Transformers In Marvel Chapter 164: Level 6 Level 7 Level 8

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


It's okay to feel depressed. It takes time to overcome things. And then, by taking that time, you just start moving forward again. That's just what humans do. – Mondo Oowada from the anime Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc


Downey had his own set of perceptions of the strength of this universe.

From the perspective of mutants, Level 3 Wolverine and Sabretooth Tiger, Level 4 Professor X and Magneto, and Level 5 Phoenix Qin are currently the most widespread divisions. Perhaps the Phoenix Qin has been concealed very much because of the professor. Good, but the classification of three and four levels has become the universal judging standard for the earth.

Many organizations on the earth are using this set of the power evaluation systems to determine the attitude towards some superpowers.

But after stepping out of the earth, the system with five levels as the limit is undoubtedly unable to judge the many advanced life forms in the multiverse.

Downey has his cognition, although it is very vague and rough, but at least it can be used as a reference for the future.

The fifth and sixth levels are collectively referred to by Downey as "demigods", "quasi-cosmic" and "quasi-celestial fathers". The fifth and sixth levels are more like two stages of the quasi-cosmic level, and there is no obvious dividing line.

The seventh level is the single cosmic level. The seventh level of life forms can walk sideways in a complete and mature universe, and very few people can cause damage to the single cosmic level. Like Odin. The supreme mage and others are all at level seven.

The eighth level is the multiverse level. This level is terrifying. It is almost impossible to be killed. It can be invincible inside the wall of the speed force. Destroying the universe is the basic operation of life bodies at this level. For example, Dr. Manhattan, who left the earth for various reasons in the last century, is the only eight-level life form born on the earth's mainland so far.

I just don't know whether the birth of Dr. Manhattan was intentional or purely accidental.

After all, the single cosmic level is fortunate to say, the multi-level is too terrifying, the big guys behind the scenes will not be stupid enough to provide the earth with such a powerful and outrageous combat power.

Similarly, Downey's justice system is very crude and simple, full of variables.

For example, Downey remembers that in the comics, Thanos received six gems and Infinity Gloves, which is already at the level of the eighth level of the multiverse, but such a powerful Thanos was successfully attacked by the third-level Wolverine and was killed. Not to mention an arm, the Infinite Gloves, and gems were all snatched by Wolverine.

Can you say that Wolverine who brought down Thanos is also level 8?

There are too many examples of this kind, and there are many examples of strong and outrageous guys being upset by weak ones, although almost all the strong guys have gotten into their heads and were severely pitted.

In the multiverse, there are too many to open up, and among them, the earth is the most. Talents come out in large numbers. Except for the multi-level being deliberately restricted by many planners, there shouldn't be too many below the multi-element, just like the crucian carp that crosses the river.

Just a third-level Wolverine, holding two beta Edman alloy claws, can use a sneak attack to defeat Thanos in an eighth-level state.

But this division is only a rough division after all, full of variables and uncertainties.

"In theory, Universe Great and Yuanshi Tianzun should also be at least eighth level..."

Donny opened the curtains and squinted to meet the dazzling sunlight. Outside the window, the green leaves were already verdant, and the grass on the ground was repeatedly trimmed by the old bartender, and there was no trace of being destroyed by Downey.

From time to time, I can see all kinds of birds flying by in the sky, chirping, standing on the branches, and stroking their feathers.

The road is still long, and the road ahead is unfathomable. Coupled with the terrible sense of crisis that is about to come, Downey's pressure has doubled.

"It is necessary to understand the Edman alloy technology as soon as possible, at least to integrate the secondary Edman alloy and the Bacchus factor, but I don't know if it will cause the hardness and toughness of the new metal to decrease."

Downey shook his head, turned and walked into the basement, and started his own research.


In this developed economic market, a large number of books have been created by many writers and put on the market at all times. Because the market is huge, some people with financial strength are happy to buy two books to read when they are fine.

A new book was released and quickly attracted people's attention.

The title of the book is "Mechanic: God Descends to the World".

The story is about the Wakanda incident of picking. The author, David, is a well-known writer. He interviewed a large number of soldiers and officers who survived the Wakanda battlefield, and even paid a visit to the families of many victims.

In just half a month, this "God descends to the world" was created, and it got a huge market effect.

David started writing mainly from the day of Downey's awakening ability, collected some information about Downey's past on the Internet, and portrayed a series of Downey's events, which attracted many people to read.

When Downey learned about this, he was a little surprised and unexpected.

"God descends to the world"? Is this book created now? Or is it based on me? And, David is a little bit funny, and he shook his head immediately, playing with the power of the dead, maybe in the future He would be interested in David, but by no means now, he has other things to do.

Downey personally received Aunt May and Peter Parker.

Klein wearing a formal suit is very suitable for the work of welcoming guests, and that gentle face can easily reduce the tension of the visitors.

Aunt Mei took off the old-fashioned and outdated turban on her head, revealing mostly gray hair, and her wrinkled face mixed with unconcealable tension.

Peter was even more nervous, his face tense.

The resurrection of Uncle Ben is a major event, and Aunt Mei cannot be kept secret.

During the phone call, Peter had reached an agreement with Downey, and this time he came home when Downey fulfilled his promise.

"If you want to resurrect the book, you must have your blood." Downey looked at the two awkward people, and babbled, "Resurrection is a very troublesome thing. A bit of personal blood is most suitable as a primer."

Klein listened, his entire face twitching faintly.

Bacchus factor technology, when does it take the blood of other people to resurrect the dead?

Downey this guy is cheating again.

Thinking about this, Klein looked at Peter and Aunt May with pity in his How much blood do you want? "Peter is wary.

"Not much, just a little bit, there is blood, it has nothing to do with the amount. Then, I need to get Ben's body-don't tell me you burn him, then I can't do anything." Downey replied. "It will take more than a week, and I will give you a complete book."

"Thank you, sir, thank you so much..." Aunt Mei stood up incoherently, her eyes flushed with tears.

After Ben died, she thought the sky was falling, but fortunately, Peter was there, which gave her the motivation to survive. Suddenly, Downey told her that he could bring Ben back to life.

Aunt May knew about Downey a little bit. The famous mutant, the object of the people's ridicule, was also a hero in the eyes of many people.

Many people scold Downey, and more people love him.

"No need to do this. This is what our Stark Group should do. Peter is a special talent we fancy, and we are willing to give him something. But you must ensure that you keep the secret. After all, the matter of resurrecting the dead is too big. ." (https://)