Transformers In Marvel Chapter 207: Not afraid to die

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Don't give up, there's no shame in falling down! The true shame is to not stand up again! – Shintaro Midorima (Kuroko no Basket)


The low-key development of the Sky Eye Club, after Downey's return, resembled a huge war machine, blasted into operation. Every employee in every department, like a part of the huge machine, began to work overtime 24 hours a day. Crazy operation.

The Sky Eye Club, an organization led and developed by Downey, has the shadow of major groups. Under its full operation, it has attracted the attention of many people.

Every day, a huge amount of special metal is transported into the station of the Sky Eye Club in the suburbs of New York. A large area of ​​land is crazily filled with hills. Downey controls these huge amounts of metal, and he does not know that it will arrive in one day. What was studying late.

But at least one obvious signal was communicated-Downey had a big move.

Natasha, with her excellent hacking skills, was mentioned by Klein to the position of Minister of Information, and she could also be said to be a middle-level member in the Tianyan meeting.

But she is actually a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., who is proficient in fighting and disguise.

The process of getting into the middle level of the Tianyan Meeting was very smooth, and it was so smooth that it felt abnormal.

This is also related to Klein's methods. He only recognizes ability, and other complicated backgrounds. He doesn't use it at all. It's nothing more than just waiting for someone to sneak in and destroy it, and just kill the person directly.

Downey's idea was highly respected by Klein, as long as he had enough power in his hands, he could come back at any time, and he would die if he dared to jump.

"Your Excellency Natasha, the leader wants you to go to his office." Someone stopped Natasha, greedily scratched her charming body, and swallowed.

Natashabai took a look at the opponent, grabbed the salted pig's hand that the opponent stretched out, twisted it hard, and then flew up and knocked on the opponent's lower body.

"Thank you." Natasha said charmingly after finishing her red and hot hair.

The poor guy's face was pale, he knelt on the ground in pain, clutching his lower body, and muttered, "It's over, it's broken..."

On the highest floor of the building, security is tight, with a large number of soldiers standing guard in each corridor. These soldiers wore uniform electronic tactical mirrors, and looked indifferent, and their burly bodies did not waver at all.

Natasha twisted her buttocks while walking, her graceful catwalk showed her the greatest charm, and she looked at the soldiers on both sides with amorous eyes, which could not be more provocative.

Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to her and didn't even look at her.

Natasha showed a fleeting jealousy.

This is the first time she has boarded the high-rise building. Intelligence from SHIELD showed that these soldiers are super soldiers, and one person can easily defeat a special squad.

Countless people sneaked into it, wanting to get the technology to make super soldiers, but they didn't get anything, but lost a lot of manpower.

The most core secrets are held by super soldiers and a very small number of high-level officials.

When Natasha reached the door, before she knocked on the door, a voice came out: "Come in."

Inside the room, Downey was sitting at the main seat of the conference table, and Klein was reporting something to him on the opposite side. Behind Downey, Amanda kept walking, watching Natasha vigilantly.

"...Therefore, we have more than 500 super soldiers, and the average investment per person has exceeded one million US dollars, which has greatly affected the scientific and technological research of Tianyanhui."

"New York's underworld leader Jin Bin has been killed by Betty, and most of his power has been taken over by us. Betty this girl grows up very fast." Klein praised.

"Where is she now?" Downey asked.

"I have asked her to return as soon as possible." Klein said, "In addition, we have also recruited a group of fighters, including mutants and ordinary humans with unique skills. According to your request, we will focus on recruiting people from Gotham City. People. Also, a man who claims to be the legitimate heir to Wakanda has found us and wants to use our power to avenge him."

Downey nodded slightly, these are trivial matters. He is already a fourth-level mutant, and many things are no longer troublesome, and he no longer needs to plan carefully as before.

Downey threw a document directly to Natasha, who was listening: "I need you S.H.I.E.L.D. to do me a favor."

Natasha's delicate face did not change at all, she was still so coquettish. She turned her ears to the side, pretending that she did not understand: "What?"

Downey narrowed his eyes and said, "I want the complete Edman alloy technology, which is the manufacturing method of true Edman alloy whose hardness can match the original Edman alloy."

True Edman alloy, which has always been regarded as the top secret of the United States, is a new metal developed after imitating the original Edman alloy to no avail.

The original Edman alloy is doped with vibrating elements, which has both indestructive properties and vibrating properties of absorbing and reflecting energy, which is the shield in the hands of Captain America.

The true Edman alloy can match the original Edman alloy in hardness, and it is indestructible.

"Many countries have mastered the manufacturing technology of secondary Edman alloy. Although it is very hard, it can still be destroyed. I need a harder metal." Downey said.

"In other words, it took you a few months to advance to the fourth-level mutant, right?" Natasha said, "According to our intelligence, you must be at least fourth-level in order to fight against the lower-level Eddy. Man Alloy made changes. Fang could not tell me how you advanced to level 4? And... where did you get the information on True Edman Alloy?"

"Is this part of the transaction?" Downey looked plain and ignored Natasha's seduction.

Natasha began to become serious: "Abandon, I can't take charge of this matter."

She cast a wink at Downey, walked out with a twist, and took out a mobile phone to spread the news.

"A very smart person, just look at things right and negotiate directly instead of denying her identity as a spy." Klein complimented.

Downey was silent, waiting for Natasha's response.

True Edelman alloy technology is the top-secret information of the United States He had never dared to disclose relevant information before, so as not to attract suspicion and hostility, but now, he doesn't care anymore.

Although the true Edman alloy is a bit worse than the original Edman alloy, the hardness is comparable, enough to make Downey covet, even if he steps into the interstellar, it is also surprisingly useful.

Soon, Natasha returned and offered S.H.I.E.L.D.'s conditions: "Super soldier manufacturing technology, Owl Court's intelligence, advanced four-level methods, and the Sky Eye will be merged into S.H.I.E.L.D. Jurisdiction."

"Apart from the Owl Court intelligence, anything else is okay... But even if I agree that Skyeye will be incorporated into S.H.I.E.L.D., are you sure that Fury really dares to take it?" Downey sneered, "Great appetite, be careful. I was crushed to death."

"I'm just a messenger... Then it's Tan Beng?" Natasha's voice was scratchy and hoarse, which made people feel itchy.