Transformers In Marvel Chapter 166: This is what you want

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Forgetting is like a wound. The wound may heal, but it has already left a scar. – Monkey D. Luffy from the anime One Piece


The Sky Eye Club, a government agency in the original DC world, is the Superhuman Joint Advanced Research Group, which provides logistical and combat support for the Justice League.

Downey clearly knows that the attitudes towards superhuman beings in the two worlds of DC and Marvel are almost two extreme contrasts.

Marvel is full of malice and disgust towards superhumans. The massacre against mutants has never stopped, let alone. Even in many timelines, mutants were simply wiped out by ordinary humans for various reasons. Sentinel robots and medicines for the x gene caused the mutants to become extinct on different timelines.

Other superhumans in the Marvel universe are also subject to various restrictions, such as the most notorious "Superhero Registration Act", which requires superhumans to disclose their identity and abilities, which directly caused the division of the Avengers and the death of Captain America. Brought the most tragic and tragic scene.

In contrast to DC, the people regard superhuman beings as their savior, and crazily worship the superheroes who have saved the earth time and time again. The government does not impose restrictions on this kind of behavior (or in other words, it cannot be restricted).

In this world, there is only SHIELD established in World War II so far. At that time, the number of superhumans was generally scarce. Unlike today, it has skyrocketed year by year, showing a trend of blowout.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau naturally took over the monitoring of the earth, and the Sky Eye Society disappeared.

And now Downey's approach is to use his own means to build the Sky Eye from scratch.

Not only can we have a reasonable big alliance platform and draw in the forces that can cooperate with Downey on all sides, when necessary, SkyEyes will play a role as a super joint organization.

On the other hand, Downey will eventually leave the earth and go to the stars of the universe. He needs to leave a monitoring stronghold on the earth. Similarly, if there is a terrible threat in the universe, the earth can be used as a retreat.

"Sky Eye Club? I see, you want to build an organization similar to SHIELD? If this Sky Eye Club is only you, it will naturally be a non-governmental organization, but if you pull some forces similar to our Osborne Group, Then this Tianyan meeting cannot be a'civilian organization'." Harry picked up the corner of his mouth.

Harry was also a genius with a high IQ, not so stupid that he couldn't see such simple things. In this country, capital is the most terrifying thing in the political game, because the ceiling that capital can touch is even greater capital.

As for the Osborne Group, such a situation does not exist.

The use of capital to force politics will happen spontaneously. At that time, even the government can't stop it. Unless someone kills them all, it will have a fatal impact on the economy.

Capital itself, in a government full of political games, is an unmatched behemoth, and also the greatest protector for the beneficiaries of certain systems.

If you look closely, you will find that more than 90% of those who dare to deal with the owners of the capital giants are barefooted or not afraid to wear shoes like the Lone Ranger or the Shadow Warrior Alliance. Because they are not the beneficiaries of this kind of capital system, there is no need to consider any **** benefits. Killing is the greatest benefit for them.

"Whatever you want to understand, I just want to protect myself...Of course, I do have my selfishness. Instead of passively defending myself, it is better to actively build a stronger shield and a sharper spear." Downey said calmly. Said, as for how much the other party believes, it doesn't matter.

The Osborne Group is Downey's goal. At the same time, the Osborne Group is the most vulnerable and the easiest time to take advantage of it.

Harry Osborne, as the owner of the giant group, received the entire share of Norman and a large amount of confidential information. But what Harry feared most was the inherited family disease, and he was eager to get a cure at all costs.

"Mr. Osborne, it's actually not difficult to cure this genetic disease. Norman has spent most of his life researching curing techniques, and he has succeeded."

Downey spoke slowly, and sat down in a chair.

"You mean those mutant spiders? They have been destroyed long ago! Not one is left! The spider-man bastard, he stole the most precious wealth of our family! Those spiders are my father who invested huge sums of money in order to cure our family diseases. Developed! He is a despicable thief and a liar!"

Harry couldn't bear it at the mention of this, and roared furiously.

Harry was really angry and unwilling. He sincerely begged Spider-Man to give him a little blood, even a little bit, so that he could reversely reason about the genetic formula based on Spider-Man's blood, which would not only cure the disease, but also Allow him to master the physical quality beyond ordinary people.

This can also be regarded as an alternative super soldier plan.

But Spider-Man refused without hesitation, and kept saying "I don't want to hurt you". If you don't give blood, Harry will die! Give blood, but there is a ray of life!

Spider-Man's rejection made Harry completely desperate for a time. This Spider-Man, who regarded helping others as his code of conduct, rejected him. That's all. The most hateful thing is that he pretended to be kind and said that he was protecting him!

"Listen, I'm too lazy to pay attention to where you got so much news, but I don't have the time to play word games with you! Tell me directly, what is the way? As long as you can heal me, I swear in the name of God, I will repay you if I join your celestial eye meeting!"

Harry became more and more impatient and directly asked Downey to give him the technology. He wasn't like this originally, but the desperate people faced the unexpected life-saving straw, and they had to seize everything if they wanted to.

Downey smiled, touched an electronic watch in his hand playfully, and exclaimed silently in his Good job, Max!

At this time, Max turned into an electric current and temporarily lived in the watch on Downey's wrist. Max can control the electric current and can see the bioelectric field of the human body.

It only needs the electro-optical person to gently provoke the disturbance of a few peculiar currents in the bioelectric field, which will affect the human body's emotions. The subtle changes in the body will not be noticed, but it will instinctively feel uneasy and irritable.

The human body is very strange, such as the emotion of joy. Does this emotion come from the joy of the human consciousness and soul, or from the dopamine secreted by itself? Does injecting more dopamine into a sad human body make this person happy?

There are many secrets, and Downey only needs to seize a few to achieve his goal.

"My method is the same as your father's. I only provide you with what you want, and you have to rely on you to study the details."

Downey smiled and slowly put a vial of blood on the table in front of Harry.

"This is what you want most, the blood of Spider-Man! Don't forget your promise!" (https://)