Transformers In Marvel Chapter 167: We were cheated by Downey

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The thing I wished for destroyed my whole family. I brought all this suffering down on my family because I made a wish for my dad without qknowing what he really wanted. – Kyoko Sakura from the anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica


Soon after, an unremarkable news broke out by the media: E of the former Osborne group was arrested and imprisoned for corruption.

   followed the former E to go to jail and there are many other people who are all small gangs.

   Then this group of people died mysteriously while being escorted.

   After many studies, many experts did not talk about the reason. They only submitted a report stating that these people suddenly lost their vital signs.

  Many people in the government focused their suspicion on Downey, but there was no evidence, so they temporarily suppressed it. The matter of Downey's high-profile meeting with Harry is not a secret, as long as you want to check it can be found, but they have no evidence of Downey's murder of others.

   Even if the evidence is found, there is no way to get Downey? Just kidding, this guy can start a modernization war by himself and tear down New York City.

   There are too few cards in the government's hands. Although huge amounts of money are invested in researching super soldiers every year, the effect is not as great as expected, or a group of weak chickens are created in batches, which cannot have a deterrent effect.

  Hulk like an example can be met but uncontrollable.

   Some high-level government officials were fidgeting, and instinctively told him that this matter might have something to do with Downey. Downey, as the mutant with the strongest development momentum in the recent past, worried many people.

"You should know the seriousness of the problem now. With Downey's leadership, more and more superpowers will be more cunning and know how to use capital to arm themselves! They no longer go straight like Magneto, and will use more cunning ways to achieve their goals. , This is a bad phenomenon, but we can't deal with it effectively."

   The current President Ooguanhai was holding the phone with a look of helplessness.

   The entire country is a country made up of countless capitals, large and small. In addition to facing more powerful capital, capital will be frustrated. It is basically invincible in the entire political field. Unlike the big eastern country, it will be subject to obvious ceiling restrictions.

Downey's series of methods start with capital. It's very cunning. What's even more embarrassing is that Downey talks directly with the top executives of a certain supergroup. Tony, Wayne, and Harry are like this every time. The timing is too good. Okay, too helpless.

  O Guanhai was worried: "Strike, I hope you will advance the new sentry plan as soon as possible."

Stryker pondered for a moment, weighing his vocabulary and said: "Mr. President, believe me, I hate mutants more than you. I am eager to limit the development of mutants more than anyone... but it is becoming more and more difficult. For unknown reasons, the number of mutants and superpowers has skyrocketed year by year, and an uncontrollable trend will appear in a few years, and ordinary people will be extinct."

   "I proposed to increase the research of X gene very early. With all due respect, the reality is that some guys have promised, but they have reduced my funding and authority year by year."

   As a powerful colonel, Stryker has the most in-depth research in the field of transcendence. He is the president, and he must rely on such talents.

"So since I came to power, I have ridden the crowd to increase my support for you, and give the most important sentinel plan to you instead of others! Colonel Stryker, I need results as a counterattack against opponents!" Aoguan Hai expressed his dissatisfaction over the phone.

Stryker was silent for a while, and said slowly: "I have studied the X genes of mutants the most, and the Sentinel Project exists with the mission of fighting against the X genes with different abilities. The Majestic Girl's gene and Downey's gene are my mission. I'm hurrying to research, but I got a very strange result."

"I consider using the witch's gene as a blueprint to cultivate a robot that can imitate other abilities. This is essentially a way to use the X gene, and it will take a lot of time to experiment and integrate. I consider Downey's genes were mixed in, but something magical and weird happened."

"The new X gene succeeded, as if Downey's gene had accepted the magical girl's gene in an instant, and then using Downey's gene as the basic template, the magical girl's gene became an ornament on the template. Two A kind of X gene extracted from different gene chains, but perfectly combined, it becomes a kind of weird thing that is close but different from each other. It is like two genes that are in close cooperation and come into contact with each other for a short time. It is just a magic shape. Women's genes have been drastically reduced for their ability characteristics, and Downey's genes have been completely crushed."

  Ooguanhai is not an idiot. He is able to reach the position of president. Of course, he is a very clever person. He brightened his eyes and said unexpectedly: "In other words, you will soon be able to create a multi-functional super sentry?"

   Stryker subconsciously felt a bit crooked with words such as "super". He and the dead Rose are in competition, and he instinctively disdains the super soldier plan. He has studied the X gene for most of his life, and he knows best how amazing this thing that exists in most humans is.

"...In theory, this is the case, but if you don't solve the most troublesome guy, it's useless to build more sentries. One is Magneto. In fact, no matter how harsh degaussing and demagnetization the sentries perform, it's impossible to completely Shielding Magneto's control, but I can technically suppress Magneto's ability to control magnetism to the extreme. The most troublesome thing is Downey."

"Downey is considered a member of the government. You can secretly study his genes, but you can never deal with him directly. It will have a very bad effect and scare away many extraordinary humans. Moreover, the government needs Downey as a sharp knife~www warned.

   Although he was very worried about Downey's uncontrollability, the instinct of politicians still left him with a meaning. Half of the words were said, and the remaining half depended on the understanding of others.

   If Stryker has worked out a way to defeat Downey, he can do it directly.

  The so-called interest, but so.

   "It's difficult, I haven't figured out the source of Downey's ability." Stryker rubbed his forehead. The long-term high-intensity research work made his body a little stiff, and his brain felt a little overuse of the brain.

   "Aren't you cloning Downey? You have been able to solve the key technology of the Sentinel Robot. Can't you still copy Downey's abilities?" O Guanhai frowned.

   Stryker has his people around him. Since the Hulk incident, it has been normal for this kind of high-risk research to be inserted into the hands of people.

   "I do have a few clones of Downey, but none of them have awakened Downey's ability to control machinery. Another ability for their unified awakening is the ability to coordinate other genes that I just said."

Stryker took the phone, turned around a little heavy, and looked at the three huge cultivation troughs behind him, three identical "people", filled with tubes all over, with respirators on his mouth and nose, calmly Sleepy. A large number of high-tech testing instruments are installed everywhere in their bodies.

   Many researchers in white coats come and go, opening the culture tank from time to time to draw blood from the three clones.

   "Downey's Gene X ability is not a Transformers creation at all. His Gene X ability is 'acceptable' and can carry a certain number of other genes! Everyone was fooled by Downey's bastard!"