Transformers In Marvel Chapter 197: Born! ! !

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"If you begin to regret, you'll dull your future decisions and let others make your choices for you. All that's left for you then is to die. Nobody can foretell the outcome. Each decision you make holds meaning only by affecting your next decision."

– Erwin Smith (Attack on Titan)


"I have another question, do Kryptonians have souls? Are those Kryptonians who have set their life trajectory long before they are born, do they also deserve to have souls?" Downey asked unwillingly.

   Gu Yi mage just smiled slightly, and in the backhand, all the sights disappeared, as if everything that happened just now was an illusion.

   is still a quaint room, one white and one black. The two are separated from the table, smelling the scent of tea, refreshing.

   Downey felt irritable for no reason. No answer is the best answer.

   The answer to the question posed by the ancient Master Guyi is also very clear. There is life first, then the soul.

   The clone is the proof. First, the body has the body, then the soul is born, and the soul further gives birth to the most primitive wisdom and consciousness.

  Kryptonians also have their souls. Even if they are manufactured and the attributes of tools are greater than those of "humans," they also have souls.

   "How did you make the floating cloak?" Downey asked.

"The floating cloak was made by me, and the soul of the cloak was given by me, but the soul itself is neither made by me nor by me. Downey, you can do more, but you never figured it out. "

   I don't know when, but Gu Yi mage has already left quietly, quietly, leaving only Downey sitting there in a daze. The tea gradually cooled, and the warm fragrance was gone, only a pile of cold water remained.

   Gu Yi is very busy, there are a lot of dimensional channels that she needs to monitor, countless timelines need to observe, and teaching disciples will also spend a lot of her time.

   "There is life first, then soul, but how on earth did I create Transformers life from scratch?"

   Downey wanted to break his head, very upset.

   He can activate massive machinery at any time, but are this machinery life? Nonsense, no one would treat a group of iron knots with a little more like robots as beings like human beings.

   Gu Yi said that life is the greatest and most brilliant miracle in the universe, and it is true.

   Originally, Downey thought, first create the soul, and then infer the body that fits the soul based on the relevant principles of the soul. After all, the soul is the most complex and mysterious thing in a smart life.

   But this road will not work.

   He pondered hard, how can he turn a group of machines into beings like humans or other creatures?

   "Paramecium is also life, but it does not deserve to have a soul, at least it will not have a perfect soul. What drives paramecium to act is instinct, survival, eating, safety, etc., they may not even have the emotion of curiosity."

"Perhaps I can refer to the Kryptonians... They abandoned the low-efficiency natural childbirth and instead used the incubators to manufacture infants in batches. When the infants were formed, they input relevant professional knowledge. According to the needs of society, each infant At the moment of its birth, its future has been determined, workers, soldiers, scientists, generals..."

   Downey beckoned, and the cell phone in the room turned into a small transformer and ran over. The so-called bouncing, to put it bluntly, was because Downey was bored and deliberately manipulated them to do so.

   Looking at these well-equipped Transformers, Downey fell into deep thought. Under his control, these little guys were jumping around him. One by one, the Transformers were imagined by Downey as humans, and their appearance gradually became plump, as if the metal had become flesh and blood.

   There was no change in the straight eyes. Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed through his mind.

"The most primitive state of human beings is a fertilized egg, a fertilized egg that contains human genetic information! In theory, a fertilized egg that dies in one breath, inherited from generation to generation, has almost all of the human population. Genetic information, human beings have created from nothing because there is such a way of inheriting genetic factors..."

"So, what my Transformers lack is the same thing as a fertilized egg, which gives them the most primitive impetus to form a body...My Transformers, what they lack is an almighty cell like a fertilized egg, or a The source of omnipotence contains a collection of infinite possibilities of genetic factors!"

   Like thunder, Downey's mind roared, and his eyes lit up.

   Because, this kind of thing with the original growth impetus, a thing that may be a collection of libraries, he already has it!

"The fire source, my fire source! The fire source in my brain is the core that can divide the almighty cell because my fire source itself is an alternative'almighty cell'! It is the almighty cell of transformers! "

   As lightning tore through the haze, Downey looked excited, and his eyes were bright and scary. For a long time, he fell into a terrible misunderstanding. For a time, he was convinced that there was no future for directly activating the machinery. It was the right way to find a way to get the soul out first, or else the construction of Cybertron would be indefinite.

   Is it possible to build a Cybertron where he is the only human-inhabited?

   Guyi Master's words echoed in his ears: You have a collection of mysterious energies that intercept the rules of the fire source, and you don't need to create a soul artificially.

   "The secret of life is hidden in me, but I want to abandon my life and study the soul first... If I can study it out, it will be hell..."

   Downey stretched out his arms, took all the little things into his arms, looked carefully, and in his excitement, he thought about how to cultivate life.

   Transformers are certainly not as fragile as human babies, he just needs to figure out the difference between life and dead.

   From this point of view, the original move to split the fire source to create "core modules" could not be more correct. Each core module is like an almighty cell, carrying infinite independent possibilities.

   Every almighty cell symbolizes infinitely possible life!

"I seem to understand that every core module that is separated is afire. The fire in my brain is the source, and the separated fire brings life, just as I directly use my fire source to activate machinery and give them Various forms that have never existed before...Then the split fires should also be able to...give the Transformers something else..."

   The core module, no, it should be called Tinder. When Downey was busy, a small tinder was stuffed into a small chest. Downey closed his eyes and felt the faint but real fire in front of him in the boundless darkness.

Compared with the source in his, the fire is extremely weak, but just such a little light, it is the fireworks of life, just like primitive humans trying to pick up torches to drive away beasts and light up the light of civilization The most brilliant step.

In the fire source, Downey thought about the creative ability he had since awakening and carefully thought about every move he had made in the past, every time he used the fire energy particles to activate the machinery, especially the various actions that made Transformers perform various actions. Picture.

   "The fire source is the source of everything. It is the Transformers version of the 'Almighty Cell' collection library, allowing each separated fire to activate all its inherent potential and possibilities..."

Downey murmured to himself as if he was enchanted, his hands kept moving, and many small transformers, driven by Downey, made a dazzling and dizzying combination, a fire, I don't know if it's an illusion, no matter what, They are all shining slightly.

   This is the "fire" that lights up wisdom.

   Time flies, the sky is getting dim, and time slips away silently, just like the tasting track left in the night sky when falling.

   There was a crunch. When Downey, who was pale, walked out of the room exhaustedly, everything was self-evident.

Behind Downey, beside his feet, there was a dark little bit that looked extremely complicated, and he was following Downey step by step. Downey took a step, he took a step, Downey stopped, and he stopped with it. It seemed to look up with a little confusion.

   The long tail fluttering behind him, the slender and beautiful posture, and the strange sound from his mouth all proclaim to the world that he is a petite, mini...
