Transformers In Marvel Chapter 206: Hunting the Hulk (1)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Learn to treasure your life because unfortunately, it can be taken away from you anytime. – L Lawliet (Death Note)


"How to save it, you won't rush into hell, and get the old Mephisto out?"

Downey shrugged and spread his hands helplessly. Mephisto, who is active on the earth, is just a human body of this great demon's body, and killing it will be of no avail.

But if you want to openly break into the **** universe and do things, the difficulty simply breaks through the atmosphere.

Unless a large number of 7th-level masters are brought together, and then an 8th-level leader and formation are called, otherwise they are sending vegetables to hell. The big demons in **** are not soft persimmons, all of them are sinful. Collectives, killings and extinctions are the daily work of the big demons.

Hell, similar to the Apocalypse, is outside the wall of divine power and will not be constrained by the multiverse. The many constraints and deceitful rules of the Wan Tianyi world are completely useless for hell.

For example, crazily spawning countless universes, and copying countless copies of all good things, this cheating rule is invalid to hell. Of course, if the demons take the initiative to rush into the world of Ten Thousand Heavens, that's another matter.

Gu Yi mage is very powerful, but he wants to go to **** to catch people... Downey shook his head, and I'm afraid there is not even a whole body left.

"There is no need to go to hell, as long as the spirit of revenge is in my hands, Mephisto will take the initiative to come to the door to negotiate. He is reluctant to bear this spirit of revenge." Gu Yi said.

The evil spirit knight was slapped to the ground and looked up at the sky dumbfounded. The place where Gu Yi had beaten him was still in pain.

He made him feel the pain, an unkillable creature! Who is this old woman? Knock him down with a mere slap?

A hurried footstep was remembered from outside the door, and then, the door was roughly kicked open, and the chubby body of the king squeezed in with some effort, shouting: "Damn devil, dare to step into the sacred Taj Kama! The **** on you is disgusting, die...Huh?"

For the first time, Wang focused his attention on the ghost rider with a unique shape and a unique posture. His profound knowledge made him recognize the identity of the skull's head at first glance.

"It's the spirit of revenge? The spirit of revenge that specializes in hunting evil creatures? I always thought this was a legend, but I didn't expect it to exist!" Wang looked surprised.

"...Aren't you guarding the New York Temple?" Downey was speechless.

"I just handed over to Mordor. He guards the New York Temple. I'm back to take over as the librarian." Wang Zhi hooked up and looked at the evil spirit knight. The more he looked at him, the more he liked it, even the flame became in his eyes. Something wonderful.

Max is really confused: "What is the spirit of vengeance, is it famous?"

Wang glanced at Max. When he fought against Casillas that day, he knew Max was Downey's subordinate and explained: "The spirit of vengeance appeared on the ancient earth and was born with the rain of fire from the sky. For a long time, he served as the guardian. There was a great demon named Zatanos who crossed the boundary to take advantage of the vacuum to occupy the earth. The first generation of vengeful spirits fought against death without fear of death. , Successfully repelled Zatanos."

"The battle was very tragic. There were many spirits of revenge in the first generation, but most of them died in the battle against Zatanos. Very few survived. They protected primitive humans. So in theory The above said, we can stand here now, thanks to the sacrifices of the spirits of vengeance, but unfortunately there are too few people who know this history."

Max thoughtfully, watched the Ghost Rider fall into silence.

Twenty thousand years ago, the eternal fled to the interstellar, the anomalous were exterminated, the fierce changes in the Big 6 plate, the frequent eruption of volcanoes, and the alarming frequency of earthquake explosions once plunged humans into despair at that time. The earth can be said to have lost its guardian power. Become an undefended planet.

The first generation of revenge spirits who were born with the rain of fire has made up for the position of guardian when the earth is most critical and fragile.

Although most of the spirits of revenge are extreme and will kill the guilty without mercy, this must not obliterate their merits.

"Wicked man, look at my eyes..." The evil spirit knight stubbornly got up from the ground, the flame on his head flickered, and the eye of judgment was about to activate.


Before he finished speaking, Gu Yi slapped again, completely knocking the spirit of vengeance back, and the evil spirit knight became Johnny again.

The most frightening thing is that Gu Yi's face always has a gentle smile, which gives people a creepy feeling.

Gu Yi's smile.

"It turned out to be a new spirit of revenge..." Wang took a step back with some fear. The spirit of revenge of the rookie is the kind of unlucky thing that judges if you don't agree with it. If you don't know who is wrong, you will be killed in a second. Up.

The Wang asked, "Where did you find this guy? It seems that he was born not long ago, and he dared to act as a selfless guardian like the Supreme Master. This is only a rookie."

"It's a long story. Max came across by accident and brought him back." Downey vaguely said, giving Gu a look without a trace.

To start with the Gu Yi mage, let alone the rookie vengeful spirit is a mature vengeful spirit coming, I am afraid that Gu Yi will be regarded as a heinous villain.

To continue his life, the ancient master drew too much power from the dark dimension, and he could no longer turn his head back. In the eyes of the vengeful spirit, this was the unforgivable forgiveness, and it was iron proof of the close relationship with the dark world.

The spirit of vengeance doesn't care about the point of guarding the earth, just roll up your sleeves and do it.

Of course, Wang didn't know this. He simply believed that the spirit of vengeance attacked the Supreme Master because the Supreme Master killed too many people in the process of protecting the earth and was wronged and turned into an executioner.

Mage Gu Yi said, "I'll take this young guy away first. If you put it directly next to you, you will also be very troublesome."

"Yes." Downey helped up the motorcycle and threw it to the king. "I'm not confident that I can block this guy's eyes of judgment. If I was killed by such a stunned man who was so full of punishment and goodness. , Then die unjustly."

He still has one thing to do. If he can join forces with the Ghost Rider, it is most appropriate. Unfortunately, when he really wants to do it, the Ghost Rider is the first to stab him in the back.

It would be better to throw it to the Supreme Master for training.

If this stunned spirit of revenge is not beaten like a son, Downey is willing to write his name upside down.

Gu Yi and the king left with the unconscious Johnny. Before leaving, Gu Yi gave Downey a deep look, which was very meaningful and made Downey feel inexplicable.

After the people walked away, Downey said to Max: "We return to New York. I will create a group of special soldiers to hunt a beast. At the same time, I will send Betty over and let her make her own choice... is still our family. A member of is still our enemy!"

"What if you are against us?" Max asked.

"Then she will no longer be one of ours. This is her choice. At least I have fully respected her..." Downey said in a deep voice, "I will kill you directly and eradicate future troubles!"