Transformers In Marvel Chapter 205: mmp*two

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


. No amount of talent trumps hard work. – Rin Matsuoka (Free!)


The spirit of vengeance is extremely sensitive to the undead, able to perceive the sins of human beings with a peculiar ability and to judge people whose sins reach a certain level.

To put it bluntly, it means to kill people directly.

According to the concept of the evil spirit knight, Downey's sin is like the only light in the dark, shining brightly, and has a fatal attraction to the evil spirit knight.

The spirit of vengeance in Johnny's body was already ready to move, and he couldn't wait to incarnate as a ghost knight and put Downey on a criminal trial.

The ghost knew how many people or vampires Downey had killed, even he himself couldn't tell.

"Johnny, hold on, don't let the stupid stuff in your body suppress you..." Downey rubbed his forehead. A ghost rider who can't control himself properly is really troublesome and will cause a lot of trouble.

This is a double-edged sword. If you use it well, you can easily overwhelm a powerful enemy. If you use it, you can be sure that you will be brought down by the evil spirit knight before you hurt someone.

The eye of judgment, staring at who is dead, is simply terrifying.

This is no longer a problem that ordinary magic can solve but involves the realm of souls. Downey's research on the soul realm can only barely be said to be an introductory one, and he was joking about how deep he wanted to go.

"Hahahaha..." Johnny smiled strangely, and flames began to burn intermittently on his face, some of his skin gradually fell off, and a hot sensation rose from Johnny's body.

"Max, as soon as he completes the change, he will immediately bring down this guy... The new spirit of revenge is a creature with a skewer, and everyone looks like a villain." Downey said.

The little tyrannical dragon flaunted his might and roared immaturely at Johnny.

The spirit of vengeance finally appeared. He suppressed Johnny's soul, seized control of the body, and became a ghost rider. The burning skull head looked at Downey, wondering if it was an illusion, Downey felt a greedy mood. .

"Evil man, you are guilty!" The evil spirit knight held up the iron chain that he had pulled out of nowhere, with a sense of sacred ritual.

The lingering and rich crime in Downey surpassed the sum of all the people he tried. This made the young vengeful spirit extremely excited, excited, and his sense of justice made him want to punish evil and promote good, and judge Downey's crimes.

Max made a cold face and raised his hand to knock the spirit of vengeance back, but was suddenly stopped by Downey.

"Sir?" Max was puzzled.

"We don't need to take action, someone will teach him to be a man..." Downey squinted at the extremely excited Ghost Rider.

The spirit of vengeance was used by the forces of **** for some reason and became a tool for trading with humans on Earth.

As I said before, in the **** universe, there is a weird guy who crawled into the earth trivially and coaxed mankind to sign a contract. That guy was Mephisto, who was also a seventh-level existence.

The reason why Blast Johnny can get the spirit of revenge is that he made a deal with Mephisto when he was a child, and wanted to save his terminally ill father-Mephisto did it, but immediately after Johnny's father He killed his father in a car show game that he performed in person, in an unexpected way like falling to his death.

Mephisto deceived Johnny with despicable means and stuffed a sleeping spirit of vengeance into Johnny's body through a contract.

Mephisto wants to create a ghost rider and become his loyal lackey. It doesn't matter whether the ghost rider is willing or not, everything is determined in the form of a contract.

The contract that affects the soul must be executed unless the ghost knight can retake the contract that was signed by Mephisto.

It is ridiculous to say that the evil spirit knight, who takes the cleansing of evil as his life's mission, has to become the most loyal lackey in the hands of the evil devil.

As a Gu Yi mage who had fought with the forces of **** more than once or twice, he felt the breath of **** and naturally rushed there as soon as possible.

A portal slowly opened, and a white-clothed Gu was spotless, walked out of the door slowly, and unexpectedly looked at the evil spirit knight who had just completed the transformation.

"Vengeful spirit...have not seen them on Earth for many years." Gu Yi said gently, with a rare expression of surprise.

Guarding the earth for thousands of years, an ancient pair of creatures like spirits of revenge will naturally not be ignorant, but in recent years, these peculiar creatures have almost disappeared on the earth.

This world is getting more and more chaotic. It is of course very pleasing to see the birth of a new spirit of vengeance and becoming another guardian force of the earth.

Gu Yi has surprise, and the evil spirit rider is even more surprised.

Others can't see much, but in the perception of the evil spirit knight, the ancient wizard is guilty from the inside out, and the dark power that ordinary people can't detect is more attractive than a hundred Downeys!

The fundamental reason that Gu Yi Mage can live so long is that he is secretly drawing the power of his mortal enemy Domam. The dark power of erosion and sin from the dark dimension has been closely integrated into the body of Gu Yi Mage.

This is the wicked one who came here!

The ghost rider was so excited that he almost jumped up and screamed! For the first time, this was the first time he saw such a wicked person! That rich dark power is like the most delicious food, making his sense of mission bursting with goosebumps!

"You, guilty!"

The evil spirit knight stretched out the skeleton index finger, and pointed domineeringly at the supreme mage, trembling with excitement, and screaming as he took out the iron chain and rushed forward.

The new spirit of revenge frantically declared war on the Supreme Master!

"You villain, accept the judgment of fate!"

The evil spirit knight roared vowedly, with a tall, burly, flame-burning body, looking condescendingly at some small Gu Yi, domineering.

"This stupid x is dead," Downey explained to the dazed Max.

There is nothing wrong with the new spirit of revenge. EQ is so low, which is really good and saves trouble. After he has been educated by Gu Yi more than a few times and his EQ rises, he will know how to behave.

The common problem of a rookie is that it is impossible to understand some things that simply high IQ cannot understand without being cleaned up by others because of lack of experience.

Gu Yi smiled gently, as if she didn't have a bad let alone anger. She walked over and looked gently at the new, energetic and energetic spirit of revenge. The more she looked, the more she smiled.

Snapped! With a crisp sound, the supreme mage slapped up like a son.

The evil knight knelt at that time.

This slap added terrible magic power, and the Supreme Mage Gu Yi, an undead creature that is immune to physical attacks like the Vengeful Spirit, is simply his natural nemesis.

On the earth, how many dare to compare magical powers with the ancient masters?

"Well done, Downey, you brought a lively spirit of revenge, but this little guy is now Mephisto's slave, and it will take a lot of hands and feet to rescue him." Gu Yi did not. Praised singly.