Transformers In Marvel Chapter 141: poison

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


"The moment you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long."

– Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)


.. Transformers in Meiman

"When you think about it, just come to me directly. My address has never been a secret." Downey glanced at him lightly, and a small transformer appeared in his hand, and forcibly broke Peter's arm apart— —It's not easy.

Before leaving, Downey left a document which was the talent introduction plan of the Stark Group. As long as Peter Parker signs on it, the document will take effect immediately, and the annual special grant of 10,000 US dollars will be paid. Go to Peter's card.

"Take this document to the relevant person in charge of the Stark Group. You don't have to worry about the four-year tuition of the university. Also, remind you that this plan was initiated by me, Peter, come and find it when you think about it. I."

Downey opened the door and got directly into a truck outside. After looking at Peter who was chasing him out, he drove away.

He didn't worry about how the little bug chose, no matter how he chose, he had already jumped into the big pit that Downey had prepared for him. I want to run in my bowl when I come. Who gives you confidence? Ben is resurrected and will become an important bargaining chip in Downey's hands to control Peter; he refuses to resurrect Ben, but as long as he signs the document, Downey's gaze cannot be avoided.

This plan is only aimed at Peter alone, there is no nonsense "One Hundred Talents Introduction Plan", and Peter is the only one from the beginning to the end.

The upgraded Optimus Prime drove swiftly on the road, surpassing one after another sports car, and caught the eye. How can such a big blue guy have such a fast speed? Didn't hear any noise from the super engine?

This blue-toned truck is the upgraded Optimus Prime, which has reached a height of eight meters after combat. It uses Downey's latest researched i-shaped metal and has made an amazing leap in combat power.

A metal body that can regenerate itself, and has a defensive ability that surpasses a titanium alloy body, and Downey has re-upgraded Optimus Prime's weapon system, especially the core module, which has been upgraded again after Downey's hard work.

Downey referred to the current Optimus Prime as the "level 3" combat power. Playing at level 4 and below was like beating his son, but at level 4 he would be beaten like a son.

It's about three and a half levels, a bit of Wolverine, superb endurance, and self-renewing characteristics. Just no Wolverine can resist, after all, people have Edman alloy bones, and Optimus Prime has not yet.

Donnela hurried wildly on the road, and occasionally the police chased him up. Downey took out the military notebook directly on the highway and warned them that they had an urgent task, don't interfere, and acted arrogantly and outrageously.

To publicity, he went straight to the military's experimental base. He needed to use his technology to create super soldiers for the military. This was a process of mutual use. When the military has mastered the complete technology, it will not accidentally turn to Downey.

Downey meets Rose again amid mischief.

In the last meeting, the super soldier who had threatened Downey and then had an arm smashed by Downey was also there at this time, looking over with a vigilant face, with unconcealable fear and fear in his eyes.

"Tony, just for a while, I received a lot of complaints from the Department of Transportation, all accusing you of speeding, you are really capable." Rose turned his chair and looked at Downey displeased.

"Hehehe, General, you can handle all of this." Downey smiled, not treating himself as an outsider at all, pulling a chair away and sitting down.

Rose snorted coldly. Of course, he didn't care about this trivial matter. All kinds of troublesome events in this world are endless, the status of the military is becoming more and more important, and the right to speak is getting higher and higher. Downey's willfulness will not only be okay, but it will make Rose more at ease.

Occasionally doing small things will only make Rose feel that Downey really regards him as one of his subordinates, and he will become Downey's backstage. Such little things will unknowingly make Rose feel relieved and relieved.

Even with that, Rose's eyes on Downey were pleasing to his eye.

With a wave of his hand, a monitoring picture directly appeared on the huge screen, and the process of injecting "serum" was being broadcast live. One after another, the soldiers who were waiting in battle were stripped of their shirts. After being injected with unknown substances, they all began to have violent convulsions, and severely even foamed at the mouth.

"Downey, your technology is very interesting, but the shortcomings are equally obvious. Research shows that these modified super fighters fear low temperatures, and minus 20 degrees will have a subtle effect, between minus 40 and 50 degrees. It is difficult to act. Moreover, there is a high failure rate in the transformation process."

Rose crossed his hands and said to Downey.

"There is no perfect thing in this world. Even Captain America during World War II is a tough mortal. One bullet can kill him. But our soldiers are not afraid of any bullets. Keep fighting. As for the low-temperature problem, as long as the military deploys special thermal clothing." Downey shrugged and said indifferently.

Fear of low temperature, is the shortcoming of Bacchus factor technology, even if Downey improves the Bacchus factor technology, it is difficult to avoid this shortcoming. This is related to the flesh and blood of human beings. Naturally, things derived from the resurrection springs of **** cannot be perfect.

On the screen, a soldier failed to transform, and his whole person convulsed on the ground, gradually losing his breath. The medical staff on the side took it for granted and dragged the corpse out.

It's **** and cold, but this is the price that the Super Soldier Project will pay. This price is considered light. At least the success rate is guaranteed, exceeding 60%. The previous Hulk and Colonel Stryker's x weapons, which one is not Bone and bones.

This is because Downey moved his hands and feet. The normal Bacchus factor technique is not a crude injection of medicine but the transplantation of teeth is imperceptible.

But Downey wouldn't let the military be so easy. The more costly, the more the cherished technology can be demonstrated, especially when the cost is completely acceptable.

It was right for Downey to encourage the military to start the next step.

"General Ross, even if there is such a super soldier, it is not an opponent at all to deal with some ruthless characters. We need more hole cards to fight against increasingly vicious enemies." Downey said.

"So, you want to surrender the complete technology? The military will remember your contribution and will never treat you badly." Ross smiled, greed flashing in his eyes.


Downey cursed in his heart. He is a real fool if he believes the military's nonsense. After all, he is an outsider. After being squeezed, his value will definitely be dealt with. He has the ability to activate machinery. The threat is greater.

"General, I mean, we need more hole cards to deter the enemy, like... vibrating gold?"
