Transformers In Marvel Chapter 214: Broken arm

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


No matter how deep the night, it always turns to day, eventually. – Brook (One Piece)


   At the moment when the portal magic shrank with sparks, Hulk's beast-like intuition made Hulk aware of the danger. With a roar, his whole body fell sharply, and his huge head shrank out.

   "Trouble, beastly intuition." Downey said with a cold face, and it only takes another tenth of a second before Hulk's head has to move.

   Numerous dinosaurs who bound Hulk to death, in Hulk's rage, all flew all at once. Hulk is a beast, and the despair that was on the verge of death just now gave him a huge excitement and became even more violent.


   Hulk roared, and the super sound wave radiated out, and the windows several kilometers away began to make noise and shattered one after another. His eyes became blood-red and bloodshot.

  Never, never before dying like just now, Hulk's baby-like IQ also has a longing for life, a pair of copper bell-like eyes staring at Downey, becoming even more violent.

  The bulging muscles directly made Hulk's body more burly and taller, and his strength index rose straight, and the dinosaur army could no longer affect him.

   Hulk roared, waiting for his scarlet eyes, and rushed towards Downey. Even though there were an astonishing number of Transformers blockades, Hulk was already vulnerable at this time!

  The Transformers activated with ordinary materials can't stop Hulk's random punch at all.

   The humanoid monster is just describing Hulk.

   Downey waved his arm, and a larger portal appeared. A few hundred meters away, under Hulk's tyrannical gaze, a big guy who was even bigger and jaw-dropping popped out.

   "This is for you, and it is also a killer to send you on the road. Using monsters to deal with monsters is too suitable."

   The huge portal is a bit unstable, and the surrounding sparks are a bit chaotic. Downey has not been studying magic for a long time. It is very difficult to open such a huge portal at once.

   But luckily it succeeded.

   A giant dragon with a length of 60 meters and wings on its back flew out from the portal.

   is not a dinosaur, but a dragon! The kind of dragon in the fairy tale!

   A giant dragon made of steel!

   Giant ferocious!


   The giant fierce opened his wings, and roared to the sky, the roar of the trembling sky, a huge sense of oppression came, with him as the center, countless chaotic clouds in the sky began to roll up, and countless sand and metal pieces on the ground trembled slightly.

   The siege of Hulk by the Dinosaur Legion was even more frantic, especially in front of the giant fierce dragon that resembled myths and legends, and it was even more hysterical.

  The huge and hideous pupils aimed at Hulk for the first time, and there was no need for Downey to give an order, spot the target, and rush over.

   Along the way, many ordinary Transformers were hit by fierce and violent giants, and they became fragments on the spot, and even more miserable, they were directly divided into corpses.

  The giant ferocious body is full of weapons. Except for the sharp claws and wings, the huge tail can draw out terrifying strength. On the surface of the body, the barbs that occasionally flash with cold light are the most terrifying murder weapon in the world.

   Hulk yelled unwillingly and rushed towards the giant ferociously. Two monsters moving at high speed, like two giant beasts that appeared from ancient times to the present, crashed into each other.

   A hundred-ton full collision, a terrible shock wave erupted, and transparent ripples almost visible to the naked eye burst out from the collision of the two monsters, overturning the nearby Transformers on the spot.

   A large amount of metal waste was exploded, flying around at high speed! Worse than bullets!

   This is not a battlefield where ordinary people can intervene. Even if ordinary people with flesh and blood look at it from a distance, the shock wave that erupts from every fight and collision can easily pierce the eardrums and even shatter the internal organs!

   Every scream and hard shock will bring severe damage and damage, and even if a fully armed modern army is here, it will be slaughtered like a child in the aftermath. Not to mention, there are a large number of discarded metal parts lasing directionlessly in the air at all times, and they can even shoot through ordinary steel with ease.

   Here, the cruel duel between the beast and the beast!

   There are no fighting skills, and no dueling strategy, just head-on!

   With every punch, every bite, the strange power beyond a hundred tons is no longer the range where the weak can intervene.


  The giant ferocious tail hit Hulk on the face, and he smashed Hulk into the air, while Hulk flew out like a cannonball in front of the terrorist forces, smashing more than a hundred transformers, and just stopped.

   Hulk wiped his mouth and stared at the giant ferocious for a second. Suddenly, a grinning smile appeared humanely. Those eyes had long turned blood-red, and there was no trace of white at all.

   The giant fierce was provoked, and he roared up to the sky, opened his mouth, and sprayed a flame almost like magma at Hulk!

   The ultra-high temperature melts nearby ordinary metals in an instant!

   The millions of Transformers gathered here are just like toys. They have become decorations that adorn the battle, fragile and vulnerable.

   "This battle...Is it dazzled by me, just like a myth..." Countless people saw this scene through satellites, muttering to themselves dullly, and their nerves were almost lost.

   A metal dragon collided with a green humanoid creature again and again, and those Transformers who were killing machines in their eyes, just like paper, broke with just one click.

   Even so, the millions of legions, driven by Downey cruelly, still rushed to Hulk, even if it was moths to the fire, they still rushed forward regardless of loss.

   This level of battle stunned all the people on the earth, and the scene that was enough to destroy the world made many knowledgeable people completely desperate.

It's terrible. The endless growth of the army is enough to destroy a country's single combat power head-on, and even every ordinary collision can kill countless ordinary people. Those knowledgeable people are like falling into an ice cave, and they are cold. Extreme.

   "I didn't expect Hulk to be so tough, and the more terrifying thing is Downey. No one knows where his upper limit is." Some senior government officials shook their heads with a wry completely desperate.

   Controlling machinery, on the earth climbing the science and technology tree, is no different from gods, and even more terrifying than Magneto and others. How can a civilization not use machinery?

  The flames spit out from the giant ferocious spit, after being highly compressed, are almost comparable to magma.

   Hulk wailed in pain in the flames, and the whole person turned into a dark shadow. No matter how hard the skin on his surface was, he could feel the pain that made him mad in the terrible heat.

   At this time, Downey made a violent look, and the space magic was activated again, directly to Hulk. The deadly threat made Hulk furious and wanted to escape, but the surrounding area was already filled with massive Transformers, and even several dinosaurs held the flames, biting Hulk with one bite, and binding him to death.

   Hulk barely moved, but it was too late. The portal appeared next to him, and he had successfully cut off one of his arms!


   Hulk was cut off by an arm!

   The blood gushes out like a fountain, continuously, and the green blood is burned in the flame for the first time.

   "This is a good sign, next time, cut off your head!"

   For Hulk's beastly intuition, Donny also feels a bit tricky.