Transformers In Marvel Chapter 204: Plan

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Don't start a fight if you can't end it. – Sanji (One Piece)


   Downey sat in Kama Taj's room, silent. Around him, a magic portal was opening, and the majestic fire energy particles followed the portal to the Indian subcontinent.

A surprising number of small machines were activated, various watches, mobile phones, flashlights and other items were quietly activated and then slipped away quietly when their owners were not paying attention. There are these small things in all remote corners. Active figure.

   "Hey, good luck, I found a mobile phone!"

  Similar sounds of surprises appear from time to time in the Indian subcontinent, but it won't take long for these "lucky ones" to find out with frustration that the mobile phone they picked up seems to have been stolen and disappears suddenly, so they can only curse, which is naturally unlucky.

Downey, after entering Level 4, he searched for something in this way for the first time. He used the entire Indian subcontinent as his observation site, and activated millions of small Transformers, looking for something damned.

At level four, even if it's a newcomer to level four, he already has some certainty. Although he is a little hasty, he can't wait that long. He has waited long enough, so long that he wakes up from a nightmare more than once, almost mad. .

   Not surprisingly, the person he was looking for was in the Indian subcontinent, like a natural and harmless civilian, mixing in as a beast and a monster to become a member.

   This is a very ridiculous thing, a monster that has slaughtered countless civilians, but strives to become a member of the civilians.

"I know you are innocent, but the thing in your body is the most **** thing... I know that you wanted to stop the hatred that night, but unfortunately, no matter what the process is, the result is the last thing I want to see, I Lost everything, and got everything."

"You damn, no matter what, you deserve to die. The process can be deceiving, but the result will not be. What's more, I don't believe that the naive beast will attack and hate from the ridiculous angle of protection. He is fighting And the desire for destruction drove him to face hatred..."

   "I lost the thing that I cherish the most, but got the thing that killed you."

   Tyrannosaurus Rex was still alive and well, biting the leg of the table with one bite. The huge power allowed him to shake the table easily, throwing all the tea cups and other items on the ground.

   Downey is like a sculpture, meditating, hating, and hideous.

   The tightrope felt something, and suddenly stopped, called out, and ran into Downey's arms, just like before.

   Numerous conspicuous electric currents wandered around the Himalayas. Downey's fire energy particles noticed him. Downey stretched out his hand and turned around. A portal appeared from small to large, directly connecting somewhere in the Himalayas.

   Goose feathers and heavy snow and biting cold wind blow in, and the low temperature of tens of degrees below zero is enough to freeze ordinary people without warmth.

   But for Downey, it was natural to ignore this low temperature. As a silicon-based life, the Tyrannosaurus rex didn't care at all.

   Max whizzed in, clutching a human covered in ice and snow in his hand, and holding a motorcycle in his hand, storming in, staring at the portal in amazement.

   "Sir, is this the land bridge technology you used to talk about? It was researched so quickly?" Max exclaimed.

   "...No, it's almost. Anyway, a lot of things happened during this period...Who is this guy in your hand?"

Max casually threw him on the ground and said: "It's a weird guy who can turn into a skull on fire. I originally thought he was invaded by some creature, but after careful inspection, I found that something was wrong. The skeleton and The human bioelectric field cannot be separated."

   Skull and crossbones, motorcycle...

   Downey thoughtfully, Max actually tied the Ghost Rider over, which surprised him very much.

   "How did you escape his judgment eye?" Downey asked.

   Since Max knew his evil spirit state, the two had naturally dealt with each other. He didn't think Max, who was murderous, would be let go by the evil spirit of revenge.

"Eye of Judgment? Oh, he did glare at me, as if he was still looking at my memory, but it was of no use to me. When I got angry, it disrupted his internal balance and released the human personality." Max replied somewhat obediently.

   Downey laughed blankly.

   The Eye of Judgment is a powerful ability, even if it is a god, it can be hit. But there is a category of people who are absolutely immune to the eye of judgment, that is, people who have a clear conscience about their "guilt", and they don't even think it is a so-called sin at all.

  For example, Thanos can completely ignore the judgment of the Eye of Judgment, and in the Eye of Judgment, he can face his countless crimes with appreciation and admiration.

   I didn't expect Max to be this kind of person. He regarded many things as honors and didn't feel guilty at all. This was what Downey expected.

"Good job, Max!" Downey patted Max on the shoulder, praised them, and then pointed to the guy on the ground who had been frozen into an iceman and said, "Just wake up this guy and do it boldly, he is determined I can't die. If I die, it's not the person I know."

   It was daytime, and the spirit of vengeance would not appear during the day, otherwise, Downey would have to run away. The **** Judgment Eye was too unreasonable, and he didn't have any confidence to resist it.

   The electric man was very rough, and a hot electric current blasted out to melt the ice and snow, and he gave him a hairstyle.

   Johnny screamed and jumped up suddenly.

   This is a very handsome young man. His angular face is mixed with unconcealable exhaustion. The pierced eyebrows show a kind of stiffness. The towering bridge of the nose and the weather-beaten eyes add a bit sharper.

"Breaking Johnny, I know you, a well-known racing driver who broke many Guinness records and is a rising star in the racing world." Downey sat in a chair, folded his hands, and looked at him quietly. This guy.

   The modern ghost rider is too valuable, it is worthy of Downey's gamble, although it is dangerous.

   "Where is this? Wait... Damn, the breath on you, the guy in my head is getting restless again, you go, get out of here..."

   Johnny first saw Downey, and he clutched his head in pain. The inspiration for revenge in his body was traced by the undead on Downey, and he became restless and wanted to rush out to judge the wicked.

   Ghost Rider usually appears at night, but it does not mean that he will never appear during the day.

   "Hold it, Johnny, you control him, you can't let him control you!" Downey frowned, and the Transformers outside the house were on guard and could rush in at any time.

   "I can't...damn..." Johnny wailed, his resistance weakened.