Transformers In Marvel Chapter 244: What is demeanor? Can you eat it?

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"If You're Nothing Without The Suit, Then You Shouldn't Have It."

tony stark, Spider-Man: Homecoming (ironic)


In the New York area, the Brotherhood succeeded in attracting everyone's attention.

After the various super-powerful mutants showed their faces, it was not unexpected that some organizations were on the verge of an enemy, mobilizing limited manpower and preparing to resist.

But soon, the brotherhood members who were doing things disappeared without a trace. A group of wizards who jumped out of the sparks contacted them. They didn't know what order Magneto had issued. The members of the Brotherhood entered one after another. In the spark.

Under the gaze of the crowd, countless people were dumbfounded and stunned.

X-Men, Brotherhood, Kama Taj, Sky Eye Club, Spear Bureau, Diana...

He contacted all the people that Downey could contact directly or indirectly and joined the war to conquer the dark dimension one after another.

Just in this **** border, more and more people began to gather, there are strange-looking mutants, there are serious mages, and there are fully armed super-powered warriors.

"Why don't you contact the three major reclusive forces directly? It would be better for them to send an army of formations." Diana asked suspiciously.

"Because we need them as the last line of defense for the earth, lest we fail and let the earth lose all its guarding power. In fact, they have done so for a long time in the past."

The director of the Spear Bureau, Zheng Xian, is a person who always has a smile on his face, but compared to Gu Yi's gentleness, the smile on his face is more biased towards the disguise of a politician.

This was the first time he appeared on this kind of occasion, and the matter was of great importance. He, the director, simply came in person, and even directly opened the headquarters of the Spear Bureau, the giant toroidal aerostat.

Downey said in a deep voice, "That's right, this move is a risk. If it succeeds, we can remove the tumor from the earth at one time. If it fails, at least we won't get the earth in."

Many people are silent.

Among them, most of them actually have doubts about something like "Domam" that they have never heard of. Is there really a super monster in this world that can swallow the planet?

Some of them came from Donnela, such as the X-Men, and some came after the ancient wizard, such as the Spear Bureau and the upcoming wizard Shazam.

Only when they saw Domam, would they completely let go of their doubts, but when the time came, it was time too desperately.

"But don't worry, we are not fighting alone, there are unexpected reinforcements just around the corner." As he said, a look of expectation appeared on Downey's face.

He urged Gu Yi to seek help from that force in the universe. According to his understanding, the other party would not refuse but would join in enthusiastically to help encircle Domam.

After chatting with everyone, Downey took a few tall Transformers, such as Optimus Prime, Megatron, Giant Ferocity, and Wire Rope, directly to the front of the team, observing the engraved Magic Array in silence. Gu Yi and Modu et al.

He took a deep look at Gu Yi's back.

Gu Yi mage did not react at all and was still casting spells at an astonishing speed, constructing the most stable teleportation array at the weakest place on the border of **** and the dark dimension.

However, Mordo reacted, and when he looked back at Downey, he glared at him severely.

In that conversation, Mordor was also an insider, and he knew Downey's ambitions. Since Master Gu Yi agreed, he certainly wouldn't have any opinions.

There are still many things to consider.

Mordor is not clear, but Downey is clear.

Gu Yi can live to the present, relying on secretly absorbing the dark power of the dark dimension to forcibly extend her life, but Gu Yi said that as long as Downey can stay on the earth, she will kill Domam for Downey.

It is very difficult to kill Domam even if there are a large group of helpers, even if it is the ancient one, it will have to pay a painful price.

Wouldn't it be better for Gu Yi to take the Dark Dimension to kill Domam? Why bother to risk it to Downey? Unless she kills Downey decisively in case Downey becomes black, and then calmly accepts the idea of ​​the dark dimension.

If Downey can succeed, there will be another seven-level guardian on the earth, the kind that is difficult to be killed by relying on one dimension.

Thinking about it, Downey shook his head. He really couldn't guess what Gu Yi thought. He wanted the position of the Supreme Master, he wanted the Dark Dimension, and he wanted to build his own planet of Cybertron anyway. This was his original intention.

"The big deal, I just built Cybertron in the dark dimension, or turned the solar system into nine planets?" Downey thought.

With the Dark Dimension, advance and retreat can be defended. As long as he patiently absorbs the core power of the Dark Dimension, he develops for a few years or more than ten years, and it is logical to become a seventh level.

With the blessing of a powerful dimensional force, it is impossible to reach the seventh level, which is a bit unreasonable.

One step to the sky.

Thinking about this, someone behind him suddenly slapped him.

The body suddenly tightened, and the explosive power contained in the muscles volatilized part of it unnaturally. The moment the palm of the hand touched Downey's shoulder, the force of the counter-shock popped out. Although not large, it was enough to make the ordinary person who is not very strong People fall down.

Many people heard the voice and looked over, and they were busy with their affairs immediately.

The unceasing little girl ran to chat about Downey again but suffered a loss.

"What did you eat?" Wanda rubbed his wrists and sat on the ground with a fierce face and a bad expression like a tiger.

"Why are you still here? Hurry back." Downey frowned slightly, and said unceremoniously, "Your strength is too bad, your brother is better than your life-saving means."

The chaotic magic power of the Scarlet Witch has not yet been developed. Chaos magic is Wanda's variant ability, which is very magical. This chaotic magic is somewhat similar to reality gems, one of the six major gems, and can modify reality, such as turning weapons into sticks, turning food into stones, and unreasonably distorting reality.

It is very difficult, very difficult for Wanda to participate in this degree of war, and the possibility of death is very high.

"No need, I have Liana to protect me!" Seeing that Downey didn't mean to pull her up, Wanda suddenly felt bad for her. I don't know why, she always couldn't please her when facing Downey. Because this **** has no gentlemanly demeanor.

Wanda ground his steel teeth and gritted his teeth, and his teeth were itchy: "Are you so innocent? Treat a lady so rudely?"

"What is demeanor, can you eat it?" Downey looked indifferent and pointed his finger over there, his nose and face were swollen and fast.

At this time, the middle and second-year young man, with messy hair, nosebleeds in his nose, and tattered clothes, was a refugee, attracting people's attention.

Among them, Kuaiyin's old acquaintance Sabre even ridiculed and sarcastically.

"It wasn't you who did it!!!" Kuaiyin was furious in an instant, and roared at Downey, and also secretly glanced at Magneto, who was also over there with a swollen face.

Oh, Magneto's injury was beaten by Diana.