Transformers In Marvel Chapter 245: Downey's endless legion!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Just Because Someone Stumbles And Loses Their Path, Doesn't Mean They're Lost Forever."

X-Men: Days Of Future Past


"It's okay, you cheated on me, and I cheated on you too." Downey smiled and pointed to the dense top of his head, "I always remember how you cheated Lao Tzu that day."

That time, Downey was shaved bald and it was horrible.

Kuaiyin froze at that time and yelled "Be careful."

Downey comforted and grabbed the little witch who wanted to leave, her arm like a steel bar so that she couldn't break free.

Angrily Wanda widened his eyes: "You guy..."

"Mystery, that is Liana, how is she like this? The people familiar with him here, except for Glyx, are you who are also naturally proficient in magic." Downey asked in a low voice, with a serious expression on his face.

Should I say that the two people are close to each other? On the normal timeline, after ruling the border of hell, the secret guest finally found a way to leave here, then went to the earth, found the Warrior, and joined the X-Men to fight against the darkness Lord Domam.

So it stands to reason that Queen Liana and Wanda, who are also born with a strong sensitivity to magic, are very, very close to each other.

Maybe it's the reason why they all have the magic x gene.

"She's very nice, and how do you know her nickname is Mystery, she obviously just picked it up for herself." Wanda was a little suspicious, and then suddenly realized that she pointed at Downey and screamed, "You eavesdrop on us! You rascal!"

Downey's eyelids twitched wildly, looking at the melon-eating crowd who was pointing at him with a dark face, and Lao Wan's sullen and cold gaze.

In other words, Lao Wan was forcibly insulted by him, and in front of people all over the world, Diana, who was brought by him, gave him a beating, and the account has not yet been settled.

Professor x was sitting in a wheelchair, surrounded by Jin, Auroro, Wolverine, and others around him, watching Magneto and the members of the Brotherhood guardingly.

Many are old acquaintances.

For example, Victor, the saber-toothed tiger, who was constantly grinning at Wolverine-at this time, Logan had lost his memory because he was hit in the head by Colonel Stryker's Edman alloy bullet, although he felt that Victor It's a bit familiar, but I can't remember who the other party is.

"Do we know each other?" Logan was puzzled.

The saber-toothed tiger stretched out his palms with long nails, with a dangerous smile: "No, no, we don't know each other. When we first met, I was Victor."

Wolverine frowned: "My name is Logan."

Saber-toothed tiger and Wolverine, this pair of brothers who had fallen in love and killed each other for more than a hundred years, met again in this way in this **** border.

Professor x is also in touch with Magneto: "Eric, is this your new look?"

There was a huge teasing in the professor's tone. Decades ago, when the two of them joined forces for the benefit of mutants, he always joked with Magneto.

"Shut up, Charles, your mouth is still so annoying." Magneto was in a bad mood and yelled at Professor X.

There was a trace of nostalgia deep in his eyes.

How long have they not teased like this? It's been too long, so long that he himself has forgotten.

"Do you really believe Downey's rhetoric?" Magneto asked.

"At least he has no reason to lie to me. Didn't you see it too? The figure in front is the Most Holy Venerable from the mysterious world." Professor X turned in the direction of the wheelchair and pointed to the small figure in front of him.

Whether he or Magneto, every time I look at this figure, there is always a suffocating sense of sight.

This is not an illusion, but a crisis warning that really comes from the sixth sense. It is an absolute crush on the life level.

This time, Gu Yi did not restrain her aura. Every time she drives magic, there will be huge energy roaring like the sea in violent anger, like the ocean in a storm, the terrible power of destroying the world, enough to make everyone here People are trembling.

Here, apart from the magic army of Downey and Kama Taj, the one who knows the most about Gu Yi is the Spear Game.

Because they have been neighbors for thousands of years, especially those who have excavated some of the words left by the immortals who left the earth, coupled with the occasional faintly circulated legends on the Kunlun Mountains, they don't understand this one on the Himalayas. Detailed, but at least maintaining basic respect.

This time, it was the first official meeting.

Downey slowly adjusted his condition to the best condition, then stood up and made a gesture to the king. Then, the king used the teleportation array that had been portrayed and opened a giant according to Downey's discussion with him in advance. Portal.

The deafening voice suddenly remembered that at the end of the giant portal, the boundless and numb horror mechanical army stunned in number stepped neatly, and quickly rushed through the portal into the border of hell.

"This number is too exaggerated..." Someone murmured, his eyes dull.

He is not the only one who is stupid, everyone is stupid.

In the 100-meter-high portal, countless Transformers glittering with terrifying metallic luster flocked to They moved at an astonishing degree. After entering this space, they immediately found their positions and arranged them neatly.

Throughout the portal, there is a steady stream of overwhelming legions, and it is simply a bottomless pit. The most shocking and shocking thing is that such a terrifying and terrifying number is actually the same as the robots set in advance, orderly and densely arranged.

When the quantity and order are closely combined, the scene as cold and orderly as the program is really shocking.

The heavy pace, the light revealed in the silent electronic eyes, told the people the terrible horror of this terrorist army. As long as Downey moves his mind, these legions will instantly become the most terrifying killing legions, sweeping away all enemies in front of him!

The number is terrible!

Like a sea of ​​steel covering the world!

More like an endless army of annihilating the universe!

"This is your war corps?" Wanda was the closest to Downey. She grew her mouth, her two attractive red lips slightly opened, and murmured, "This number is too scary. How much have you prepared? what...?"

Downey was floating in the air, under his feet, countless fire energy particles were moving high, giving him the ability to fly. He precisely controls every tiny move of every Transformer, and his entire brain is running high.

Floating high in the air, with his arms outstretched, he looked like a god. Under his feet, an endless army of steel with terrifying cold light poured out. The ferocious weapons carried by the steel soldiers made people shudder.

"How many?"

Listening to Wanda's words, Downey didn't care and replied casually: "This is just a vanguard. I haven't counted the specific number. There is only a rough figure, maybe..."

"Thirty million!"