Transformers In Marvel Chapter 196: Soul and life

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


If nobody cares to accept you and wants you in this world, accept yourself and you will see that you don't need them and their selfish ideas. - Alibaba Saluja (Universal Warriors)


It is a pity that Victor Strange did not resist the past after all. Under the erosion of the terrible Reaper Virus, Victor's body quickly transformed, his thinking and reason were gradually lost, and the hair of his whole body began to fall off rapidly. , The skin loses its blood color and becomes pale.

   "It's a pity..." The blade shook his head and broke Victor's neck directly before the opponent's transformation was successful.

   Victor's pupils gradually tarnished, with a hint of relief.

   This is the fate of ordinary human beings being arrested. There is no other way except to become ridiculous food or become a member of the other party.

   "That's why we have to kill all creatures like vampires..."

   Dianguangren shook his head, turned, and left here. He has also seen scenes more tragic than this one. Hundreds of human beings are frozen and sealed, and they are bleeding slowly at all times to provide fresh blood for the vampire nobles.

   The nightmarish scenes linger in Max's mind all the time, watching the skinny appearance of the forced sleeping human, Max's eyes are splitting.

"While Dracula, the ancestor of the vampires, is still sleeping somewhere, kill the vampires as quickly as possible!" The Dianguang man has a cold and terrifying expression. The more he sees, the colder his heart. "True Ancestor Degu Ra is not something we can deal with, at least to bury the vampire kingdom before he wakes up."

According to Downey, Dracula competed with the mutant's ancestor Apocalypse for control of the earth a long time ago. It is a very difficult advanced life form without any obvious weakness. Sunlight, garlic, and silver are completely ineffective to him.

   "Whether it is an ordinary vampire or a reaper, all must be killed, none of them can be let go! No matter how the hagui tribes obstruct, come and kill one by one!"

   "That might irritate some high-level human governments," Whistler warned out of caution.

   "You don't need to pay attention to them, they can't protect themselves..." Dianguang Man showed a sullen smile, and from time to time there were high-voltage electric currents, and the smell of burnt in the air flowed.


   Downey wears Kama Taj's matching robe and sits across the table with Master Gu Yi.

   Outside the window, the sun is shining, and birds and flowers are scented, coupled with the cool and invigorating temperature, and the cool breeze that blows from time to time, it gives people a sense of comfort.

   With a trace of warm sunlight shining through the window, shining on the two of them, the matching of white and black robes looks harmonious, but opposite, which seems to set off the atmosphere of this room a little bit differently.

   Harmony but different.

   On the table, as always, there are two tea cups with green smoke, and there are wisps of water vapor in the cups, mixed with the unique aroma of local mountain tea. The teapot in the middle of the table released the temperature unwillingly.

   "I spent a long time searching in the library, except for the few books locked by the secret technique, there is no content about the creation of souls."

   Downey wears a black robe, which is slightly different from the other wizards. In addition to the color of the clothes, he also has an extra hood.

   Black seems to fit Downey's character and tastes very well.

   He slowly drank the tea, savoring it carefully, not knowing whether he was feeling the fragrance of tea or trying to figure out the profound meaning of Gu Yi.

"Soul is the unique thing of intelligent life, it is the spiritual body that carries wisdom and consciousness. Everyone will have a unique soul, just like a human fingerprint, always marked with a unique label. Downey, every soul Birth can be called an epic myth."

Gu Yi still has an unhurried tone, and there seems to be a Ruoyoruowu smile on his face. At first glance, it looks like a sense of intimacy. At a second glance, the smile disappears and brings Invisible pressure.

Downey frowned slightly and considered the words: "You once created the artifact of a floating cloak, a cloak with the ability to discern oneself. It can be referred to as a life form instead of a simple dress. I use it. "Things" call a floating cloak, and he will even get very angry and will rush out to teach me.

   As he said, Downey thought of the scene that day, and he showed a funny expression. A floating dress, angrily about to beat him, is indeed very interesting.

   Gu Yi Mage holding the teacup in both hands, his demeanor is completely natural, and in his impeccable behavior, he gently put the teacup on the table. The index finger slowly stretched out and tapped the surface of the tea.

   There was a soft, undetectable noise, like the cheers when the same drop of water fell into the pool, and the joyful ripples slowly spread and became bigger and bigger.

   The ripples continue to spread, gradually spreading from the teacup to wherever the eye can see.

   Countless atmospheres filled with colorful white clouds began to appear from scratch, covering space and time, shrinking, and then gaining more entanglement. Downey felt that he was heading toward the depths without limits.

   Downey couldn't use this magic. The time is too short, and Downey is not like Dr. Strange, the favored son of Heaven who is recognized and favored by Emperor Weishan, can only barely use an entry-level portal spell, and stumbles.

"Life is the greatest and most brilliant miracle in the universe. Because of the multitude of life, the universe will be full of vitality and vitality. Otherwise, it will be nothing more than a lonely forgotten area. The primitive gods at the birth of the universe are removed. In these countless lives, people who know how to think have gradually appeared, intelligent life has begun to appear, and the mysterious realm of the soul has finally begun to be popularized and discovered in life." Gu Yi mage slowly narrated.

   Many body types can match the terrifying influence of the planet's gods. After Downey's observation, he appeared, and even if he knew that it was temporarily projected by the ancient wizard, he still felt a palpitation.

   These are the ancient gods of the universe. For these ancient beings that were born very early, later people used the term "Tianjin" in a unified way.

   For the world tree gods such as Odin, Zeus, and Haotian, the age gap with the gods is too far to be estimated.

"Only intelligent life has the most perfect soul, and only a perfect soul is qualified to touch the deeper mystery realm. Downey, you have a perfect soul, and there is, even more, the mystery that intercepts the rules of the fire source. Concretized collection of energies. You don't need to create a soul artificially."

   "Tell me, Downey, should there be a soul or an independent life first?" Gu Yi asked.

   If it was before, Downey didn't want to answer that there is a soul first and that with a soul, wisdom, and consciousness, etc., he would construct the most basic framework according to the soul.

   But now it seems that this idea is wrong, even those clones have souls.