Transformers In Marvel Chapter 140: I can save Ben

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


You should never give up on life, no matter how you feel. No matter how badly you want to give up.



.. Transformers in Meiman

"Are, you admitted to the wrong person." Peter became extremely flustered, and the greatest secret of his life was revealed to his face.

When his identity is revealed, not only himself but his friend, Aunt May, will be targeted by evil criminals.

What's more, it is hard to say that people like Downey are good people. As far as he knows, Downey kills many people.

Downey reached into his briefcase-this action made Peter even more nervous, and took out a bottle of wine and two small glasses from it.

"Why look at me with that expression and want to act on me and arrest me in advance? It's a pity that I work in the military, and it's useless if you catch me and throw it at the police. What's more, you are not my opponent. "Downey put the cup calmly, unscrewed the lid and poured it a little bit, then pushed it to Peter.

"What do you want to do?"

Peter gradually settled down, the spider sensor that had saved him many times did not warn him, at least the guy opposite didn't have any malice towards him and Aunt May.

"I just want to get to know you. If I want to deal with you, I can disclose your true identity in the media, a cowardly and friendly ordinary high school student. Sit down, you should go to college, and you should learn to drink. This is good for you. Good thing, college students who don't know how to drink are a failure." Downey leaned comfortably on the sofa, looking at some poor family decorations.

"Speaking of, this is the third time we have met, once in the Empire State Building, once in Times Square, once now-don't look at me that way, I think it's easy to check your identity. You are lucky, Peter, at least better than me. Lucky." Downey took a sip from the wine glass. "I had to protect myself by killing people. I had to fight among the various forces and wrestle with tiger skins as a banner. The more I kill, the more fierce I act, and the more they are. Don't dare to act rashly."

"Then why are you looking for me... I don't want to get involved in your affairs, especially for people like you, no matter what you say, it can't hide the fact that you murdered..." Peter sat down across the table, confused. Buzzing, tangled up the wine glass, under the other's sharp and sarcastic gaze, bit the bullet and drank a little bit, of course, the spider sensor did not warn again, this wine is safe.

When his identity is exposed, even Downey can find out. Then more people will find out that sooner or later Aunt Mei will be in danger. Peter's mind is simple, to fight criminals on the premise of protecting his family.

Downey shook his head: "I killed everyone who should be killed. Think about your original mentality towards the criminal who killed Ben. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?"

"How do you know this sentence?!"

"I know a lot of things. I have checked your past. You have great abilities. In terms of strength and intuition, except for the Hulk, you are the second batch. But what are you doing to fight thieves every day? Chat with the commuters to relieve their boredom. You are very capable, but you have not taken responsibility, Peter, you have let Ben down."

Peter's eyes were a little red, he suddenly raised his head, and said every word: "Shut up, you are not allowed to mention him, you are not worthy of mentioning him, he is a good man, not a murderer like you!"

Downey looked at him for a long time and nodded slightly: "Captain America and Batman are both heroes, but they have killed a lot of people. In your words, they are more harmful murderers than me, because they have The background, especially the captain, who was ordered to kill. But you can say that at least it means that the teachings you taught you during your lifetime have not been left behind, at least it has not made you go on a crooked road because of his death. In this world, is it black or white? Nonsense, those glamorous people, everyone has done something wrong, and everyone has killed someone who shouldn't die."

"Ben's teaching to you is not in place. He needs to teach you more. At least you should learn how to determine whether a guy who is not a good person is a bit more jerk or a bit more villain." Downey drank it all in one gulp. The spicy taste of the wine in his hand made his aftertaste.

The two looked at each other in silence like this, not giving way to each other.

"I can bring Ben to life." Suddenly, Downey said.

A few simple words stunned Peter like thunder.

I can make Ben come alive! Could have survived!

The glass in Peter's hand slid to the ground, and it broke with a bang, and the drink was spilled on the ground. His eyes were reddish, and his whistling lips opened slightly. He stared at Downey in a daze, and there was a gurgling sound in his throat. He wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

"I have a way to bring the dead back to life. Even the military doesn't know this. They think my technology can only transform the strength of the human body." Downey calmly took out another wine glass from his briefcase and gave it to the little spider again. Upside down.

Peter drank it, his eyes dull and his mind roared.

"How is it possible to bring the dead back to life? This kind of technology is unheard of. You are lying to me, you must be lying to me..." Peter muttered to himself.

"Are you deceiving me and believing that you can tell, even if you let me try it, you won't lose anything? There are many secrets in this world. You linger in the market every day and don't want to touch deeper things. It's just a matter of resurrecting the dead when you What happens when I see the gods in the sky?"

"But humans can't even regenerate severed limbs at the moment! Otherwise, Dr. Lizard wouldn't be born, and the resurrection of the dead, isn't this a kind of blasphemy against the dead..."

"Then do you want to resurrect Ben? Aunt May wants to resurrect Ben. Sooner or later you are leaving Aunt She is so old that she can only be alone. You really bear it?" Downey stared at the other person, "Besides, you know Ben's death, he shouldn't have died, his death was an accident."

Peter was paralyzed on a chair, his eyes were blank, and countless images from his life appeared in his mind.

"Listen, boy, your world is very simple, so simple that I envy you. If you were not protected by a large organization, you would follow the same path as me, either killing all the enemies or being dragged away by the enemy for dissection. I heard that The few civilian heroes who have been in Hell's Kitchen? They have one thing in common: a miserable past." Downey stood up suddenly, took a deep look at him, and stood up to say goodbye.

Peter's world is really simple, because his biological parents and adoptive parents have already laid the groundwork for him, and a global organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. escorts him secretly, preventing all official interference.

Otherwise, Peter would have been beaten to the ground by the military and taken to live experiments. Aunt May is a dead spot that Peter can't avoid.

"Big organization? Do you know what? I went to Cheng Mi's parents?! Tell me!" Peter jumped in front of Downey and grabbed him tightly.
