Transformers In Marvel Chapter 165: Tianyan will!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


How can you keep moving forward if you keep regretting the past? – Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


Harry Osborne was holding a copy of "God Surrendered to the World" and looked at it seriously. To be more precise, he was browsing aimlessly, and he never stopped shaking his hands, turning the pages of the book with some effort.

On the desk in front of him, all the electronic display screens displayed were Downey's information, and there were even some secret military videos. It could be seen that Downey was killing him.

Some were vaguely recorded on the streets of New York, and some were secretly filmed in unknown bars.

Since Downey contacted him secretly, saying that there was a cure for the Osborne family genetic disease, Harry couldn't calm down and immediately searched out all of Downey's past by various means.

His father, Norman Osborne, the last helm of the Osborne Group, died not long ago, tragically ill in his hospital bed.

A global giant company specializing in biology and genes has manufactured countless kinds of drugs to treat diseases and overcome a large number of genetic difficulties. However, their helm actually died on the bed in the middle-aged stage, and it was a great joke to say it.

Harry didn't want to die yet. He took over this company with the main purpose of finding a cure for hereditary diseases, even at all costs.

To his father, Norman Osborne, Harry has always had great resentment and resentment. In Harry's perception, Norman is an unqualified father.

He was thrown into a British boarding school when Harry was very young. He just paid a lot of money every month and left Harry to spend his time.

This is not like a father and son but like two somewhat connected strangers.

But unfortunately, although Norman called his son Harry back when he was dying, and gave him the huge Osborne group to him, a young man under twenty years old, he ignored the latter's opinion and hoped that Harry could find him. The way to cure family diseases.

As he got older, the signs of hereditary diseases became more and more obvious. Harry's palms began to tremble frequently, and his nails gradually became dark and pointed. At most twenty years, he will become the ghost of Norman and die on the bed.

Harry didn't allow this to happen.

Until Downey sent someone to contact him secretly, saying that he had a cure for the Osborne family disease. Even if it was nonsense, even if it was a ten-thousandth hope, Harry was willing to seize it at all costs.

On this night, Downey followed Betty on the left, Amanda on the right, and two beautiful women followed Downey, one on the left and the other on the right.

Amanda wore black tights to set off her exuberant figure to the fullest. Her white thighs were exposed, and her profile was more forward and backward. Every precise step can always drive the two proud groups in front of her. The shaking of peaks and hips.

Betty was a little conservative, dressed in professional formal attire, and followed Downey cautiously and unhappily. Although there is no Amanda to attract attention, as a different style, the beautiful face is still very attractive.

Passing employees looked enviously from time to time and sighed, "This is life."

"Don't you hide it, just let me show up like this? Everyone knows that there are no ordinary people around you." Taking time out, Betty asked, a little impatient with the gaze along the way.

She has been able to control the changes in her body relatively smoothly.

However, some emotional changes were noticed by Downey. It seems that a girl who is docile on the surface and strong in the heart tends to develop an irritable temper.

This is the negative effect brought by the Hulk serum, and Betty needs to overcome it by herself.

"Control your emotions, Betty, I don't want outsiders to see that you become a red giant under anger... You don't need to worry, you have great power, and even if you are hit by a tank or shelled head-on, you will miss out. No harm, don't care too much about other people's opinions."

Downey walked peacefully, a square face with invisible pressure. He knew what Betty wanted to say, and within a few minutes, the official agencies, especially the military, would know that Betty was following him.

According to Downey's past style, people around him must have two brushes. Even the worst old bartender has a lot of records. And Betty, a charming girl who follows Downey, is a signal. It's intriguing.

Betty was also transformed into a super soldier by Downey. Or something else...

Downey didn't care about these.

Just as boots don't care about ants that are trampled to death, Downey's mentality is like this. With the increase in strength and the fullness of his wings, his mood has changed a little, and he has become more peaceful-perhaps indifferent. It is more appropriate to describe.

Downey took two big beauties into Harry's office in the envy and hatred of many people.

A young and unspoken young man turned his chair and looked at them directly, with scrutiny and alert in his eyes. This is a very young man. As Peter's classmate and best friend, he is only about eighteen years old. His pale golden eyebrows are in a pattern of upside-down. The eyes hidden underneath do not have the vitality of young people at all but are full of despair. lifeless.

"You should have investigated me and know my style. I'll just say it if I have something to say, Mr. Harry, I have a way to cure the genetic disease of the Osborne family." Downey unceremoniously opened his seat and sat down. To say.

To make matters worse, Downey pointed to the famous wine in the glass case on the other side and snapped his fingers at Amanda. Amanda calmly smashed the glass with a punch and took out a bottle of wine from it.

Donny broke off the mouth of the bottle, just holding the bottle, and started drinking. He looked rude and didn't take the host here seriously.

Harry suddenly became interested in Downey. He waved his hand to let the security guard who rushed out, with an anxious and unhappy expression: "You are in my site, so don't you put me in the eyes?"

"For what kind of person and what to do, I think a **** like you don't care too much about such small things. On the contrary, it will make you feel relaxed." Downey said.

"Humph." Harry snorted noncommittally and asked eagerly: "Tell me, what is your method? As long as you can cure my disease, I will give you whatever you want! I know you, you I am very interested in the shares of a large group, I can give you..."

"That was before, and the situation has changed. Even if you want to give me shares, even if I do, many people will not agree. They don't want to see me swell too fast. I have a proposal, a proposal for both Acceptable proposal."

Downey wiped his Intentionally or unintentionally, he glanced behind him, Amanda looked unguarded behind him, she looked like a vase, but in fact, the body inside the clothes was already taut. This is the killer. Instinct in an unfamiliar environment.

And Betty, simply unsuspecting, looked blank and listened impatiently to Downey and Harry's nonsense.

With a sigh, Downey straightened up and leaned forward slightly, forming a sense of pressure on Harry.

"I'm planning to establish an organization... How do you describe it, similar to a non-governmental organization? I am looking for potential people to associate with."

"Do you want me to join your private team? Yes! As long as the cure you gave me is true!" Harry agreed impatiently without waiting for Downey to finish.

What does he have? Except money is money, he can't do anything else, anyway, he won't be on the battlefield.

"That's the best, but this is not what I want to say..." Downey shook his head, his eyes fixed on young Harry.

"The name of the organization I want to form is-Tianyanhui! I not only need you, but the entire Osborne!" (https://)