Transformers In Marvel Chapter 213: Space magic

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


To know sorrow is not terrifying. What is terrifying is to know you can't go back to the happiness you could have. – Matsumoto Rangiku (Bleach)


  Countless mechanical soldiers are inherently far more than the army formed by ordinary people. What's more terrifying is that the number of legions has always been increasing rapidly, making countless people shocked.

  At this time, many talents suddenly remembered that Downey is a high-level mutant...

   "Contact Downey immediately and let him stop!" Fury gave the order.

  Too scary. Even if Magneto has been a professional for 30 years, he has never fought such a big battle. It is nothing more than killing a president and attacking a laboratory.

   And Downey? It is a nightmare to pull up a million-level steel army in minutes to fight this kind of steel army! Moreover, judging from the current situation, a mere million is far from Downey's upper limit...

   "Fourth-level mutants...hateful!" Someone looked at the screen and slammed a fist on the table, cold sweat.

The news of Downey's advancement to Level 4 has been circulated quietly a few days ago. Although it is top secret news, S.H.I.E.L.D. even guessed it, so Hydra mixed with S.H.I. Yes, so almost, more organizations will know...

   S.H.I.E.L.D. even modified the monitoring frequency of related satellites specifically for Downey's Transformers, and this is what happened on the display screen.

   The crazy increase in quantity makes the scalp numb.

   The signal was quickly connected, and Fury took the communicator and shouted: "Donnie, are you crazy? You need such a huge army to kill Hulk? Do you want to declare war on the world?!"

   There was a sizzle, and the signal was a little fuzzy, but I could barely hear it. On the other end, Downey said in a flat voice: "Believe me, Fury, these legions are indeed used to kill Hulk."

   There is one sentence he didn't say. Such a huge army was not prepared for Hulk, but for some guys who don't know the so-called.

   He was patiently waiting. Although he was not sure if anyone would intervene as he guessed, he still did it.

   Nick Fury was a little speechless, looking at the scene on the screen, he felt helpless for a while. Donny said so, what can he do? There is no combat power on hand to go to India to stop this guy, it is useless at.

   "You have to think about it, after this matter, you will become the most unpopular person in the world," Fury said in a deep voice.

   Downey's mouth twitched, a little funny: "It's like how popular I am now."

  The so-called world is nothing more than governments in Fury's eyes.

Not to mention those extraterrestrial enemies that destroy the planet every minute, there are countless interstellar civilizations occupying countless galaxies in this universe, and there will be a multiverse war in the future. Downey really cares about a certain secular world on Earth. The view of the country?

"Fry, I haven't hurt an innocent civilian. The civilians nearby have long been moved away by soldiers sent by me. You want to stop me with boring restraints. It's useless, but think of other ways. , Don't force me to become the second Magneto." Downey said, cutting off the connection directly.

A large number of legions swarmed, submerging the Hulk in the center, and looking around, all Transformers of different shapes and colors, like an ocean of steel, covered all of the earth where they could be sighted. In every field of vision, All are surging steel torrents, rushing towards the most central battlefield.

   Hulk's roar was submerged by countless metal sounds, but from a distance, you can still see the rampant green, and every punch can smash a bunch of Transformers.

   A mental power spanned half of the earth and suddenly rushed into Downey's mind. This external mental power was very strong, and he immediately contacted Downey.

   "Professor, you shouldn't intervene..." Downey frowned. This kind of mental power is also Professor X.

   "Stop it, it's too late, before they desperate, stop, let's talk." Professor X's voice sounded directly in Downey's mind.

   This is a very strange feeling. Without the feedback of normal people when communicating, it directly acts in the brain, and Downey's thoughts will be learned by the professor the first time.

   "Why didn't you stop Hulk when it ravaged New York City? Many civilians were killed, and you could easily subdue Hulk."

   "Hulk is the target of the military, I can't intervene."

   "But now Hulk is my goal, Professor, if I don't allow you to intervene, what would you choose? Continue to block me because I am a mutant?" Downey was aggressive.

   Professor X was a little tired: "Donny, if you don't stop, you will be targeted by the government and the military just like Eric."

"They can't target it." Downey sneered, "I did everything I should, and even worked for them. When I get revenge, I will come out to stop it? Professor, you know better than me what they mean, whether I stop or not. Stop, the result is no different."

   Stopping hands is equivalent to Downey sending out a signal that he will continue to work for the government in the future, just like providing super soldier serum in the past, which is tantamount to becoming the second Professor X.

   Keeping hands is tantamount to torn openly.

   But there is no doubt that before Downey has exposed his terrifying ability, in any case, the official counter-study on Downey will officially begin.

   Judging from the current stage, the fourth-level combat power is enough to run wild on the current earth Few people can stop it. Not to mention a small country, with the current technology tree on the earth, the countermeasures against Downey's ability are almost zero.

   The fourth level can barely shelter an ordinary planet in the universe, and the fifth and sixth levels have the ability to occupy many galaxies.

"Stop it, Professor, you can't stop me. In any case, Hulk is going to die!" Downey said, "You should have noticed that you can control my body with psychic power, but you can't control my fire source. , Let alone control such a huge army."

   Professor X's mental power retreated silently, and he could clearly feel Downey's determination.

   Downey was hiding in the army of millions, watching Hulk, who was getting stronger and stronger, slowly reaching out, and the portal magic slowly activated.

   "Such a humble beast is the best to die."

   Nothing about the future, Downey only recognizes the present, hunting Hulk is something he has planned for a long time. He believes that in the future after Hulk derives complete wisdom, he will feel a little guilty about the past, but this is meaningless.

   If apology and guilt can solve the problem, there won't be so many tragedies in this world.

   Amidst the chaos, a small portal suddenly appeared on Hulk, and it slammed into Hulk's head!

   You only need to shrink the portal slightly, and you can easily take off Hulk's head!