bone-wrenching ice.

The old sheriff has worked hard for most of his life in this position, but he has always maintained justice in his heart. He once believed that the dawn will come and Harvey will lead everyone to a bright path.

But he failed, everyone failed, and when Rachel died, everyone knew they failed.

"Harvey! Don't hurt my family, all the responsibility is on me! Damn, don't you **** point a gun at my family!" Gordon said more and more anxiously, and he watched his wife and The two children were held hostage by Harvey, but there was nothing they could do, and they could only roar weakly.

Until now, he couldn't believe it. Is the person in front of him still the justice of Harvey? Is it the righteous knight?

"Rachel died in this building and was brought here by your subordinates. Then they killed her. Now you tell me not to hurt your family?" Harvey opened the corner of his mouth, and only half of it was intact. There was a sharp contrast between his mouth and the other half who was almost burned out.

"Why is it that my Rachel died, not someone else? Gordon, tell me why is it, not your family that died?" Gordon is not as crazy as the clown, he is still trying to maintain his former calm.

Harvey grabbed a teenager, dragged him to the edge of the building, and looked at the softly sobbing child, he suddenly showed a crazy expression. If all goes well, he and Rachel will have a lovely child, but everything is impossible.

"Gordon, do you think I would still choose to escape? I have no way to escape!" Harvey looked savage.

"You won't hurt that child, it's not what you are."

The huge bat figure came over from another building, and he was panting. Although after dealing with the problem of the clown, he chased him slowly, he was still a step late.

"This is not a question of what I want, it's about fairness! Do you still think I can be an upright person? Ridiculous! There is only one thing in this world without prejudice..." Harvey took out his coin and took it carefully In his hand, such a small thing is the fairest in the world.

This small coin has become all of Harvey's life because this is the fairest thing, only the front, and the back.

The cold wind roared, making a terrible sound as if wailing for Harvey, but I didn't know whether it was cursing or pity, the leaves rustled with the sound of the wind.

"First of all you, Batman, the head, you live, the tail, you die!" Harvey tossed the coin as usual, grabbed it in his hand, and slowly opened it.

It's the opposite.


Harvey gave Batman a shot without hesitation. He ignored the result. Although he knew that Batman was wearing bulletproof armor, he didn't care. One shot was enough. He never fired only one shot.

Batman was lying on the ground, motionless, as if he had been beaten to death.

"Then I..." Harvey put the gun on his head sensibly and tossed up the coin coldly. The coin is the fairest trial. Whether one is alive or dead is decided by this coin. If God asked him to die, he would shoot without hesitation.

This time, it was positive.

"Next it is your son's turn to see if this cute little child is alive or dead..." Harvey said this, turning his head to look at Gordon, showing his hideous teeth.

Harvey at this time has become so unfamiliar, like a robot without emotion.

Batman lay on the ground, and when Harvey distracted him, he roared and rushed over, knocking Harvey off the tall building!

The two fell down the tall building together, one after the other!

Harvey, in a formal suit, was unprotected and went downstairs to death on the spot. A pool of blood was slowly flowing from small to large.

The conscience of Gotham City, the righteous knight of the people, was finally ended by the dark knight.

It was ironic that the Dark Knight killed the Knight of Justice he valued.

"Sure enough, the clown won, and you lost everything... You should have listened to me and killed the clown with your own hands or let me kill the clown. It is too late, otherwise, more people will become Harvey in the future. "Downey followed all the way, standing in the dark and witnessing together coldly.

He could have taken action to save everyone, and he could have taken action to stop Harvey, but he would not do it, seeing with his own eyes is often more reliable than hearing with ears. He wants to force Bruce to witness Harvey's changes with his own eyes, and even if there is an accident, he will force Bruce to kill Harvey.

A superhero who believes in guarding the people should be a killer to terrible enemies. It is still just an ordinary person like Harvey. In the future, more and more aliens will come to Earth and start a big show. Curtain.

Does Batman have to catch them alive one by one? Many people came directly to the earth with troops, and they simply couldn't catch them.

"I will never become a person like you! Don't think you won, Downey, I will never become a villain like you!" Batman lay on the ground, saying every word.

Although the armor protected him, falling from such a height still caused damage to his body.

"It's up to you, anyway, I said I can't beat you with a hard brain... You have faith, and this is a good thing, at least don't worry about you becoming a person like Harvey, don't forget, Harvey is your personal choice. Believe me, If one day you become like him, I will kill you myself, because at that time you will definitely take killing me as your first goal."

Downey squatted down and picked up the coin held in Harvey's hand with complicated eyes. After staring for a long time, he walked to Batman. Gordon slammed the coin upstairs and stuffed the coin into Batman's. In hand.

"Remember Harvey, you should remember him, he doesn't owe anyone, but you owe him a lot... Harvey is just an ordinary person, he was overwhelmed by you... I can change him, But I didn't do it, because it's meaningless. The Justice Knight is gone forever. Harvey wasn't the first person you killed, right? You should have killed a lot of people when you came out of the Shadow Warrior Alliance, right?"

"What the **** do you want to say?" Batman clenched his fists in The hero was never so good. He took "not to kill" as his belief, trying to avoid becoming a murderer without a bottom line. Commit.

But he did kill a lot of people, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Every time the hands are stained with blood, they can't be washed off again.

Downey stood up and walked away slowly under the occasional moonlight. He ignored Batman who was lying on the ground feebly. Batman was the biggest loser. He had lost everything that could be lost and seemed to be alone.

"If I were you, I would not confess, Harvey, it is better to die, a justice knight recognized by everyone, when he exposed the darkness in his heart overnight, the consequences would be more than The clown is also terrible. Isn't it better to let the image of justice stay in people's hearts forever?"

"By the way, I will leave Gotham right away. I will give you a gift before I leave. It is the right to leave a weakness that will restrain you in the future." Downey suddenly stopped, turning his back to Batman and slowly said A word that stunned the latter.

"Rachel is still alive, I sent someone to rescue him. Do you want to make yourself perfect? ​​How is it possible, I don't allow my enemy to have no weakness."